Sentences with phrase «right after college graduation»

Right after college graduation Chris began his career managing a toxicology lab for Quest Diagnostics and after 9 years moved into medical sales.
When I started working in LAUSD, right after my college graduation, I was excited to help the next generation of kids from my neighborhood.
Right after my college graduation, I moved to New York for a job as the front desk girl at a gallery in mid-town Manhattan.

Not exact matches

In the worst case, you could be forced to drop out of college to take a job to pay your debt, or to take a job right after graduation instead of going to graduate school — both of which are likely to be bad financial decisions in the long run.
Some people still marry their high school sweethearts, but most people today don't get married until later in life, such as in college or right after graduation.
After graduation, each student chooses the path that is right for him: college, technical training, or starting a career.
«The Collaborative's efforts will provide evidence to inform policies that will help prepare all students for bright futures, whether that means college, technical training, apprenticeships or jobs right after graduation,» said Neal Hegarty, the Mott Foundation's vice president of programs.
«The videos make the Collaborative's mission clear: To reexamine how we finance our schools so each and every one of our students is prepared for the 21st century workforce, whether that means college, apprenticeships, technical training or jobs right after graduation
If you know that you have to move right after graduation to obtain a job in your field, weigh the pros and cons of staying or moving to that specific location for college.
I really think there needs to be more financial education in high school and college to help people reduce the chances of making bad financial choices, including taking out excessive student loans with the idea they'll get a job right after graduation.
For most Americans, college comes right after high school, and any long - term travel is put off until after graduation — a bad idea according to recent studies.
My brother is graduating from college in December, and as a graduation present, I decided to take the family to Hong Kong and Singapore right after he wraps up his last final.
Assumption 1: This college student has chosen to work right after graduating as opposed to taking some time to travel, a hiatus between school and his or her next degree or beginning his or her job hunt after graduation.
While some lucky college students find work right away, for most others, the idea of hitting the job market after graduation is a little intimidating if not downright scary.
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