Sentences with phrase «right and wrong answers»

I really enjoyed the quizzes, because you could see the right and wrong answers on all of the questions after you completed them.
There are no right and wrong answers.
It's not that there are right and wrong answers — the best responses are always the honest ones — but you should take some time to get your thoughts and words together before the interview.
A pre-employment personality assessment serves as a tool to help find the person who fulfills the criteria of a specific position; clearly, then, that there are actually right and wrong answers associated to specific positions.
These are usually multiple - choice questionnaires, with a definite right and wrong answers, and your work is timed.
True, while there are no right and wrong answers, the tests are designed to measure your creativity, honesty, ethics and overall personality.
Therefore, there are right and wrong answers associated with specific positions.
Many of today's legal emails have right and wrong answers.
Many KM projects are ways to improve access to explicit information in the form of written documents, which have the biggest payoff when there are high costs to recreating the information contained in them or where there are clearly right and wrong answers and the risks associated with imperfect answers are high.
I don't think there are universally right and wrong answers when it comes to leverage in retirement.
These scores are not integers because in the IRT calculation the probability of a correct item is given, instead of simply just counting right and wrong answers.
Adaptive, individualized instruction based on student response, level of comprehension, strategies and right and wrong answers
In general, there are a few strategies teachers can use to respond to both right and wrong answers:
At Oxbow, there are no right and wrong answers, no good and bad artists.
And I think there's almost a contradiction in that because what was chosen to be put in the curriculum was chosen because it's the sort of stuff that is best tested by right and wrong answers.
There is a time for right and wrong answers.
They're not being tested on right and wrong answers featured in a book.
In a world where students are often still assessed based on their right and wrong answers, I wonder: how are teachers meeting the challenge of communicating other critically important academic values to developing thinkers?
The Salvi and Kounios experiments involved puzzles with clear right and wrong answers.
No previous relevant academic background is required and there are no right and wrong answers.
There are right and wrong answers, we just need to find them.
In the same vein, some interviewers may be a little bit too focused on what a candidate's answers are, with right and wrong answers preloaded in their brains and notepads.
There's isn't a universal «right» or «wrong» answer about; there's just a right and wrong answer for ourselves.
There is not, after all, a right and a wrong answer to any of them.
For example, the difference between the right and wrong answer to a specific problem you are asked to solve may lie in whether or not you ask the right questions.

Not exact matches

And yet, there is no right or wrong answer here about being respected or loved.
«This result showed that when the students had lots of connections to peers they could recognise where they had given a wrong answer and swap it for the right one.»
«I pray every day that God will put all the right things, all the right people and the right projects in my life and to take all the wrong things and the wrong people out, and I really pray and believe that he does so I have to swallow my pride and take those things as answers,» she added.
There are no right or wrong answers to these choices; again, this all depends on who your target audience is and how you want to differentiate yourself.
There are no right or wrong answers and in this chapter we'll guide you through the steps necessary to create your personal vision.
And that's the thing with money — there often isn't a right or wrong answer.
Ally Spotts writes about why our generation asks the wrong questions about sex, and how we can find the right answers.
They have the answers... its right there in black and white in their bibles in the only anointed translation and if you can't read and know you're wrong they are going to tell you.
It is better to be proven wrong and change to the right answer than to live a life living in error.
The easy answer is humanity... society has learned right and wrong from the ground up.
What intrigues me is that you were so positive you had all the right answers then (traditional Baptist theology) and anyone who questioned them was wrong.
They avoid answering my questions directly and instead turn the tables, posing litmus - test - type questions and then telling me whether I got them right or wrong.
Jeremy Myers, i think you are wrong and David is right, so many out there are preaching you can live any way you want and be right that Grace covers any sin, they really believe that, that is not what the bible says, God was very concerned about sin so much he sent Jesus his son to die on a cross for us, if we accept Jesus as our savor then we are to obey his commandments, not break them, we are to live a righteous and holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates sin,
Morality isn't just about WHAT is right and wrong... it is also about WHY it is right and wrong and «because I said so» does not answer that issue.
You raised some genetic doubts about that process and I can't answer that (so far) as I don't have the knowledge, so I don't know if they are right or wrong.
I'm guessing the easy answer for you would be to say the bible is right and I am on the wrong path?
This is a complex and not easily definable issue and anyone with «easy» answers in my view is not admitting the fallen and terrible condition of mankind in general and that as much as we would attempt to make categorical statements as to «all war is wrong» or «war is the right soultion» we are making statements that just cant stand up to either biblical exegesis or the reality of the world we live in.
The sailors on board the ship reveal a better understanding of God, and life, and justice, and right and wrong than Jonah reveals in his answers.
The seven - year - old child climbs right in somehow and curls up in a ball and doesn't answer when I ask what's wrong.
I don't judge people — I will call into question ideas and theologies — but I will not call into question a certain person (unless he has broken the law and needs to answer for that — or has wronged someone and needs to make that right — to that person).
Even if we can not know the answer to all of society's ills, even if we can not pretend to know how to solve the problems of crime and drugs and inflation and poverty, we can still proclaim that it is obviously and unquestionably a moral wrong to maintain a penal system based on vengeance instead of rehabilitation; to allow human rights violations to go unchallenged (on either side of the iron curtain); to waste vast quantities of food and resources while others are malnourished and sick and poor; or to allow so many children in our own midst to go through childhood unwanted and unloved and even abused.
But it seems that we have often gone one step further: we justify our own confusion by being suspicious of any certainty, and we interpret the lack of easy answers to mean that any answer is as good as another, that we can not be sure about right and wrong.
I often find «Christian Dramas» cheesey but not this one for some reason — I've watched it 4 or 5 times and I cry every time — as far as how you interpret what Jesus should or should not being doing during this presentation that is up to the artist who created the work — there is no right or wrong answer here.
you just debate... right or wrong doesn't matter to you, and you sarcastically explain away answers given.
The confusion for me, again even as a little kid (ages 9 - 11 particularly, at a time when I was quite the believer even), was that all the other religions pretty much said the same thing... prayers answered, miracle cures, and with the same back up, that «unanswered» prayers were either an answer, «no» or «not yet»... OR... the person asking didn't have the right heart, or didn't ask for the right thing, or asked the wrong way, etc..
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