Sentences with phrase «right application of these principles»

This is no surprise, as the right application of these principles can make a business 10x more productive.

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The cosmopolitan envisions the direct application of moral principles on a global scale, and regards the nation - state as an impediment to human rights and global justice.
I have pursued an outline of formative human rights in order to argue programmatically that a moral and political theory backed by neoclassical metaphysics may be understood to prescribe the universal principle of communicative respect as an indirect application of a comprehensive telos.
What's more, nature rights are unnecessary if we recognize our solemn duty to properly manage the environment through well - crafted use - management techniques and the application of conservation principles.
Thus, while there are legitimate and important questions to be asked about which body of law applies in the area of counter-terrorism, U.S. lawyers are likely to continue to contest the application of human rights principles to what they contend is a «war context.»
Members interested in this area of work aim to raise the visibility of human rights principles as part of the practice of science and its applications, linking ethics codes that guide the scientific, engineering and health communities to human rights principles.
Texas, USA About Blog I am a thirty - something wife and stepmom of two, for over ten years now.If you love Biblical principles sprinkled with practical application, personal stories, and a little bit of humor, you will feel right at home here!
The FFTNW reserves the right to protect the integrity of the group by conducting a detailed review of each application to ensure it is in line with our group's mission, principle values and ethics.
Texas, USA About Blog I am a thirty - something wife and stepmom of two, for over ten years now.If you love Biblical principles sprinkled with practical application, personal stories, and a little bit of humor, you will feel right at home here!
Partner Jurisdictions should recognize and respect the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in their REDD + programs, including application of the principle of free, prior, and informed consent based on the culturally - appropriate decision making process of affected communities, as elaborated under global best practice safeguards standards such as REDD + SES.
This new Protocol, which has been referred to as the «Protocol of the dialogue» by Dean Spielmann, the President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), creates the possibility for supreme courts of the Contracting States to the Convention to request an advisory opinion from the ECtHR on «questions of principle relating to the interpretation or application of the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention or the protocols thereto»Rights (ECtHR), creates the possibility for supreme courts of the Contracting States to the Convention to request an advisory opinion from the ECtHR on «questions of principle relating to the interpretation or application of the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention or the protocols thereto»rights and freedoms defined in the Convention or the protocols thereto» [1].
(Drafting an application to the European Court of Human Rights examining the administrative and judicial arrangements in the United Kingdom for dealing with errors in the allocation of judges to the specialist work areas of the High Court of Justice and the extent to which the UK's purported solution [the «de facto judge principle»] violates Article 6 of the ECHR and Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2000)-RRB-.
These benefits include a structured procedure to determine legal rights; access to and the application of established precedents, a rich and sometimes codified body of principles to determine what evidence... [more]
The second sentence of Article 51 (1) which imposes the obligations of «respecting» rights, while «observing» and «promoting the application of» principles in accordance with the respective powers also addresses primarily the separation of competences between the Union and its Member States and the different duties imposed by rights and principles and not the relevance of fundamental rights in private relations (para 32).
(i) where there is a breach of a right afforded under EU law, article 47 of the Charter is engaged; (ii) the right to an effective remedy for breach of EU law rights provided for by article 47 embodies a general principle of EU law; (iii)(subject to exceptions which have no application in the present case) that general principle has horizontal effect; (iv) in so far as a provision of national law conflicts with the requirement for an effective remedy in article 47, the domestic courts can and must disapply the conflicting provision; and (v) the only exception to (iv) is that the court may be required to apply a conflicting domestic provision where the court would otherwise have to redesign the fabric of the legislative scheme.
In the past, the Italian Constitutional Court made clear that supra - national law should not prevail without any limitation, and that the application of international obligations could not have the effect to breach the fundamental principles of the constitutional order or the fundamental rights of the individuals (this is called the «counter-limit doctrine», developed for example in the «Granital case», Sentenza n. 170, 5 June 1984).
On the other hand, in the rare instances where this provision would not apply and the ECtHR would be asked to give an advisory opinion nonetheless, such an opinion — if the ECtHR accepted to give it — would by definition be confined to «questions of principle relating to the interpretation or application of the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention or the protocols thereto».
While the secretary of state accepted that this was the case, he argued that the system taken as a whole — including the ability to bring judicial review proceedings against a refusal to remove from the provisional list — meant that the system complied with Art 6 (1), as per the principle laid down by the European Court of Human Rights in Bryan v United Kingdom (Application 19178 / 91)(1995) 21 EHRR 342.
The judge commented that from the three often quoted cases of Page v Hewetts Solicitors [2013] EWHC 2845 (Ch), Lewis v Ward Hadaway [2015] EWHC 3503 (Ch), and Bhatti v Asghar [2016] EWHC 1049 (QB), dealing with the question whether a party could lose his rights to bring a claim or to make an application because of an error in the court office, case law had developed a «somewhat hard edged principle».
On November 9, 2006, human rights experts from many countries met in Yogyakarkta, Indonesia to address the abuse of human rights of LBGT people around the world, and adopted what is known as the Yogyarkata Principles (Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Idenrights experts from many countries met in Yogyakarkta, Indonesia to address the abuse of human rights of LBGT people around the world, and adopted what is known as the Yogyarkata Principles (Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Idenrights of LBGT people around the world, and adopted what is known as the Yogyarkata Principles (Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender IdenRights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity).
Our public international law practice finds us advising on claims under the European Convention of Human Rights, disputes involving the application of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the rules and principles concerning dealings with the effective government of a State, the customary rules of the Law of the Sea and the effects of termination of and withdrawal from international treaties.
Moreover, where the existence of a serious and persistent breach by a Member State of principles mentioned in Article 6 (1) of the Treaty on European Union has been determined in accordance with Article 7 (1) of that Treaty, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may decide to suspend certain of the rights deriving from the application of this Treaty to the Member State in question.
R (King) v Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs [2016] EWHC 1692 (Admin) Junior to Daniel Stilitz QC; considering the application of the principle of abuse of right in EU law in the context of a farm subsidies payment scheme (instructed by Barker Gotelee)
These benefits include a structured procedure to determine legal rights; access to and the application of established precedents, a rich and sometimes codified body of principles to determine what evidence is available to the decision maker and the right to have detailed written reasons provided when legal rights are determined.
The ECtHR narrowly rejected the application on the facts, but affirmed the principle that, while Convention institutions were not normally concerned with potential, as opposed to actual, violations of Convention rights, such rights were engaged where there was a real risk of torture or inhuman or degrading treatment in the requesting country.
38 Those governments and the Commission submit essentially that the principles stated by the Court in Ruiz Zambrano relate to altogether exceptional situations in which the application of a national measure would lead to the denial of the genuine enjoyment of the substance of the rights conferred by the status of citizen of the Union.
[2016] 2 S.C.R. 293, with the dissent arguing that recognizing the statutory right of appeal as pointing towards correctness is not a new «category» but a principled application of the contextual approach.
55 It should also be noted that, contrary to the submissions of the German and Italian Governments, while the principles stated in the Ruiz Zambrano judgment apply only in exceptional circumstances, it does not follow from the Court's case ‑ law that their application is confined to situations in which there is a blood relationship between the third country national for whom a right of residence is sought and the Union citizen who is a minor from whom that right of residence might be derived.
(c) to promote, through appropriate training, the application of European law by judges, prosecutors and judicial staff, in a way which is in keeping with the fundamental rights and principles recognised in Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union and reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European rights and principles recognised in Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union and reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Rights of the European Union;
A clause that requires a minimum «rationality» in government actions has no application to» «an arbitrary and capricious right,»» Swain, supra, at 219 (quoting Lewis v. United States, supra, at 378); a constitutional principle that may invalidate state action on the basis of «stereotypic notions,» Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan, 458 U.S. 718, 725 (1982), does not explain the breadth of a procedure exercised on the» «sudden impressions and unaccountable prejudices we are apt to conceive upon the bare looks and gestures of another.»»
Chief Justice Finch (dissenting) held that the trial judge made no error with respect to her application of s. 7 and corresponding analysis under s. 1, agreeing that Rodriguez considered the right to liberty and security of the person, but not the right to life or the principles of overbreadth and gross disproportionality.
It therefore begs the question, is the principle of not allowing a suspension of property rights on the basis of an ex parte application for an occupation order always appropriate?
Texas, USA About Blog I am a thirty - something wife and stepmom of two, for over ten years now.If you love Biblical principles sprinkled with practical application, personal stories, and a little bit of humor, you will feel right at home here!
Consequently, the application of the substantive equality principle to protection of Indigenous rights to property in the present will require that the history of past discrimination be taken into account.
The report identified a number of key principles that are consistent with a human rights approach and may assist the Inquiry in making recommendations that provide a sustainable approach to the process of native title and mineral tenement applications.
A recent project, «Facing the Future, The Report of the MMSD Project» conducted by the Australian Minerals and Energy Environment Foundation, in accordance with the Global Mining Initiative [9] provides important guidance for the development of sustainable development and the application of human rights principles within Australia's mining industry.
It can be seen from an examination of the application of this test to the amendments to the NTA that the criteria against which legitimacy is measured are not human rights principles but political considerations.
The practical application of human rights principles are described at Q3.
The application of human rights principles to native title has been the subject of an ongoing dialogue taking place both nationally and internationally in the reporting period.
For example, while the Bill provides for the application of the non-extinguishment principle, the long - term nature of the acts contemplated by the Bill suggests that it may be generations before the native title rights and interests will again have full effect.
- The failure to acknowledge the application of the principle of self - determination to Indigenous peoples also breaches Australia's obligations under Article 1 (3) of the Convention to promote the realization of the right to self - determination.
Likewise, the government's failure to acknowledge the application of the principle of self - determination to Indigenous peoples constitutes a breach of Article 1 of ICESCR, including its obligations under Article 1 (3) of the Convention to promote the realization of the right to self - determination.
For example, while the future act process provides for the application of the non-extinguishment principle, the long - term nature of the acts that are covered by the new future act process (for example, the construction of housing and public infrastructure) suggests that it may be a significant time before any native title rights and interests will again have full effect.
The international human rights norms which bear upon the issues before the Court and to which, the Commission submits, the Court ought have regard in the application of the enumerated principles of statutory interpretation are:
These are the application to the right to health of over-arching principles of non-discrimination and progressive realisation; the emergence in international practice of the connection between human rights standards and participatory development processes; and the content of the right to health itself.
By particularizing the rights of indigenous peoples, the Declaration seeks to accomplish what should have been accomplished without it: the application of universal human rights principles in a way that appreciates not just the humanity of indigenous individuals but that also values the bonds of community they form...
The principle of promptness should not operate at the expense of native title parties» right to have their objection to the application of the expedited procedure heard, especially where such a procedure removes a substantial right.
It is inconsistent with human rights principles that the right to negotiate be removed by the blanket application of a formula that pre-empts a proper consideration of the effect of an exploration or prospecting licence on native title.
Students expand their understanding of issues involved in the appeal to consequences (for example, in defining the wider common good and the application of human rights principles including equality and non-discrimination) and duties (for example, of citizens, governments and other institutions) to resolve moral problems.
Insert after paragraph 6 on page 91: «The examination of these issues through the stages of schooling also provides students with an understanding of how human rights principles are applied in everyday life and how their application fosters an environment of mutual respect, harmony and dignity for all».
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