Sentences with phrase «right assessment»

It would be an overstatement to call it a sham, for there was no human rights assessment of any kind included in the report.
Dr Pritchard presented a human rights assessment of the legislation.
We can help to open your eyes to life's possibilities, which helps you make the right assessments of the people you meet.
At the same time, Instructional Design can help teachers choose the right assessment methods, strategies, and technologies to enhance learning.
Assessment map helps the Instructional Designers to create the right assessments for each of the Learning Objectives.
Finding the right assessment is also a matter of finding one that is valid and reliable, not just a series of questions designed by a committee.
Finding the right assessment program is critical for schools shifting instruction to meet the demands of the CCSS.
Learn practical techniques to design and implement the right assessments for individual students and contexts.
«Without the right assessment solutions, we were reliant on each teacher's professional learning and judgment.
«With the right assessments, not just an end - of - year standardized test, you could build a full picture of whether a teacher is effective or not.»
The article underscores three essential conditions that principals should be sure are in place so that the right assessment environment is realized.
With the right assessments and interventions in place, an MTSS is likely to help schools meet the needs of most students.
Others in the room agreed that the right assessment can be used for the wrong reasons.
«The right assessment program is critical to this transition,» Ragir says, «as the CCSS will require educators not only to change what and how they teach, but also to look at data itself in a different way.»
Also, all the time you lose when your doctor or pediatrician doesn't get to do the right assessment early on.
Pupil Asset can offer consultancy and support on creating the right assessment model for your school.
But not all assessment is high - stakes, and when done thoughtfully, the right assessment can provide extremely useful information for all stakeholders — students, teachers, parents, schools, and policy - makers
How do you choose the right assessment?
While many might have already relegated the iPad as a purely entertainment device with business applications of the tablet coming in as an afterthought, well, that does not seem to be the right assessment.
This article explains well exactly how you can increase your dog's life span by simply making the right assessment of his weight.
However, it isn't quite the right assessment.
The right assessment of life risk and sufficient life cover is something we owe to our near and dear ones who depend on us for financial support.
We get you the right assessment, help you interpret the results and then help synthesize their meaning into your life and career.
Learn practical techniques to design and implement the right assessments for individual students and contexts.
With a few changes, an expression from psychologist Abraham Maslow is appropriate here: Do not view every assessment challenge as a nail because you only have a hammer in your belt; make sure you have the right tool — or the right assessment approach — for the job.
Take a look at Campus Advantage's helpful due diligence tips to ensure you are performing the right assessment of an asset before you buy it.
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