Sentences with phrase «right axis»

The phrase "right axis" refers to a direction that is to the right or in line with a particular reference point or axis. It indicates a position or movement towards the right side. Full definition
Short - term interest rate is on right axis.
This meant that by 2022, the average gasoline blend pool would contain about 20 % ethanol (right axis of Fig. 1).
Turns out the origin of bias is not actually from the left - right axis anyhow, but expresses there through alliance and overlap.
It's a cleverly basic implementation from Lenovo: the headset just duplicates the up - down left - right axis controls of a controller.
The graph below shows the yield of the US government 10 - year bond (white line with shading beneath; right axis) and CORE inflation (light orange line; left axis) during the same period.
In red, you see the difference in gasoline prices, in $ / gallon, scaled on the right axis.
On the right axis, the blue line tracks the performance of a credit default swap (CDS) that hedges against default on an index of investment grade bonds.
Some of us took the return of the tabernacle from remote corners of the Church to the center of the sanctuary as a physical sign that things in the Church had bonded to the right axis.
You usually won't catch them calling themselves moderates, and what makes them distinctive does not map especially well onto the left - right axis, but the new Republican establishment has its distinctive priorities, cultural affinities, and blind spots.
While most politicians refuse to place themselves on the traditional left - right axis, Phillip shows no such reluctance.
«But, it is challenging to definitively classify either the ruling faction or the opposition in Iran on a Western style left - right axis» - it's often challenging to classify Western political parties on the Western style left - right axis too.
But, it is challenging to definitively classify either the ruling faction or the opposition in Iran on a Western style left - right axis.
[1] According to the simplest left — right axis, communism and socialism are usually regarded internationally as being on the left, whereas conservatism and capitalism are on the right.
And while other Cabinet members do so too - Philip Hammond, for example - Mr Pickles is hard to place in the party's own left / right axis.
Both Labour and the Tories have spent enormous effort in the first weeks of 2015 trying to make politics behave like the old two - party contest, with positions that can still be plotted on the old left - right axis: tax rises to fund the NHS versus a welfare squeeze and tax cuts.
The current study builds on recent work by Izpisúa Belmonte and others who have been seeking to understand how vertebrates organize their organs and bodies — from a single fertilized cell — along a left - right axis.
Asterisks indicate mass measurements (and should be compared to the left axis), and closed circles indicate radius measurements (and should be compared to the right axis).
Energy expenditure expressed as kilocalories per minute on the Left axis and kilojoules per minute on the Right axis relative to scheduled wake time.
As the graph demonstrates, everyone, even hot people (left - to - right axis) gets nervous about dating «out of their league» (top - to - bottom one).
a) Age spectrum (right axis) and log (rro) spectrum (left axis) for N - 13 K - feldspar (Harrisonet al. 2000)..
The graph above is the S&P 500 on the right axis with a logarithmic scale, and 4 -, 6 - and 20 - day average absolute percentage price change on the the left axis, linear scale.
The red lines (scaled on the right axis) track the volatility of inflation during each period.
The right axis of the chart depicts index levels of the composite index.
The change in World EPS is in red, and is plotted on the right axis.
One is Dr. Hussman's price - to - peak earnings ratio (red, right axis).
If I edited the right axis to reflect % gain / loss, it would be less of a scam.
Any pair of increasing trends with little curvature will look like one another when plotted on the right axes.
Ideally, you'd like to see it stay below 15 - 16 % (right axis).
Figure 3: Annual change in global glacier thickness (left axis, meters of water equivalent, m / yr) and cumulative value (right axis, m), based on surface area - weighted mass balance observations.
The ranges of associated warming for over 1000 total scenarios are given on the right axis.
Figure 6: BEST land - only surface tempeature (yellow, left axis) vs. greenhouse gas radiative forcing (black, right axis).
=== > The 2013 year - end per century trends (note the color arrows on chart's right axis) are well below previous warming trends
The chart below shows the count of U.S. wildfires on the left y - axis and the right axis represents Canadian forest fires.
The cumulative emissions at the end of the century (right axis) are about the same size as the remaining carbon budget in 2015.
The green line represents the decadal growth in atmospheric ppm levels of CO2 as a percentage by decade (the right axis).
Fig. 2 (right axis) shows the expected percentage of ethanol content in the future gasoline blend pool.
B. Average proportion of male births ± 1 standard error (left axis) and average temperature ± 1 standard error (right axis), averaged over 1980 — 2009.
TSI (scale on the right axis), courtesy of Judith Lean, is shown in orange.
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