Sentences with phrase «right brain activity»

In his chapter, Schore explains the underlying right brain activity that manifests as defensive projective identification, how that behavior is experienced by the therapist, and how the therapist's responses can benefit, or hinder, the client.
Increased airflow through the right nostrii is correlated to increased left brain activity and enhanced verbal performance, where as increased airflow through the left nostril is associated with increased right brain activity and enhanced spatial performance.»
Since the right hemisphere of the brain regulates impulsivity, attention, and socially appropriate behavior, a child with decreased right brain activity may be hyperactive, oppositional, disruptive, and even aggressive.
Birthing practices that isolate women from their innate capacity to birth can interfere with these behaviours because women then focus on breastfeeding as a left brained activity when actually research has shown us it is more of a right brained activity (Smilie 2008).
According to the book, «The Dyslexic Advantage,», learning to read is actually a simple, left brain skill compared to many of the more complex right brain activities many dyslexics are able to perform.
People who are very logical and structured (left brain thinkers) tend to perform worse at right brain activities that involve skills like spatial awareness, creativity, and visualisation.

Not exact matches

Even more vital to persuasion than Logos, says Aristotle, is Pathos, which includes the right - brain activities of emotions, images, stories, examples, empathy, humor, imagination, color, sounds, touch, and rapport, Price says.
The scientists found that when individuals completed a word puzzle, right before a moment of insight, a cluster of cells located in the superior temporal gyrus — in the right hemisphere of the brain — show significant activity.
Right, the hallucinations occur where there is no brain activity, which is the confusing part to the scientists.
They have also found that each hemisphere (right and left) of the brain specializes for the accomplishment of distinctive types of mental activity.
You know when you open up the cinnamon jar, and smell that wonderful aroma, that right there is actually not just pure bliss but stimulation of brain activity!
«The study, which the researchers say is the first to link brain activity with maternal behavior, is likely to reinforce the convictions of breast - feeding mothers that they're doing right by their babies».
The study, which the researchers say is the first to link brain activity with maternal behavior, is likely to reinforce the convictions of breast - feeding mothers that they're doing right by their babies and make formula - feeding moms squirm a little.
They also lacked a low frequency burst of brain activity (the delta brain wave) that occurs right at the start of the trial in healthy subjects.
A Role for the Right A counterintuitive but essential feature of Petkov's results, similar to the corresponding findings in the human brain, is that voice - selective activity was stronger in the right hemispRight A counterintuitive but essential feature of Petkov's results, similar to the corresponding findings in the human brain, is that voice - selective activity was stronger in the right hemispright hemisphere.
While measuring brain activity with magnetic resonance imaging during blood pressure trials, UCLA researchers found that men and women had opposite responses in the right front of the insular cortex, a part of the brain integral to the experience of emotions, blood pressure control and self - awareness.
Past studies have shown that an area of the brain, the right temporoparietal junction, shows increased activity when people read about another's intentions or beliefs.
Given that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, this suggests that babbling is mainly a left - brain activity.
When infants in the Dartmouth study were shown a moving picture of a starfish, the left and right hemispheres of their brains lit up (dark red indicates high brain activity; dark blue, low activity)-- but not as much as when researchers spoke to them, saying: «Hello, baby.
«When faced with a new task, we're finding that the brain is constrained to take the neural activity patterns that it's capable of generating right now and use them as effectively as possible in this new task.»
For instance, zapping the temporal lobe using deep - brain stimulation can improve spatial memory, and using a powerful magnet to alter activity in the right temporoparietal junction can make our moral compass go haywire, causing behaviors we think of as immoral to become permissible.
Trying to find the right medicine for the sickest of these patients, Rapoport scanned their brains to zero in on regions involved in OCD and found increased activity in the basal ganglia, a center for movement and habits located at the base of the forebrain.
The so - called Inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) was activated more during sequences which were ungrammatical than grammatical, although brain activity was more weighted towards the right hemisphere.
Lack of sleep affects appetite, too: A 2012 Swedish brain - scan study identified heightened activity in the right anterior cingulate cortex — a brain region associated with hunger control — in the sleep - deprived.
Many people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other stress - related disorders show increased activity in the right hemisphere of the brain — and in emotional, nonverbal processing — and decreased activity in the left, according to neuroimaging studies.
Burunat recorded how their brains responded to the music, and used software to compare the activity of the left and right hemispheres of each person's brain.
The team also found that musicians» brains seemed to fire more symmetrically when they listened to music — the activity in the left and right hemispheres was a much closer match than that of the non-musicians.
«In most people the centre for these activities lies in the right half of the brain, in many MS patients however it lies in the left side of the brain, as it does in many epilepsy patients,» says the PhD student and primary author Kathrin Kollndorfer.
Psychologist Debbie Crews found that golfers who performed poorly when putting under pressure also exhibited heightened activity in the left hemisphere of the brain, typically responsible for analytical thinking, and diminished activity in the right hemisphere, associated with coordination and visual ability.
By attaching electrodes to the heads of infants and toddlers and measuring brain activity, Nathan Fox of the University of Maryland has discovered that the brains of timid children are more active on the right side — specifically, in a region called the right frontal cortex.
They had more activity in their right hemisphere, which is associated with processing loose associations, and more diffuse activity in the part of the brain that processes vision (Neuropsychologia, vol 46, p 282).
Various techniques for studying dominance do seem to show that people with schizophrenia have more right - brain activity.
Activity in another part of the brain, the right inferior frontal gyrus, changed in response to discouraging information.
And they all have decreased activity in the right parietal lobe of the brain.
Later, the scientists pored over the scans, looking closely at the activity in people's brains right before they were asked about their state of mind.
Some scientists think that these bursts of brain activity help young brains form the right connections between regions.
fMRI tests revealed increased activity in right insula, the part of the brain that regulates satiety and cravings, after participants consumed walnuts.
Right after they were told to forget, the fMRI showed that they «flushed out» the scene - related activity from their brains.
When participants were shown pictures of highly desirable foods, fMRI imaging revealed increased activity in a part of the brain called the right insula after participants had consumed the five - day walnut - rich diet compared to when they had not.
Since language related cortical areas reside in the left hemisphere in most right - handed adults, the observed brain activity had no direct relation to language processing.
The part of the brain that lit up with activity during those moments of pareidolia was the right fusiform face area, known to be responsible for facial recognition.
Previous research in rodents and humans has shown that electrical activity surges in the brain right after the heart stops, then goes flat after a few seconds.
In the above image on the right, we see that the three Pac - Man shapes «underneath» the triangle cause little brain activity (coloured blue), but the separate Pac - Man on the right causes more activity.
A person with PARK8 type parkinsonism (right) shows less overall activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine, compared to that in a healthy brain (left).
Previous studies showed imbalanced activity of the two brain hemispheres in people who stutter compared to fluent speakers: A region in the left frontal brain is hypoactive, whereas the corresponding region in the right hemisphere is hyperactive.
After enrolling in the study — a phase 1 trial designed to investigate the safety and antitumor activity of JCAR017 — she was found to have new lesion in the right temporal lobe of her brain.
The results of the present study suggest that less - than - typically developing brain activity in the right anterior insula is a potential neural basis of deficit in inferring others» social emotions without direct emotional cues in individuals with ASD.
Dr Lindner advocates the «100 minutes» rule, where practising an activity correctly (not counting the time it takes to get it right) for this length of time cements it in your brain.
What to do: Age - related memory loss can be slowed down with the right foods and nutrients as well as brain - stimulating activity.
Below (red): Brain activity of experienced Internet group while performing the reading task (left) and the Internet task (right).
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