Sentences with phrase «right enemies»

As you automatically move from left to right enemies come barreling in from the right side of the screen, with you moving between three lanes to avoid and / or take them out.
«We've made the right enemies,» Cantor says.
Accordingly, we have weaker troops and in a sense dumber troops that often do not fight the right enemy.
This much, at least, can be said for Mohammed bin Salman, the putatively reformist crown prince of Saudi Arabia: He has made all the right enemies.
Unit and path selection is where much of the battle is won, as choosing the right combination of units to face the right enemy makes all the difference.
Picking the right spell for the right enemies becomes important, and timing is as well.
I already know that wolves hunt in packs or that the path I'm on isn't the way to the capital, and there's no way I could forget that fact since I'm reminded about it every time I'm fighting the right enemy or in the corresponding area.
This continuous barrage of new enemies meets with my approval, especially while playing the game on the harder modes like Dante Must Die where big enemies that require specific attacks are mixed in with crowds of smaller enemies, creating some brilliant fights as you have to react on the fly to make sure you're hitting the right enemies with the right moves, otherwise you could find yourself in some serious trouble, like sword in the arse trouble.
Instead of choosing actions quickly, it was focused around using the right character for the right enemy type, allowing you to swap characters in and out of the active roster as needed.
At its simplest, this is due to the need to target the right enemy with the right character (compare Persona).
Enemies come from all angles so the use of the turn left / turn right buttons (on the 360 the right and left bumpers) is vital to being able to target the right enemies.
Some enemies only appear at random, though, so in order to unlock certain missions, players must grind through already - completed missions in the hope that they will encounter the right enemies.
This much, at least, can be said for Mohammed bin Salman, the putatively reformist crown prince of Saudi Arabia: He has made all the right enemies.
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