Sentences with phrase «right focus»

If you live in a country that provides aid to developing countries, ask your government representatives to make family planning and women's rights a focus of the aid.
His bill of rights focuses mainly on issues involving appearance and functionality: covers, table of content, bookmarks.
You see, instead of working on the problems that really plague us — poverty, hunger, families» homes being foreclosed — the religious right focused on abortion and gay marriage.
Two firms I had in - firm interviews with told me that they almost passed on my application because I had a number of human rights focussed activities on my resume.
If culture doesn't like right focused feminists seeking justice and compassionate evangelists seeking to do good works then culture is in trouble.
With more than a half - century successful book publishing industry experience, our foreign rights focus is in the following categories;
Its bill of rights focuses more on DRM and accessibility.
Providing in - depth analysis and drawing together legislation, case law, analysis and comment Corporate Insolvency: Pension Rights focuses on the application of the rules relating to corporate insolvency and how they impact on pensions.
The Commission believes the best way to strengthen the human rights focus of the Curriculum is to ensure all young Australian's gain an understanding and respect for their human rights and responsibilities through the following complimentary approaches.
On the one - year anniversary of the trans - rights focus of the 2015 Vancouver Pride Parade, and on the eve of Vancouver's 2016 Pride celebration, the British Columbia legislature has made it explicitly clear that transgender persons are entitled to protection under the Human Rights Code, RSBC 1996 c. 210 (the Code).
While all business owners would be wise to ensure they're implementing some of the most basic growth strategies, I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you that the most successful business owners are the ones with the best attitudes — ones who know that with the right focus and positive outlook, they will have a significant impact on their bottom line — and the US economy.
With the right focus on the business, the team was able to capture and organize these ideas without getting distracted by the upcoming release.
«Nokia Technologies is at a point where, with the right focus and investments, we can meaningfully grow our footprint in the digital health market, and we must seize that opportunity,» said Gregory Lee, president of Nokia Technologies in a statement.
This is probably the right focus for such ventures — and sometimes I wish other company founders had such focus on generating profits!
I believe wholeheartedly that with the right focus and consistency, anyone can live this life.
The right focus for Europe is on growth.
So it would seem focusing on the individual would always be the right focus, second only to the gospel.
This is why the right focuses too much on candidates.
The key is keeping the right focus.
Our focus maybe not necessarily the F efficacy of the blood but the re education reclassification and putting the right focus on teaching the world about Jesus our father and the Holy Spirit the blood was part of this and explained properly puts this concept in correct perspective.
«Let's take the positives of our Premier League [form] and as well get the right focus that you get when you play a big opponent.
We have to go there with the right focus and try to win the game.»
It is going to be hard enough for Arsenal to get anything at the Etihad anyway and despite Xhaka's undoubted ability with the ball I do not think he offers enough defensively or has the right focus and discipline to be a top class holding player.
I really hope they watched Roma beat Barcelona by 3 - 0 last night and that it ensures that the right focus and attitude will be on show in Moscow tomorrow.
«But we've got to go there with the right mentality and the right focus to ensure we get all three points.»
Mainstream parties have publicly doubted Ukip's capacity to break into parliament, but Thursday's results have convinced the party that, with the right focus, it can deliver a Ukip caucus.
With CRaTER, we just happen to have the right focus to make these discoveries.»
New research suggests that with the right focus, people with narcissistic tendencies can feel empathy for another person's suffering.
Surgeons have difficulty judging the right focusing power of the artificial lens for an infant, because it's a time of rapid eye growth.
It sets me up with the right focus for the rest of the day.
With the right focus on the workouts, the rewards can be amazing.
«We've got to have the right focus when you give people autonomy, because we could very much end up like what happened in New Zealand where managing property and finance was the biggest focus under autonomy and it didn't improve student outcomes because it was the wrong focus.»
«That's not the right focus at all,» according to Johnson, who believes that Chicago teachers would find their time and energy better spent on working to stop the standards rather than tweaking the standards already in place.
Based on the largest - ever analysis of research on effective school leaders, our school - level leadership PD guides principals in choosing the right focus for school improvement efforts; effectively leading changes in your school; and transforming your school culture into a purposeful community that believes it can make a difference.
But its core value — equity in education — is the right focus in the next round of education reform.
This district serves as a good example that with the right focus and right supports, all students have the ability to succeed.
Discover the leadership responsibilities that are most strongly connected to student achievement and learn practical strategies to develop a purposeful, positive school community, initiate and manage change within your school, and choose the right focus for your school's improvement initiatives.
But if observations are done the right way, with the right focus, everyone will benefit.
Identifying the right focus and strategically thinking about how to address it can lead to positive outcomes for our students.
Over time, it became a great way to make sure I had the right focus, so I'd make sure I had a title and image to go with each chapter.»
But, with the right focus, the sun can turn that piece of paper into a blazing fire in a matter of seconds.
David Hunter, the Hospitality Business Mentor, firmly believes that three quarters of the failing accommodation providers he meets could be saved with the right focus, processes and management techniques.
I don't think they realize just how good they can be with the right focus.
In November 2016, the Turkish government suspended the activities of 370 non-governmental associations including three lawyers» associations with a human rights focus.
It has just started in the game and it needs to put a right focus on the hardware as well on software to create a compelling smartphone that can taste market success.
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