Sentences with phrase «right foot forward»

Congress should put the right foot forward and immediately stop funding for dangerous abstinence - only programs that deny young people information about how to prevent pregnancy, protect their health and make responsible decisions.
«Congress should put the right foot forward and immediately stop funding for abstinence - only programs that deny young people information about how to prevent pregnancy, protect their health and make responsible decisions.
The Indie Game Developer Program has been built to help developers put the right foot forward, giving them advice on complex areas of the business of game development, finding a place on the crowded App Store, or even things that seem so simple, such as choice of screenshots.
With the release of its sequel Catching Fire, there's no doubt this franchise is on the right foot forward.
It is advised you set the right foot forward by including authentic information.
How to: Standing with your feet hip - width apart, step your right foot forward, aligning your right knee directly over your heel.
From downward dog or a simple table pose, step your right foot forward in between your hands and slide your left foot back so your legs are wide apart.
Come into Triangle pose in your legs, right foot forward.
From Downward Dog, step your right foot forward and bring your front knee directly over your front ankle.
Or come into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward - Facing Dog), inhale, and step the right foot forward between your hands.
Exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning your knee over the heel.
Place the right foot forward and bend your knees to lower the hips until your left knee is a few inches from the ground.
Swing the ball back to the ceiling while hopping into a right lunge — hop the right foot forward, the left foot back.
Here's how: Stand with your right foot forward and anchor your left foot in place.
Next, turn one more time so that you have the right foot forward, but you still have the left foot elevated.
Now you're going to CRAWL forward in that position... move the LEFT dumbell forward a few inches and step your RIGHT foot forward a few inches.
Alternating Jump Lunge (Place right foot forward, hands on hips.
Inhale and step your right foot forward.
Start with your left foot forward on your first set, then on your next set, start with your right foot forward.
Single - Arm Plank to Lunge (RIGHT) Start in a lunge position with your right foot forward.
Step your right foot forward into a lunge and lower your left knee to the floor or a folded towel or blanket.
Reverse the movement by stepping your right foot forward back into a deep lunge and then sweeping your left arm and torso upright (stay low in the lunge).
Step your right foot forward next to your right hand.
Next, do two jumping jacks with arms in guard, finishing in fighter stance with your right foot forward (d).
From Downward - Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning the right knee over the heel.
Step the right foot forward to create a stance that's long but allows you to easily shift your weight forward and back.
Step your right foot forward about a foot in front of your left knee, and rotate your right thigh outwardly.
Alanasana (High Lunge or Crescent Pose)-- Inhale and bring the right foot forward into a lunge as you look ahead.
Pressing weight into your hands, begin to slide right foot forward, bringing you towards a full split position.
Put your right foot forward and take a large step.
Begin in a lunge position with your right foot forward, with up to a 90 degree bend in the knee.
From Downward Dog, step the right foot forward and place it just inside your left hand.
Start in lunge position with your right foot forward.
On an inhale, crawl your hands toward your right foot and turn your right foot forward into a low lunge with your right knee over your ankle.
Start by standing with the right foot forward and left directly behind it (about a shin's length apart).
Driving into the floor of your left heel, slide your right foot forward and come back up to stand (c).
Slide your right foot forward to the outside of your right hand, keeping both legs straight and maintaining a solid plank position (b).
What Parsley Health is doing is extraordinary and putting the right foot forward for all.
Continuing to lead with the right, return to a low squat position, stepping the right foot forward onto the floor and then the left.
Step leg's length apart and turn your right foot forward 90 degrees and your left foot forward 45 degrees.
Start with your feet hip - width apart, extend your right foot forward about two feet and lower into a lunge.
With a neutral spine and your navel drawn in, move your right hand and left foot forward one step; then move your left hand and right foot forward one step.
Step your right foot forward and lower your body by bending both your knees at 90 - degree angles.
Begin in Warrior 1, right foot forward with the right knee bent and the left foot pointing slightly to left.
How to Do It Begin in a runner's lunge with right foot forward and between your hands; place your fingertips on the floor directly under your shoulders, or use a set of yoga blocks as shown for easier movement.
Perform six reps with your right foot forward, then switch and perform six more with your left foot forward.
Step your right foot forward in between your hands, and on an inhale lift your torso and reach your arms up to the sky, keeping shoulders soft down the back.
Then, push off your feet to explode up in the air, switching your stance and landing back down in a lunge with your right foot forward (c).
Warrior I (Right Side): From downward - facing dog, step your right foot forward into a lunge and swivel your left heel down to the mat to come up into a warrior I pose with the arms reaching up overhead.
Then, step your right foot forward about two feet, lower your body so that both legs make 90 degree angles and push off with your right leg to return to the standing position.
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