Sentences with phrase «right framework»

The phrase "right framework" means having the correct structure or plan in place to achieve a desired goal or outcome. It refers to using the most effective approach or system for a specific situation. Full definition
The Reports, as well as providing this critique, have been forward looking by identifying a human rights framework for progressing the reconciliation process.
They have also explored the regulatory and water rights frameworks for using produced water, which is essential for getting farmers on board with the idea.
The Indigenous perspective can operate within human rights framework in respect of rights to equality; self - determination; effective participation; development; cultural protection.
The human rights framework promotes a focus on ensuring that different segments of the population are able to participate fully.
It contrasts the meaning of equality within a human rights framework with the notion of equality used to justify certain amendments to the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act.
The 2030 framework provides a critical opportunity to strengthen EU climate and energy governance — but we need to get it right
We ground our conception of freedom on an individual rights framework.
She further noted how tech can be used to harness popular participation with the example of Brazil crowd - sourcing its digital rights framework last year, which was then adopted by parliament.
``... And, so, this whole left - right framework candidly — if you went down the street here in Arkansas and ask folks about it, they're not going to tell you that, that's what the race is about.»
Halter added, «Now I know that the national media wants to put this into a left - right framework because that's a very simple thing to pull down.
This is where the Greenhouse Development Rights framework comes in.
In the final analysis, however, the question of whether the courts are willing to exercise their constitutional mandate to address homelessness and poverty in Canada should not be determinative of the domestic constitutional rights framework being embraced by rights claimants, civil society organizations, and legislators.
Indigenous Crown Relations Parliamentary Secretary Yvonne Jones defends her government's approach to an Indigenous rights framework.
Young people must learn that welfare is not an absolute entitlement, and that the human rights framework envisages that individuals are responsible to themselves and their communities.
A human rights framework recognises that across the world some traditional, religious and cultural practices have been used to justify the subordination of women and violations of their human rights.
Locating development within a human rights framework requires a different approach to the legal recognition of Indigenous rights to land than that provided by NTA: one which ensures that the benefits of development on Indigenous land accrue to the traditional owners.
More importantly, it would be a change that replaces a parental rights framework for one that prioritizes the best interest of the child or children.
The Social Justice Report 2000 outlined a human rights framework aimed at ensuring the adequate protection of Indigenous rights in the context of implementing reconciliation.
The Balance of Competences Review looks at the impact of the EU's fundamental rights framework, its advantages and disadvantage for the UK, and its future.
So long as courts and governments in Canada restrict their understanding of Charter and human rights obligations to «negative rights,» focusing exclusively on government action that violates rights, while ignoring the violations that result from inaction, they will not be applying the Charter as an effective human rights framework for addressing poverty and homelessness.
It wasn't just about what's technologically possible but what is the right framework for consumers.
«Therefore I think it is up to industry and to the governments to make this happen, and you need the right frameworks to actually do so.
However, with the right framework and appropriate tools, any family that wants to succeed, can.
You need the right frameworks.
What we are talking about is being part of a network of nations that respond with a human rights framework that actually upholds the dignity of these people, instead of falling into the scapegoating and the «othering» of people.
There is also presently a tendency among human rights lobbies to put more and more social problems in a human rights framework and thus to add to the number of human rights.
Their bodies know what to do and if given the right framework, a woman can give birth to her own baby without any outside help.
What is needed is an industrial policy, with active government and productive business working together to secure long - term stability and creating the right framework for industry to invest and thrive.
The Conservatives believe the government should not decide where Britain's energy should come from, but provide the right framework for the market to deliver the best low - carbon options.
«Our position has always been that the state needs the right framework to govern this process,» he said.
The upsurge in xenophobia is a stark reminder that the human rights framework — protecting human dignity and ensuring equal treatment — is a compass in times of crisis.
«Look, it's job creation, it's about the quality of residents and existing businesses and visitors for upstate New York and I believe a lot of my colleagues will work together to come up with the right framework for consumer protection and making sure the companies are held responsible,» said Sen. George Amedore, a Republican who represents a district west and south of Albany.
The government must also take a lead in ensuring that all departments play their role in ensuring that we have the right framework to tackle this threat.
Our Committee Stage briefings cover our five - point approach to achieve the Government's aim of non-regression on the equality and human rights framework.
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