Sentences with phrase «right hip forward»

As you slowly bring your right hip forward you should begin to feel a stretch in the front of your hip.
Square the hips forward — left hip back, right hip forward — and be mindful of droopy elbows.
Raise your right arm upwards, straight pointing to the ceiling while stretching the right hip forward.3.
Lean forward and push your right hip forward.
Slowly bring your right hip forward until you feel a good stretch in the front of your hip.
Draw your right hip forward and left hip back to bring your hips into alignment.

Not exact matches

Now, on this forward shift of weight, if the golfer thinks of initiating it from right to left, working from the feet to the hips — as he does when he throws a baseball overhand — he will develop a free rhythmic swing of the club.
New York Islanders forward John Tavares was cruising through the neutral zone when he took a hip check right to the...
Keep your chest, shoulders, and hips facing forward and your left leg straight and strong as you push your right foot into your right hand and lift your right leg up.
Sit comfortably with legs forward, bend your right knee in and place your left foot on the floor a little to the outside of your left hip.
Keeping back flat and abs tight, bend left knee slightly and hinge forward from hips; reach right hand toward floor as you extend your right leg and left arm back.
Keeping hips high and left leg up, hop right foot toward hands; move hands forward and repeat hop.
90 - 90s Lie on your left side with left hip and knee at a 90 - degree angle and right leg pointing forward and directly above left leg.
Hinge forward at your hips, bringing your right leg straight back as you lower your hands towards the ground.
Use your lower abs to lift your hips and jump both feet forward and to the right side of your body.
Start in a low lunge position with your right leg in the forward position, get the left leg back while keeping the foot flat, afterward bend the right leg and square the hips.
Draw the left hip forward and right hip back to keep the hips square, and tuck your tailbone to keep the pelvis from tipping forward.
On the inhale, extend the right leg back at hip level and extend the left arm forward with the thumb pointed up.
Hinge forward from hips, taking both arms towards your right foot and your chest towards your thighs.
Slide right leg forward as you lower right hip to the floor (B).
Start with your feet hip - width apart, extend your right foot forward about two feet and lower into a lunge.
Step 5: Attack from a Different Angle with Uppercuts For the right uppercut: From your boxing stance, turn your right hip and shoulder forward.
Your right hip and shoulder should turn forward with it, while you push your left shoulder and left hip behind you (b).
Exhale as you lean forward and extend your leg behind you, doing your best to keep your right hip parallel to your left hip while lifting your low belly.
When the upper left arm moves forward, the lower right leg follows, forming an X between right shoulder and left hip, and right hip / left shoulder.
Bring the hand back to its starting position as you shift your body forward into plank and then shoot the hips right back up, this time pressing into your right hand as you reach your left hand across your body to touch the right ankle.
Step out to the right into a lunge, shooting your hips back (not bending forward at the waist) and keeping your chest open and up.
Reach your arms out or forward and slowly hinge forward at the hips, allowing your right leg to lift behind you.
Refine the work of the standing leg by cutting your outer right hip, buttock, and tailbone back away from your head without throwing the left leg forward or back.
Begin to fold your torso forward over your thighs, moving from your hip sockets rather than rounding your spine, until you feel a nice stretch in your right outer hip.
You are paying attention to your right hip, feeling the psoas muscle lifting your right thigh initiating the movement of taking a step forward.
Place a block underneath right hip (either widest or shortest side of block), then square hips and shoulders forward.
Firming your left buttock under creates mobility in your left hip, but if you allow your right thigh to lose stability and go along for the ride by shifting forward in space, the rotation in your left hip is diminished.
Bring the right knee forward and place it on the floor just behind and slightly to the right of the right wrist, with the shin on a diagonal and the right heel pointing toward the right hip bone.Take the attention to the back leg and roll it inward so that the leg is in a «neutral» position.
In figure 1, Gary's whole right hip wants to go forward with the leg.
A little exaggeration of that move would torque his low back as his right hip went forward.
Bend the right knee slightly, and hinge forward at the hips, extending the left leg straight back.
The hip muscles act on three mutually perpendicular main axes, all of which pass through the center of the femoral head, resulting in three degrees of freedom and three pair of principal directions: Flexion and extension around a transverse axis (left - right); lateral rotation and medial rotation around a longitudinal axis (along the thigh); and abduction and adduction around a sagittal axis (forward - backward); [29] and a combination of these movements (i.e. circumduction, a compound movement in which the leg describes the surface of an irregular cone).
Feel the right hip and the back right ribs move forward as the heart opens.
Move the left hip forward and the right hip backward and square the torso to the front.
Rotate the entire right leg and hip forward.
b. Reach forward with your right hand and left knee simultaneously, maintaining hips aligned with spine
Keeping both legs straight for now, bring the right torso and hip forward to be even with the left.
Roll the left hip slightly forward, toward the right, but rotate your upper torso back to the left.
Turn your right hip and bring your left shoulder forward.
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and then lie back with legs straight on ground and touch Ugi to the ground behind head, then sit up and bring Ugi overhead and forward to touch toes.
Spin the belly and the chest forward and, if it feels natural to you, allow your pelvis to follow by gently drawing the right hip point forward.
Draw your right hip back and your left hip forward so that both hips are squared to the front of your mat.
First - timers tend to lean slightly forward and push the right hip back so that they don't fall back.
Take your right outer hip forward, bring your torso in line with your legs and hips, roll both shoulders back as if you had a wall behind you, and revolve your chest toward the ceiling.
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