Sentences with phrase «right implementation»

In terms of human rights implementation, it is cutting edge stuff.
I think the subject is covered pretty well on Wikipedia which provides some insight about human rights implementation in China:
The DOC is the main coordinating agency with the mandate to coordinate child rights implementation in Ghana.
Alliance International will bring their years of experience for right implementation.
The report gives particular attention to education and public information on human rights, to the use of human rights implementation and monitoring mechanisms, to supporting local civil society efforts on human rights, and to expanded engagement with local legal institutions and personnel to strengthen understanding and implementation of international human rights standards.
It plays a central role in adolescent well - being, child rights and the internet, child rights implementation, family and parenting support policy and multi-dimensional child poverty analysis.
The federal government also needs to attend to public opinion, by explaining the rationale and the benefits both for Canada and for Asia of its human rights policies and by supporting broader community and civil society engagement in human rights implementation.
I think the pie will get bigger for almost everyone, [with] the right implementation of technologies.
With the right implementation, the combination of Google's versatile platform and inexpensive handheld slates will be a potent mix, but there's still plenty of work to be done.
There's a lot of ifs and maybes to be sure, but with the right implementation and a bit of bravery from publishers, who have been too reliant on map packs and costume changes for years, we could be about to see a beneficial shift in the stagnating digital market for post-game content.
«United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Federal Principles and First Nation Expectations of Rights Implementation
Thanks to the right implementation of the PDAF (Phase Detection Auto Focus) Technology.
It's also the location for the webcam — and here we get to the first of many little things that show that the Yoga 910 has all the right ideas but not the right implementations.
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