Sentences with phrase «right knee all»

Start from a plank position and bend your right knee so that your heel is facing the ceiling, keeping a straight back.
Quickly jump so your right knee touches their hand — while trying to keeping your left leg hovering — then land on your right foot again.
How to: Start on the right side of a plyo box, with your left leg diagonally behind you, right knee bent 90 degrees and your left hand firmly resting on the box, elbow straight (a).
Lift right knee to hip level.
Lower your right knee until it almost touches the ground, breathing in.
Lie on your back with your legs in tabletop (knees bent at 90 degrees), then twist up so your left elbow touches your right knee, then repeat on the other side.
Begin in Warrior 1, right foot forward with the right knee bent and the left foot pointing slightly to left.
Lift right knee to side; pull right elbow down.
Starting off with the right knee bent back in half of Virasana, lift the leg by pulling the head of the thigh bone into the hip socket and activating the pelvic floor.
Your right knee should not extend past your toes.
Crouch into a fighting stance (bouncy - knees, on your toes, with your right leg slightly behind you) and drive your right knee up to chest level; tap the toes back to the ground and do it again, 30 times on each side.
Step into a lunge position, bending the right knee to 90 degrees so that your thigh is parallel to the ground.
Use your right hand to apply a bit of pressure to the inside of your right knee, and then slightly lean forward until you feel a gentle stretch in your right piriformis.
Bend your right knee a few inches down and cross the left knee outside your right.
Step forward with the left foot and lower the right knee until it is nearly touching the ground.
Lunges: Stand facing step with right foot on bottom step, right knee above ankle and left leg extended behind you on ball of foot.
Starting on all fours, place a dumbbell in the crease of your right knee.
Drive your right knee up toward your left elbow, then quickly return it to plank position (c).
Keeping your back straight, slightly lower your torso and bring your right knee to your left elbow.
Bring your hands in prayer at heart center and hook your left elbow outside the right knee.
Lie faceup with right leg extended and left ankle tucked under right knee; place right hand on left foot and left hand lightly behind head (A).
With arms at your sides holding dumbbells, lower your (back) right knee until it has almost reached the ground while breathing in.
Then, keeping your torso upright, reach your elbows side - to - side, bringing your right elbow to your right knee, and left elbow to your left knee.
Hold this position as you rock forward onto your right knee, lifting your right foot and left leg at the same time.
Slightly bend your right knee, hinge at your hips and bring torso close to parallel with the floor (left leg should be lifted and parallel with the floor).
On your exhale, twist to the right and place your left elbow outside of your right knee and place your hands together at your chest.
Lower your body to the ground, keeping your right knee bent and your left knee perpendicular to the ground (b).
You'll want to lift your right knee and your right arm at the same time, as shown, balancing on your left leg, using your core to stabilize yourself.
Bring your right knee toward your left elbow, while engaging your core, then return it to the ground.
Place a five pound weight behind your right knee and bend leg to keep it in place.
Raise right knee, bringing it in toward chest (A).
Setup: Start with your right knee and right hand on the floor, with your body rotated out externally.
Take a big step forward with your right leg, and lower your body down to the ground, bending your right knee to form a 90 - degree angle to the floor (b).
Bend your right knee and place both hands on the back of the right leg.
Maintaining a strong core, draw your right knee to right elbow, then return foot to the floor (b).
Bend and slide your right leg under your body to kneel on right knee (C, below).
Deeply bend both knees until right knee is directly over right ankle and left knee is hovering just above the floor.
Staying low in squat, shift weight and pivot feet until right knee is back out to side and left knee is forward with heel lifted; that's 1 rep. Do 20 reps.
As you stand on the bench with your left leg, flex your right knee and hip, bringing your knee as high as you can.
Bend your right knee as you lift your right foot off of the ground, keeping your weight in ball of your left foot.
Step as far back as possible with the right leg and lower the right knee to the ground, keeping the upper body upright and the arms outstretched.
Bend right knee in front of you.
Lower your right knee toward the floor until you reach a 90 - degree angle in both of your legs.
Lift your left leg up as you lower your right knee to the ground.
Open through the right knee and place the right hand on the heart, encouraging it to open.
Deeply bend right knee and hinge at hips until your torso is parallel to the floor.
Deeply bend right knee, shift hips back, and lower down until thigh is close to parallel with the floor (pictured).
Lower down, pulling your right knee back into a 90 - degree angle.
Reach your left arm back and as you bend your right knee, take hold of the right foot with the left hand.
Once the right hand and left foot touch in a controlled manner, return to the starting position and repeat the movement with your right knee and left hand.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z