Sentences with phrase «right leg toward»

Straighten your right leg toward the ceiling.
Keep the shoulders as they are, and begin to extend your right leg toward the ceiling.
With each exhalation gently deepen your side stretch, allowing the right hand to move down the right leg toward the ankle and the left palm to stretch away from the left hip.
Carefully lie down on your back, straightening your right leg toward the sky.
Continue to tip the torso toward the ground, lifting the right leg toward the sky until your entire torso reaches a diagonal line from earth to sky.
Keeping both knees straight, point your toes and split your legs as far apart as you can, bringing your right leg toward your head and your left leg in the opposite direction.
Next, lie fully on the table with both legs extended; lift right leg toward the ceiling without bending your knee.

Not exact matches

Suddenly he jerked his hands down, kicked his left leg above his head, drew back his right arm, thrust himself forward, brought his arm around as furiously as if he were cracking a whip and let loose another pitch toward... what, exactly?
As you move your top hand toward the left, move your bottom hand toward the right, gently and softly massaging her skin and muscles, thereby increasing leg circulation.
As you straighten your legs to standing, bring your right hand straight up toward so it's in line with your eyes and parallel to the ground, and your left hand straight up to the ceiling / sky (pictured above, right).
Extend right leg up toward the ceiling as you lift hips and come onto left toes (B).
Raise your right leg to hip height, then lower it back toward the ground 12 times.
Take your right or left leg and push up from your heels toward the ceiling.
Begin to press right heel down extending the leg straight and gaze past your right armpit toward the ceiling.
Complete this pelvic curl movement 12 times, then repeat on the other side, with your right leg raised toward to the ceiling.
Tap the right leg up toward the shoulder outside the right elbow, then back to the plank.
Keeping back flat and abs tight, bend left knee slightly and hinge forward from hips; reach right hand toward floor as you extend your right leg and left arm back.
As you press through your left leg to step up, curl the weights toward your shoulders and bring your right leg up so your thigh is parallel to the floor.
Keeping your hips and right leg glued to the floor, use the towel to raise your left leg toward your chest while keeping it straight.
Rotate upper body toward right leg as you shoot hip out to the left.
Keeping hips high and left leg up, hop right foot toward hands; move hands forward and repeat hop.
Bend right leg, and pull knee toward your chest.
Exhale, extending the left leg forward and simultaneously twisting your torso to the right, toward the bent knee.
Place your right hand on the mat, raise your left leg, wrap your left hand around the laces of your shoe and pull your foot toward your upper back.
Extend your right leg straight back, reaching your lower leg toward your left side.
Slowly point your foot as you inhale, extending your right leg straight back and then flex your foot as you slowly exhale and bend the knee back in toward your butt.
Lower your right knee toward the floor until you reach a 90 - degree angle in both of your legs.
Fallen star kick through: From a high plank position, bring left knee toward the center of your torso and then extend the leg under your body toward your right side, hovering it over the ground as you bring right hand to right hip.
Pull left knee in toward chest (A), then extend left leg straight back behind you as you extend right leg forward (B).
Continue crunching up to sitting as you lower legs to the floor and reach left hand across body toward right little toe (C).
As you inhale, draw your belly button toward the spine and engage your lower abs, then extend your right arm and left leg and lift them off the floor until they form a straight line with the rest of your body, keeping the spine neutral.
Pull your right knee toward your chest, with foot flexed, then extend right leg back and up.
To perform bicycle crunches correctly, get into a regular crunch position, then lift your right shoulder toward your left knee and simultaneously extend the right leg, then repeat on the opposite side without pausing.
B. Crunch up, twisting your right shoulder and rib cage toward your left knee while simultaneously stretching your right leg straight (keep your foot on the floor).
Press into the right hand while you raise the legs straight off the floor, bringing the torso toward the legs.
Lie faceup with your left knee bent, left foot flat on the floor, and right leg extended toward the ceiling.
Raise right leg 5 inches (or keep it on the ground if that's too challenging) and left leg straight up toward the sky.
Straighten your right leg and lower your left shoulder, as you rotate and bring your left knee inward and your right shoulder up and toward your knee (c).
Pull your left leg in to meet your right leg and reach the weight up toward the ceiling, keeping your shoulders and head elevated off the floor.
With straight legs, hinge toward your right side as far as you can go before placing your hand on your right foot, ankle, shin, or below the knee.
Raise the right leg and open the right hip as the right foot falls toward the left side of the body.
Pull your belly button toward the floor, then raise your right leg as you reach both arms toward your right foot at the same time.
Back Kick With Shoulder Press A Stand on your left leg with your right knee pulled up toward your chest.
Pull right knee in toward right shoulder (B), then extend leg back out to «A.» Pull knee back in with inner thigh facing up (C), then extend leg back out.
Raise your left arm, pointing fingers toward the ceiling as you straighten your right leg and lift your straight left leg into the air, foot flexed and pointing to the side; look up at your left hand.
Pick up the left foot; bend the left knee; bring the left heel toward the left glute; flex the left foot, engage the gluteus maximus muscle (muscle in the center of the seat) to move the left knee slightly behind the left hip; keeping the left leg slightly behind the right leg also works to give the left hip and thighs a lengthening stretch.
With each leg extension you will change the direction you extend your leg: 1 is out to the side, 2 is right behind you, and 3 is toward your midline.
Bend the right leg deeply, and step your left foot halfway toward the right foot as you move the right hand and block about a foot (or more if you're tall) forward.
Gaze toward your right hand, and begin to lower your legs to the left, stopping as soon as your right shoulder begins to lift off the ground.
Keep your legs active, and imagine pushing your right lower ribs toward the mat.
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