Sentences with phrase «right leg up»

• Kick your right leg up to the sky, as far as you can, then start leaning forward and kick higher.
Inhale and lift the right leg up, keeping the hip square, and exhale bring the right knee into the chest and round the back.
Inhale and lift the right leg up into the air.
Pick your right leg up off the ground, keeping your knee bent, and push back as if kicking someone with your foot flexed (b).
Engage your whole body and lift your right leg up to plant it on the inside of your left thigh (above or below the knee) for a Tree Pose.
Then push forcefully with your right leg up into full step up so that you're standing on the top of the box.
From a wide squat position, kick your right leg up to the side then slowly lower it back to the ground then you kick your left leg to the side.
From a plank position on the hands, lift the right leg up toward the ceiling.
Do 5 - 10 with your right leg up.
Repeat 5 - 10 times with your right leg up.
Slowly raise your right leg up and rest the sole of the foot on the left upper or lower leg.
Hold the dumbbell in your left hand, and hinge forward, raising your right leg up behind you to hip height.
Pull the right leg up from the ankle to the hip.
From Downward Facing Dog Pose, inhale and lift the right leg up and straight to the ceiling.
Now lean back slightly, pick the right leg up off the floor, and lift the left leg in front of the right.
Now hold both sides of the belt together in your right hand and extend your right leg up toward the ceiling.
How to: Lie on your back, put a strap around the ball of the right foot, and extend your right leg up.
Bring your right leg up and then forward to place your right knee next to your right wrist and your foot next to your left hand.
Keep left leg in the crossed position, pick right leg up and backpack it over right shoulder.
Slightly twist your body to bring your right leg up and over the roller so that your inner thigh is resting on it, and then turn your upper body back to position.
As you inhale lift the right leg up behind you and as you exhale bring it through to the front placing the foot flat to the ground between your hands, (the knee should be aligned above the ankle).
Lift your right leg up and then bend it to bring your knee inward toward your chest.
Exhaling, bring your right leg up, hooking your big toe with the first two fingers and thumb of your right hand.
Lift the right leg up into the air and externally rotate it open from the hip socket — the toes spin out, heel in.
Keeping hips square and core engaged raise your right leg up, foot flexed as high as you can.
Lift your right leg up, engaging your glute and clear your object, bringing it over and to the right.
Kick your right leg up in front of you.
Lift your knees off the floor and donkey kick your right leg up high - pressing through the heel as though you were kicking the ceiling.
Lift and kick right leg up and then lower.
C. Pushing through the heel of your right foot (this is the working leg), lift right leg up and back behind the body, similar to a forward lunge but passing the starting position and landing behind you.
Lift your right leg up and pulse it to the ceiling twice, then lower the toes back to the floor.
As you come down into your push - up, bring your right leg up to meet your elbow, adding an extra burn to your core.
Kick the right leg up and at the same time bring the left hand to the right toes while doing a small crunch.
Lift right leg up, keeping it bent, and extend right arm straight up (A).
Then lift your right leg up, while keeping the thighs parallel.
Rotate torso to the right, coming to center as you extend right leg up (B).
Roll onto your back and swing the left leg and then the right leg up the wall.
Next, extend your right arm to the sky while simultaneously raising your right leg up to hip - level (c).
Lift your chest and your right leg up towards the sky simultaneously.
Bring the right leg up and hold it at a 90 - degree angle with your thigh parallel to the floor.
Lift right leg up to hip height, then swing it through bringing right ankle behind left wrist.
Slowly and with control, lift your right leg up towards the sky, keeping your shoulders square and both hands firmly planted on the ground.
Lift right leg up above the hips.
Single - Leg Circles Start lying on your back and lift your right leg up and keep your body still as you make 8 clockwise circles, then 8 counter-clockwise.
Lift your right leg up and hold for one breath.
As you press through your left leg to step up, curl the weights toward your shoulders and bring your right leg up so your thigh is parallel to the floor.
Slowly lift your right leg up and step up, bringing your left leg to meet your right leg.
Lift your right leg up, bend your knee and cross it over to your left elbow.
Tap the right leg up toward the shoulder outside the right elbow, then back to the plank.
«Lay on the ground on your back, put your legs up on a stability ball, lift your hips up and down; do three sets of 15 reps.. If you want to make it harder, lift from your hips and lift your right leg up, and put your leg back down.
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