Sentences with phrase «right life path»

I loves to write stories about Characters at a Crossroads: individuals who are getting on the right life path after overcoming obstacles.

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Also, if you don't think you can handle the stress of moving to a new environment, having to build new social circles and revamping your entire life, a big change might not be the right path for you.
And J.D. as a child, a Marine, and a college student discovering the basic rules of life (wear a suit to a job interview, sparkling water is simply carbonated water) is so lovable that you find yourself wanting to hug this young boy and point him to the right path.
Loyalty was and is still central to the Bond strategic vision (it's right there in the name), but Macdonald and his senior team were increasingly taking the company into customer experience and live brand events, for example, while Maritz in the U.S. had chosen a more conservative path, staying focused on sales services.
Mackey would joke with his friends that it would be great if life had these little blazes that said you're on the right path.
Other worries for residents are the impact of pipeline construction on the environment (75 %), the possibility of infringing upon the rights of communities living along the pipeline path (67 %), the project's impact on First Nations communities (also 67 %), a lack of trust in Enbridge (65 %) and Enbridge's history of incidents (60 %).
I can only pray for you and hope that you choose the right paths in life.
Over incarnations, if one leads a moral life and chooses a spiritual path that he feels is right for him, he is sure to find God.
You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
Right Living strides out before him, and clears a path for his passage.
Will traditional marriage follow the path of preborn life — an issue moving from judicial activism and socially elite proclamations that a generational shift was «inevitable» and «the debate is over» to our day decades later where the youngsters are more right minded about abortion than their parents.
I grew up in the church all my life but I was following God's path, I didn't want to let God take control of my life but then at one point of my life I was going through a lot, stuff that a teenager shouldn't be going through but then I told God that I want him in my life to take control and to write out my path not me and right when I said that I felt happiness, I felt love, I felt and I still feel (what God wants me to do) that I have a purpose in life.
Therefore, communication must be with all those who in the different media suffer discrimination for reasons of sex, religion, race or political ideas; to champion the right to communication of those who live in situations of oppression and censorship and be together with all those who are seeking the path of reconciliation and reconstruction of community.
To see that a child is following the right path, is building a better life and is able to continue his or her studies in a university — that affords all the satisfaction in the world!
You are on the path... exactly where you are meant to be right now... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.»
For example, in one speech Hitler said, «In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that, as in the past, so in the years to come He would give His blessing to our work and our action, to our judgement and our resolution, that He will safeguard us from all false pride and from all cowardly servility, that He may grant us to find the straight path which His Providence has ordained for the German people, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right, never to falter, never to yield before any violence, before any danger... I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty... If Providence had not guided us I could often never have found these dizzy paths... Thus it is that we National Socialists, too, have in the depths of our hearts our faith.
At this point it is sufficient to say that for the moment we recognize that we are not what we might be, that human existence is in defection from its proper fulfillment, and that we are in need of the wholeness of life which will put us on the right path and enable us to become more and more what God intends for us to be.
For many believers in this group, it is about finding a righteous (and humane) path to oneness with their god and for non-believers (like myself) it is about the defense of certain freedoms and a right to live our lives unhampered by the beliefs of others while still maintaining those common values that are important to the progress and betterment of mankind.
If it does not stay at that point, merely marking time, and if on the other hand there does not occur a radical change in the despairer so that he gets on the right path to faith, then such despair will either potentiate itself to a higher form and continue to be introversion, or it breaks through to the outside and demolishes the outward disguise under which the despairing man has been living in his incognito.
When Muhammad gathered all his relatives in one place to tell them of his call, he said to them, «God has appointed me to teach you the right path of living so that you may reach the ordained objectives of perfection and happiness.
The whole evolutionary process tended toward man in the hope that through human knowledge and free choice man may lead the whole process in the right path that leads to being and life.
Thee good soil represents someone who; * admits and understands that they are indebted to God because of their sinful nature * that sin equals eternal damnation hellfire * they turn to Jesus as our own saviour to abide in his covenant to fully repent of sins and become holy enduring right to the end * remember Jesus said you can not serve the world and God, or money and god you can not be a master to both * the path to eternal life is very narrow and strait and only few are able to find it you have to let go of your desires and dictates of the flesh and always embrace and find happiness serving god set your eyes on Jesus... crucify your desires..
After all, if we all err, and there is no existence beyond this carnal one, we'd simply disappear into the oblivion, but if there is something, it's better to be on the right path, in this life, and in the one to come.
Hello nick i to, have these horrible blaspheming thoughts about God and the Holy spirit, its like they come when they want to torment me, i think the devil is trying to accuse you and me and so many of us, when we aren't lusting and living a life of sin he attacks us spiritually because he hates that we are on the right path toward advice brother is pray as much as possible and always ask for forgivness, pray so you are accounted worthy, if you have any addictions of some sort pray to God so he can help overcome these things whatever they are, PRAISE JESUS.good luck my brother.remember GOD is always with you no matter what.
Thou wilt show me the path of life: In thy presence is fulness of joy; In thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Fourth, a man can thus overcome the cravings which cause his ills by following the eightfold path: right views, high aims, discipline of speech, right action, right living, right effort, watchful - mindedness, concentration.
The only path available today is, either the domination of the majority religion or secular ideology as the established framework of the State suppressing the rights of others using State coercion or open democratic secularism in which a consensus is sought regarding the values and directions of the common life of society and the State policy related to that common life, through peaceful but active dialogue among religions and ideologies.
Doubt will keep you from any steady path in life right or wrong.
Dis so called prophecy maker just need to quit making prophecies, he has failed before and he is trying to just be one of the great prophets who's predictions where on the right path, this guy is just a money hungry bullpooper... lol harold camping live ur life and quit wasting ur time on Trynna predict the end of the world, this world is gonna out live all human kind every day so enjoy it
This is because the state of cessation of desire is an achievement that life on the right path makes possible.
I believed that if I acted the right way, lived a certain way and did enough for God, then my life would turn out the way I wanted it to and He would clear the path for me on Easy Street.
I live my life by setting goals and accomplishing them, sometimes at the expense of neglecting to see opportunities that are staring me right in the face, or realizing that the path I've set out on isn't even what I want.
My life has been full of changes and some big and scary girl, but I have faith and knowing that I'm doing the best thing for myself as well as my family, and that the universe and God is right there beside me showing me the path I need to take.
How right were you to say that our life is always in the balance — we can make our plan, but it is God who directs our path.
I believe we make our own path in life, because it just doesn't seem right to rely on destiny to do the work for you But yum!
This game, of course, was happening right about the time you were getting married, which you remember because when you think back, you remember listening to me in your tiny apartment, a waystation on a path you couldn't possibly imagine, as you made plans for the rest of your life.
There are no guarantees in life, but as parents, we have to try our best to keep our children on the right path to adulthood.
Make sure sons especially get exposure to male role models through sports, male relatives, or even other kids» dads Be A Good Single Mama 1) Don't be ashamed of being a single mother; realize you are a strong person, and a powerful figure in your child's life; you can still guide them and set them on the right path.
you just go and let Life take you, in that way I know that the path will be right and good.
She has put me on the right path and I feel so blessed by God to have her in my life.
Psalm 16:11 reminds me though... You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
They can learn new life skills, get a sense of right and wrong and foresee the disastrous path they are beginning to tread.
I know firsthand the struggles young men of color face in this nation, and I know how challenging it can be to both lead one's own life on the right path while also guiding others in that same direction.
«These programs help kids stay on the right path in life by promoting civic engagement and learning about economic security.
It's human to look at other [people's] lives and subconsciously compare, but we must remember that where we are right now is the exact path we are supposed to be on!»
For those still looking for it, I believe it's a deep calling and it's OK if you haven't found it right away because life is a journey and new paths open up to us every day.
Rather than letting fear be a reason to stop you, use it as a barometer to know that you're on the right path to living an awesome, whole life.
Lack of motivation / life direction With so many options in every aspect of life, from career to relationships, it can sometimes be hard to know if we're following the right path.
When you discover your life's work, you no longer ask, «Is this the right path
When you are wondering whether you're on the right path in an area of your life, seeing 222 can be a welcome confirmation from the angels that you're headed in the right direction and should keep plugging.
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