Sentences with phrase «right proportions»

The phrase "right proportions" means having the correct amounts or sizes for different parts to work well together or be balanced. Full definition
Right proportions of animal protein, carbohydrates and as much plants as possible.
You need food with vitamins and minerals in right proportion everyday to function properly.
Moving on to the process, get ready with all the required ingredients and measure exact quantities to ensure right proportions.
Get each in right proportion and you sit straight.
Rice cereals are considered good if they can ensure all the nutrients necessary for babies with right proportions and without added preservatives and other harmful additives.
But elevates what could be a snoozy look with slightly sexy sheer heels, a perfect red lip and a sleek blowout, plus — and this is key — the exact right proportions that make this outfit look made for her.
Best way to make sure you have right proportion of rice and water is to make sure the water covers rice, where you can see it but grains aren't peeking through to the top.
Vego Chocolate Bar is manufactured with superlative quality like fine Italian hazelnut paste, hazelnut cocoa cream and whole hazelnuts ingredients blended together in right proportions.
Mixing organic and paid social in the right proportions has helped her massively increase social commerce.
Through our Platform, we offer package and subscription Services, where we deliver single - serve packs of frozen smoothie ingredients you need to make a delicious blend, in exactly the right proportions as well as other Products.
Instead, try to keep your anchor text natural by spreading it across your inbound links in the right proportions (more about this below).
This moment of checking your gut, however, is as good a time as any to consider whether you have the right proportion of your money in stocks versus other options like cash, bonds or real estate that don't experience this kind of volatility or may not rise or fall in tandem with stocks.
If you do want to adjust, then why not switch some of your LS80 into LS60, in the right proportions to increase your bond exposure to what you judge to be appropriate.
The next step is to purchase the necessary index funds in the right proportions.
Seen in religious terms, «selfishness» gets a total bad rap, but it is actually necessary in the right proportion.
He tells her that he has «found my right proportions.
Sustainable development is thus a doctrine about right proportion.
The right proportion, tested anew every day according to changing conditions, between group - freedom and collective order; or absolute order imposed indefinitely for the sake of an era of freedom alleged to follow «of its own accord.»
Just as logic, it should permeate everything in the right proportion and degree.
And the best dough for homemade pies is pâte brisée... Getting the right proportion of butter to flour is crucial, as is using very cold ingredients and a light hand.»
The range of individual differences in this respect is enormous; but whatever the mixture of yeses and noes may be, the person is infallibly aware when he has struck it in the right proportion for him.
The recipe should make the right proportions so I am not sure why it worked out differently for you.
A few basic gluten free pantry ingredients combine in just the right proportions, and before you know it you're transported right back to Halloweens past.
Fermented foods are rich in live bacteria that replenish the microbiome, helping it maintain the right proportion of friendly bacteria for optimal health and weight loss.
Shrimp & Grits — Here's a unique breakfast combination that provides just the right proportion of meat and vegetables, and even works in some bacon.
Getting the right proportions of wet and dry ingredients is the tricky part.
Once home, the salad itself was easy to make: I just had to take all the ingredients listed on the menu and throw them together in the right proportions.
The right proportions are part of the championship formula, as are the right mix of textures.
When I wrote to my mom asking her for the exact proportions of the very simple dressing we always like to put on our soba noodles (from the back of the soba noodle box, I'll admit), she emailed back with the right proportions of rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and sesame oil — and, more importantly, to say that noodle salad was among Jill's favorite dinners.
They are totally different greens, so I'm thinking that any yummy green would probably work, in the right proportions.
You're probably going to have to do some experimenting to get the right proportions.
If you're not using stevia, feel free to replace it with your favourite sweetener in the right proportion.
Quick, easy, colorful, tasty, and the right proportions of ingredients.
So for many years, I kept trying different recipes until I came up with the right proportions and the right ingredients to make what I remember as the best tasting crumb bun.
I ended up adding 50 % more of all ingredients but salt to dilute it a bit more, and that seemed to be the right proportions.
I eyeballed the quinoa to get the right proportion of beans, salsa and quinoa.
But how do I know that I'm getting the right proportion of ingredients in every cup?
Cornstarch, being a thickener, yields a viscous, eggy substance when mixed with water in the right proportion.
The right proportion being about 2 tablesoons of cornstarch to 3 of water.
Finding the right proportion of oil and vinegar to suit your tastes can take a little experimentation and practice.
They're so ridiculously simple, but like all of the simplest recipes, the right ingredients in the right proportions are key — and so is chilling the dough before you bake it.
From what we have read and studied here at Naked Nutrition, we've found that pea protein and rice protein offer the best options, with an ideal being a diet that contains both so that all the essential amino acids are consumed in the right proportion.
We discovered early on that each variety of almond has its own unique balance of macronutrients, so we tested over 20 varieties to find a nut with just the right proportion of proteins, sugars, and fats.
Sometime it's just the right few things in just the right proportions that makes magic happen:)
This recipe will make use of a digital kitchen scale to account for the right proportion of ingredients.
Our products take the guesswork out of healthier eating; retraining you to eat the right amounts of the right foods, in the right proportion.
It just takes good ingredients (in the right proportion) and a passion to eat.
Ojo de Agua really means «the eye of the water,» and this water has exactly the right proportion of calcium, magnesium and, I am positive, even some radioactive properties, to insure the breeding of sound horses.»
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