Sentences with phrase «right side of the divide»

The post is a healthy reminder for the proudly brusque, but in it Olds also goes a step further, not just cautioning self - described straight shooters of the social and business costs of stepping over the line that separates directness from rudeness, but also offering three helpful tips to keep you on the right side of the divide.
«Protestants do at times succumb to the temptation to accept the common Russian division between «traditional» and «non-traditional» religions if they themselves happen to be on the right side of the divide
It's a thin line between a subtle performance that captivates and a lack of performance that bores, and Cousty is always on the right side of that divide.
But Franco's looseness stayed, for the most part, on the right side of the divide.

Not exact matches

Right now there is great temptation for both sides of the standard culture - war divide to use this attack for political advantage.
As a kid in Missouri, I was a Baptist, and that identity said not only that I belonged to an important church but that I was on the right side of the great eternal divide, ready to defend my salvation against the other contenders around me.
Iraq is a big land and has many bordering countries and a population of many Races, and many Religions and Faiths that were known or unknown beliefs... all of those lived in harmony during S - adam regime and every body was practicing his rights with out fear or with just a little fear But now having messed up the whole setup and the control of this mixed nation that were under a secular umbrella has cleverly for some ended it to be handed to Religious extremes at all sides of borders who are now fighting each other for taking control over the country or having it divided in to pieces.
And they need to be able to use balance and twisting skills to cross the midline (an imaginary vertical line dividing the right and left sides of the body), which they must do in order to read and write fluidly.
The government now consists of two parties normally associated with being on different sides of the political divide - centre - right and centre - left.
Replacing Howard with a leader who is seen as less extreme should help the Conservatives move people's perception of them closer to the centre ground, and once Labour's leader is a figure who is percieved as being on the other side of the psychological left - right divide they may be in a better position to win support back from Labour amongst right - of - centre voters, but either way you cut it they are still as by far the most extreme of the three main parties.
The public spat that ensued saw either side of the divide supporting their favourites as being in the right and condemning the other side as those who did wrong.
The faults are on all sides of the political divide, even if the anti-immigrant right appears to be more culpable on this occasion.
Now drop an imaginary plumb line from the top of the rope, and the big triangle can be divided into two smaller and equal right triangles, each with a hypotenuse of 180.5 feet and sides of 180 feet and h feet.
Step 9 / Next divide out a new section of hair on the right side of the head by creating a slight arc shape and clip down the bottom hair.
Vaughan and Goldman obviously have little love or sympathy for right - wing conservatives, pitting broad, ugly, reactionary caricatures against the Kingsman - Statesman combo, but they're almost as eager to offend moviegoers on the opposite side of the political divide.
Contemporary film culture agonizes over sussing out and defining the political content of every release, eager to slot it into the «correct» side of the right - left divide.
It's easy to find success stories on both sides of the divide, but which direction is right for your author business?
On the right - hand side of the table, under the heading «Bear Mkt Allocation,» we show an alternate, temporary way of dividing your portfolio between stocks and bonds.
The two most common types of congenital heart disease are malformations of a valve or a defect in the wall that divides the right and left sides of the heart (a «hole in the heart»).
The rocky promontory divides Serendipity from Sokha and while a footpath links to the latter the main entrance and driveway are to be found on the left side of the right angle where Sokha Beach Road meets the beach itself.
Mizata beach is located at the kilometer 86 of the litoral road in the department of Sonsonate, is the located west next to La Libertad, this is the last consistence surf spot and one of the most beautifull in the area, natural feral enviroment sorounded of the amazing tropical vegetation, Mizata beach is divided by a rivermouth, the same river that make the rocky pointbreak of mizata, in the other side a nice sandy beach of around 1 kms to finally end in a rocky cliff, nice walk during low tide, This spot because is the last one and is located right in the middle of both area, La Libertad city and Sonsonate city is very quiet, «tranquilo» is a great place for surf families, group of friends looking for confortable accommodation and privacy.
If they can get the handling balanced right to please both sides of the simulation - arcade divide, then this game should bring something to the table for everyone to enjoy.
For example, in Untitled [9/68] 1968 (T12242), he divided the canvas in half with a line along the diagonal and placed on either side, and at angles to one another, two linear grids coloured yellow, filling in the blocks of the grid in the upper right variously pink, lavender, and pale and dark blues.
Another, «DNA: Splops: III» (2017), is divided in two, one side having the fluid opacity of a metallic mesh, the right bearing black blotches against a rose - grey base, their blowsy splashes yoked into equilibrium by the neat rows of three into which Binion has arranged them.
The strategy is to divide conservative candidates and moderate voters; framing conservatives as standing on the morally wrong side of the climate change issue; as they have been portrayed in the gay marriage and Civil Rights debates.9 The NextGen campaign applies a master narrative that is adapted to each state, emphasizing that climate change poses a serious threat to the economy, public health, and children, and that if a candidate doesn't believe in climate change, they can't be trusted.
People don't point out the errors because he's on the right side of the political divide.
An easy way to distinguish features from benefits is to divide a sheet of paper into two columns; on the left side, enter a feature, on the right, translate the feature to a benefit — what your listener has to gain.
So, Ross, if Brampton is just over 100 sq miles, top to bottom, side to side, that being 10 mi sq'd (no superscript on iPhone QWERTY keyboard)... Then hypothetically dividing the city in half (not quite half is east of Hwy 410, my most prolific work area could be set at 50 Sq mi or 5 mi x 10 mi, and that would sound about map - right, except that I confined my general work area even tighter, into specific «pockets» (ideally no condo apts, and very few TH, or semi's), to about 5 mi x 4 mi, working therefore only about 20 sq mi to produce about 90 % of my annual volume.
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