Sentences with phrase «right side of your torso»

Continue stretching the right arm up and back so that you are opening up the right side of the torso to the front of the space.
When you do twists, the muscles on the left and right sides of the torso work together to produce enough torque to turn the spine.
You should feel the stretch down the right side of your torso.
See that your right elbow doesn't slip away from the right side of your torso.
Try to create as much length along the right side of your torso as you do along the left.
Lengthen the right side of your torso along the inside of the right thigh.
Contract the right side of the torso and stretch the left.

Not exact matches

Her head and hips are shifted to her right (toward the left side of her lounger), creating asymmetry of the neck and torso.
The cover has an adjustable strap, so that you can get the right fit for your torso length, an important feature for those of us on the petite side.
Rotate your torso to the left while pressing the rice bag into the front of your left shoulder until arms extend, bring arms down and now twist in the opposite direction, over your right side.
Fallen star kick through: From a high plank position, bring left knee toward the center of your torso and then extend the leg under your body toward your right side, hovering it over the ground as you bring right hand to right hip.
From here, twist your torso from left to right, tapping the medicine ball on each side of you as you move back and forth.
From here, twist your torso and bring the dumbbell over to the left side of your hips and then over to the right side of your hips.
Bend your left elbow and twist your torso to the right, dropping the left shoulder and the whole left side of the torso as low as possible on your inner left thigh.
Lift the ball up over your head and twist your torso slightly to the right, drawing the medicine ball to your right side as you forcefully use your arms and core (particularly your obliques) to slam the ball down on the ground to the outside of your right knee.
To come out of the pose, inhale as you straighten your right leg and use your left arm to swing your torso back to center, with your arms out to the side.
Lean forward into the cable, pushing your torso into the cable, setting your head either to the left or right side of the cable so that the cable is running down one side of your neck.
Lay on your left side, left arm hugging your torso (to get it out of the way), and right hand planted firmly on the ground in front of you, aligned with your shoulders.
As you lower your torso to the side, bring the back of your right shoulder against the inner knee, and press your fingertips to the floor.
Lengthen both sides of your torso over the right leg so that the right side of your rib cage feels as long as the left.
Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the torso.
From here, you're going to crunch your knees into your chest as you lift your torso up to meet them and bring the weight to the outside of your right knee, twisting to that side (so you're balancing on your tailbone at the top of the crunch).
Make sure, as you twist to the right and move the hand along the leg, that you don't shorten your right side; continue pressing your right hand against the floor to help lengthen that side of the torso.
Swing the back of the left shoulder to the outside of the right knee, keeping the left side of the torso snug against the inside of the right thigh.
To alternately stretch and contract the lateral structures of the torso (obliques, QL, illiacus, TFL, IT band); to facilitate deeper breathing by stretching intercostal muscles and expanding the ribcage; to create more balance between the right and left sides of the body by working with each side individually — Why is she looking up?
«Exhale and extend your torso to the right directly over the plane of the right leg, bending from the hip joint, not the waist... Rotate the torso to the left, keeping the two sides equally long.
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