Sentences with phrase «right target»

Thrown weapons can either be quick thrown or aimed but by the time I got my arc right my target had moved.
Changed the default keys for left and right target switching when playing on mouse and keyboard to «Z» and «C».
Your are right target Orange city, debary, sanford, and deltona.
Translated into the modern world of marketing, invest the time and energy to narrow your focus down on to the right target market.
As long as you are hitting the right target audience and then meeting their needs there's no reason why you can't bring this traffic to your website, and then turn them into a paying customer.
Effective market research requires asking good (non-leading) questions of the right target market, especially when you don't have sales yet.
In 1985, Silicon Valley accounted for 40 % of global semiconductor output, so he struck the right target.
The right target audience doesn't mean «keywords,» it means people.
This can be especially handy if you are using Facebook ads or Boosting posts as it can help you identify the right target areas and create content that is more likely to get a potential customer's attention.
This six tips can help you — and your emails — reach the right target.
At best, the link builders role with merit or citation based link building is to have the skills to identify the right targets and editorial contacts at those targets, make a brief and polite content introduction, and then leave.
I am not yet ready to abandon a 2 percent target but wage rigidity and zero lower bound on interest rate considerations suggest whatever the right target was a decade ago, a higher target might be appropriate today given the slowdown in productivity and reduction in the neutral rate.
So, you know, what is the right target?
It's possible with the right target market but do you have one established?
A strong data optimization program is critical for marketers to successfully identify the right target prospects, personalize messages at scale, and reduce email deliverability challenges.
If there seems to be a disconnect between the keywords that are generating visitors and the keywords that you were targeting, you may need to change your content in order to attract the right target audience members.
Another common problem often faced by crowdfunders is setting up the right targets and the time to achieve the goal.
But a year after its launch last April, industry observers remain unconvinced that Ontario's 15 per cent non-resident speculation tax had the right target in its crosshairs and, home buyers and sellers — caught mid-transaction by the ensuing plunge in home values — say the government hasn't even acknowledged the casualties caused by its manipulation of the market.
We are proud of it because every day we reach the right target made up of companies, managers, professionals, barmen (etc.) who work in the coffee market.
While there's still uncertainty over whether or not the moves materialise, there shouldn't be over whether Chelsea are looking at the right targets.
All the punches hurt, yetnone found the right target, the chin.
2) Coaching & management issues with identifying the right targets & putting the money on the table (how many time have we heard Wenger saying we were following this guy but... the horrendous Suarez bid or the shocking Walcott contract) 3) Are english core has failed to provide return and ironically the Spurs ones (Dier, Alli, Rose, Walker) are doing exactly what we envision from (Gibbs, Jenkinso, Wilshere, Ramsey, Welbeck, Chambers).
With regards to the other areas he mentions though, they will surely have to be the right targets to improve on what they've already got with the likes of Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah.
Mkhitaryan isn't even close to being good enough to take Sanchez's place, so wasn't the right target.
I actually believe it is the time that we should be ruthless and willing to pay over the odd for the right targets.
«There's money available if we find the right targets.
«We didn't refuse to spend money for the right targets.
The latter comments provoked a furious backlash from Arsenal supporters, even forcing the club website and Wenger to reaffirm the club's willingness to spend «big money» on the right target before the transfer window closes.
Klopp is prepared to use James Milner as emergency left - back cover but after seeing Alberto Moreno — his first choice for that position — hobble off with a dead leg against Roma in St Louis, the German confirmed he will go into the market if the right target becomes available.
We have to find the right target and do the right deal to bring them into the club.
You need to make sure the market is suited to the product you're selling and that the customer is the right target audience.
Below is a conversation I had with her about how she reached her conclusions, whether her observations might not be a little out of date, and whether she has set her sights on the right target — defining the «conflict» of one between different visions of motherhood rather than between, say, mothers and inflexible institutions, or mothers and outdated views of the roles of men.
The trick will be getting the right target phone number to the right activist, but that's why you hired a top - notch vendor (hint).
MRSA Action UK welcome the NICE guidance on antimicrobial stewardship, and in our response to NICE, have emphasised the need for better diagnostics so that when someone does need treatment they get the right targeted antimicrobial if its required.
Today they issued their second ebook, this one a top - to - bottom guide to conducting advocacy campaigns: Advocacy is all about creating the right message, getting it to the right targets, and converting an ask into an action.
These campaigns have the opportunity to create real engagement through digital advertising, direct mail and grassroots strategies that utilize state - of - the - art targeting to ensure that their message reaches the right targets.
Advocacy is all about creating the right message, getting it to the right targets, and converting an ask into an action.
They are more affluent, more confident consumers: with the right targeting they have the potential to become generous and loyal customers.
The generational approach falls flat — young people don't vote much in low - turnout midterm primaries, lol, and anyway aren't necessarily clamoring for one of their own, and Maloney is not the right target for a «change» campaign.
«He would be attractive under normal circumstances, but I just don't know if de Blasio is the right target,» he said, noting that Donovan's impressed him by speaking to his National Action Network convention every year.
«That combination of the right strategy, the right targeting and the right information is proving to be essential,» Mr. de Blasio said.
Additional features include both portrait and landscape recording and a face tracking feature that lets you zero in on the right target for dramatic effects in your films.
It uses Pinseeker technology to isolate the target and short bursts of vibration called JOLT technology that helps establish that the right target has been selected by the rangefinder.
We can then identify the right targets for therapeutic drugs,» he adds.
The drug may or may not become a breakthrough Alzheimer's treatment — it's too soon to say — but either way it will probably answer a key question: Have researchers been aiming at the right target?
Until now, the quest for effective Alzheimer's treatments has been marked by costly and high - profile failures, mainly because we haven't focused on the right targets — and we're stepping in too late.
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