Sentences with phrase «right thumb stick»

For those who are interested, the controller feels about the same as the Wii U Pro Controller, with one major difference: the offset right thumb stick.
The left, in combination with the right thumb stick, allows players to aim their weapon at incoming enemies.
I prefer that to be done by clicking on the right thumb stick.
I prefer to click the right thumb stick to zoom and then only when I want to.
You can either send them strait ahead of you with the Right Trigger or control exactly where they move with the right thumb stick.
You can shoot either with the right thumb stick or the right trigger.
To control the Photo mode camera, use the Left and Right Thumb Sticks to navigate around the scene, and use the R2 and L2 buttons to pan up or down.
To control the Photo Mode camera, use the Left and Right Thumb Sticks to navigate around the scene, and use the R2 and L2 buttons to pan up or down.
The left thumb stick moves your cursor, the right thumb stick moves the currently selected block, and any of the bumpers or triggers advance the blocks one line.
Once turned on players can navigate using the Left and Right Thumb Sticks to navigate around the scene, and use the R2 and L2 buttons to pan up or down.
Like all psp games playing on Vita, you can use the right thumb stick, but if you want to be 100 % sure for it, I have it and works great
From inside the app you'll be able to change which buttons perform which commands, increase or decrease rumble intensity or change how sensitive the left and right thumb sticks are.
I really like that you can aim at individual body parts (while still targeting with the right thumb stick).
The controls and user interface are very Dark Souls - ish, in that you hold B to run or to roll and you can lock onto your targets by pressing the right thumb stick.
I died multiple times just trying to convince my brain that the right thumb stick could indeed be used to «jump», but even after I sorted that confusion out, Tinertia's level design and the physics still kept me from achieving a speedy run through the level.
They auto assign to the right wheel but to get the spray to stick you flick the wheel down and while holding it select the spray with the right thumb stick and it should spray.
You click in the right stick to target the enemy, then use the right thumb stick to select head, chest, or which limb you want to strike.
You can easily swing the camera around in Monster Hunter World using the right thumb stick to get your bearings.
Putting aside the lack of the right thumb stick, the 3DS XL is a good piece of hardware and the larger screen is an improvement.
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