Sentences with phrase «right verbiage»

Finding the right verbiage or definition for an insurance term can be difficult.

Not exact matches

Once you've seen how others in your field have crafted their «experience» verbiage, you'll be able to determine whether you need to start from scratch or if you're on the right track.
I think you were 100 % right in expressing your opinion of the views of Herb & Graham, they may well have valid points that we could all agree on but unfortunately the good points are lost in a torrent of hateful verbiage, which is a shame.
Granted I'm picking on the legal verbiage here, but isn't that the first place you should go when deciding if an identity verification services background check is right for you?
When Waltz uses a self - consciously ostentatious word like «ascertain» (as in, «I was simply trying to ascertain...» — the kind of verbiage QT is as likely to put in the mouth of a lowlife crook as a German dentist, or a Francophile plantation slavemaster, for that matter), it sounds right.
The warm affection for foibles, the lightning - quick volleys of verbiage, the screwball forward plunge of the montage: So much of what made Frances Ha special is right here, too.
At their national convention in Cincinnati in late July, the delegates of this once venerable civil rights organization voted for a resolution that called for a moratorium on the expansion of charter schools in the U.S. Embarrassingly, the NAACP's talking points and verbiage come directly from the teacher union playbook with all the inherent fibs, half - truths and exaggerations intact.
I get the question often from Loan Officers «If I remove all the dispute verbiage my scores are going to drop, right
But note that in spite of all of that much - needed extantly essential, presidential, and existential verbiage, for the first time in the long history of «the problem,» we have a law society committee that expresses the right attitude (would you believe, «sincere fear,» at pages 4 - 5 of the Report itself, being pages 235 - 236 of the Report to Convocation, January 23, 2014), in paragraphs 6 and 9:
But doing it right two or three times a week for hours at a stretch isn't easy; it's the rare bird who can combine personal passion with restrained verbiage on the big screen and get the timing right as well.
For example if your official title is somewhat generic and doesn't fully explain what you do or did, add verbiage to it that explains it right after you list the title, even if it wasn't your «official» title so they can clearly and quickly see what you were responsible for.
Better Verbiage, relevant language, correct formatting are the factors we implement to create an effective resume that will make a huge impact on how employers seeking the right candidate.
Included in the contract is verbiage which gives the home buyer the right to «inspect» the home for damage and defects, and which compels the seller to allow said inspection within some number of days from signing — usually seven.
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