Sentences with phrase «rightful place in school»

So that children can learn what it means to be an American, Congress should help states put the teaching of American history and civics back in its rightful place in school curricula.
Instead of waiting in the shadows, I should have taken my rightful place in school plays or family reunions.

Not exact matches

As students are claiming their rightful place in today's ongoing dialogues on gun control and school safety — leading powerful demonstrations such as March for Our Lives and National School Walkout Day — there are an increasing number of educators who urge schools to allow students to voice their opinions, and make these conversations a regular occurschool safety — leading powerful demonstrations such as March for Our Lives and National School Walkout Day — there are an increasing number of educators who urge schools to allow students to voice their opinions, and make these conversations a regular occurSchool Walkout Day — there are an increasing number of educators who urge schools to allow students to voice their opinions, and make these conversations a regular occurrence.
Now that Hoxby and Murarka's charter school data and the Massachusetts initiative show such promising results, we are hopeful that «time» will finally take its rightful place in our country's education reform lineup.
With adequate funding and resources, we could establish the infrastructure and staffing that would allow us to take full advantage of the opportunities currently before us to help parents take their rightful place in the national movement to fix our schools and, we hope, help move things in the direction that will truly make our schools stronger and better.
Joanne Gray, the new Headteacher, ably supported by the staff at the school, the NET Academies Trust Board, the Governing Body and the central team, has formulated plans to secure swift progress for the school in all areas to bring the school back to its rightful place as an outstanding educational establishment in Reading.
Originally from Denver, Colorado, I have worked tirelessly over the past twenty - eight years as a results - driven Public Educator, Administrator, School Founder and Principal to ensure all scholars take their rightful place in the world as four - year college and critically conscious graduates.
Popular old school skeleton Sir Daniel Fortescue from MediEvil is also prepping for battle, fighting for his rightful place in the Hall of Heroes.
Affirmation matters: it confirms to these schools, districts and their funders that they are on the right track, and better allows them to take their rightful place in the vanguard of SEL educational programming.
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