Sentences with word «rightist»

The word "rightist" is used to describe someone who holds conservative or traditional beliefs and ideologies. A rightist generally supports smaller government, personal freedoms, and traditional values. Full definition
Recognizing that the concerns of animal rightists pertain for the most part to animals subjected to human captivity, Birch and Cobb demonstrate that these concerns can be combined with those of the land ethicist into a single environmental ethic.
Nonetheless, we found ourselves supporting tyrannical rightist regimes that care nothing about the freedom we prize, and that do little or nothing economically for the lower 80 per cent of their populations.
Purebred dogs are under assault from extreme animal rightists who would like to see all domestic animal populations managed to extinction.
Thus, in rightist ideology, cattle ranching is morally equivalent to slavery, which explains this bald assertion of PETA's odious «Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign»: «The leather sofa and handbag are the moral equivalent of the lampshades made from the skins of people killed in the death camps.»
Labour Needs to be a Force for Social Justice Not another Branch of the Tory Party as Rightists seem to want Labour to be in Effect
The fact that «new world order» has taken on conspiratorial associations for Protestants outside the radical right is seen by rightists as a validation of their own worldview.
But they are considered rightists, because they glorified the right of the strong over the weak.
Hard Luck Blairites — the PLP talent pool for the new rightist leader is still empty.
Just last year at a Republican state convention in Arizona, new Christian rightists managed to pass a floor resolution declaring that the U.S. is «a Christian nation» and that the U.S. Constitution created «a republic based upon the absolute laws of the Bible, not a democracy.»
Usually, animal rightists avoid focusing on the «end all pets» part of their agenda, sticking with advocacy around making it more difficult to raise food animals, ruining the fur industry, or impeding medical research.
Contrast this with the USA where the entire Republican Party denies climate change exists and where 5 % of children are missing critical vaccinations - either because parents are paranoid about internet rumors or because of extreme left or rightist ideology.
Niemöller's often - quoted words were a warning about German society's silence and complicity with rightist takeover and genocide — an admonition clearly not heeded by Diaz.
This divide functions quite well in USA, where rightists (conservatists) are fighting for traditional American values such as right to possess arms and corporation - friendly law.
This is the situation which should be addressed if animal welfare is to be genuinely improved, not the simplistic and prejudiced attack on one particular method, fuelled by loaded public opinion polls, blinkered animal rightist claims and cheap, ill - informed headlines.
While the belief of radical rightist Xians that this means the «bride of Christ, this is a different word.
Rightists see the federal government falling more and more under the control of malevolent forces.
«I'm not OK with it,» he added, echoing the signs posted at the event asking demonstrators to refrain from «racism, rightist populism and anti-Americanism.»
In this far - rightist religious regime, it is the women who must keep silent in the state, though it menaces all.
From what has been said so far, it should be clear that land ethicists and animal rightists differ.
Large capital investments in the Third World on the part of multinational business will increasingly require political commitments from the host nation — and such commitments are most easily secured in such rightist dictatorships as Brazil and Chile.
The organization we should be blaming is not the church, but leftist / rightist media radicals which creates fanatics like this guy.
«Conservative» is Bill Buckley and his merry band trying to stitch together a coalition out of sundry Old Rightists, Mad Libertarians, Ex-Communists, Catholic Democrats and (shhh) a few Authoritarians, and more.
Rightists also are unconcerned with church unity and community or, with ressourcement.
I have said on many occasions — usually I am scolded for saying it by American Rightists — that we should avoid identifying the conflict between Christianity and communism with the international conflict.
Though rightists and conservatives, sharing their rejection of the modern world, often supported Fascist movements, fascism was anything but conservative.
So, how will Nigerians know when to draw the line between hate and non-hate speech as it is not a leftist or rightist decision?
Blond is arguing for a reversal of this - to reassert a traditional rightist critique on social issues, but to combine it with a localist, protectionist economic argument which is a leftist economic shift.
His Chavista past is likely to make him untenable for the more rightist sections of the opposition.
The plan for a progressive alliance forged in the white heat of GE2017 should explicitly be about challenging this growing rightist, Tory hegemony.
Well after awhile, people who are spending the little time they have looking for someone smart to say something get annoyed even scrolling past incoherent rants cum self - rightist rage and taunts for tat.
Rightists accuse leftists of racism against whites AND subtle racism against blacks for insisting on preferences that support blacks (even prosperous ones) over whites (even poor ones).
Recent events — the deadly shooting at Los Angeles International Airport in November and the 2011 Arizona shooting that killed six people and injured 14, including U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords — have focused attention on domestic far - rightist violence and other lone actors.
«Our study found that these attacks were carried out with firearms, knives or other blunt instruments, which makes the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by far - rightists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols an anomaly,» Gruenewald said.
«WPA Writers Project Seen as Success, Despite Rightists» Review of The Dream and the Deal: The Federal Writers» Project, 1935 - 1943, by Jerre Mangione.
How do I know where you stand on tax rates for the wealthy as an individual, but there is a pattern among rightists where it is a predictable trait.
Monkey's Uncle, the thing that makes Islamists and many Western rightists hate each other is their different religions, at least as much as their policies.
Canada's political police serve the oil industry, citing lobbyists and rightist demagogues to slander environmental activists as potential terrorists.
So traditionally the conservatists (the ones who want to preserve existing order) are considered rightists, while the people who want to change it are considered leftists.
It is a stark example as well of how public debate on topics deemed delicate here can be easily muffled by a small minority, the most vocal of whom are the country's estimated 10,000 rightists who espouse hard - line stances in disputes against Tokyo's neighbors.
He writes that «most of the namers of this periodical and their successors had early second thoughts as bad things began to happen, among them world wars, depressions, and Christian rightists» efforts to name America a Christian country.

Phrases with «rightist»

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