Sentences with phrase «rights over your manuscript»

Another thing that makes self publishing more of the way to go is that you, as the author, own total rights over your manuscript.

Not exact matches

The use of goatskin on pages 109 — 112 of the 156 - page manuscript came right before a new scribe with a distinct script took over the main text.
Hi, I learnt my lesson with Xibris who is under the wing of Penguin House they were over the top with praises but got nothing right they didn't follow any of my instructions for my artwork or cover the did nt edit my manuscript as I paid $ 3500 for and received delay after delay after 8 months which they promised 6 weeks and my book would be in my hand and on shelves, I pulled the plug and cancelled payments through my bank and received all my money back I sent all 9 consultants emails on my termination of our contract due to their unprofessional ism and prying on new authors Plus I sent 9 written termination letters as stated in their contract I now have learnt research every publisher outlet in legitimacy saves on the heartache
This dashboard isn't typically available to authors who sign their rights over to a publisher or another third - party distributor, as the entity that uploaded the manuscript to KDP controls the account.
I've worked with enough struggling writers, however, to know that some of you reading this right now believe that if you redraft your manuscript just one more time, or get just one more beta reader to go over your story and provide feedback, your book will finally be perfect.
Over the years, I've built my Critiquers of Awesome list, and I continue to swap critiques with the amazing people on my list (I've got three manuscripts lined up to critique right now).
Once you hand over your manuscript for a traditional publishing company to publish, you are essentially giving up all rights and control over the final product.
Still, chances are you'll lose sleep wondering whether your manuscript consultant was right in suggesting you cut the scene you slaved over for months — and whether you should take his advice or ignore it.
Over three years ago now, I had the pleasure of working with her on a manuscript that I knew was something special, right from the start.
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