Sentences with phrase «rigorous curriculum in»

So this means that there is a need to provide a rigorous curriculum in disciplinary literacy, starting at the early grades.
As a part of the Wallace Foundation's Principal Pipeline Initiative, GLISI prepared a compilation of thirteen effective strategies, identified by principals for principals, designed to ensure the implementation of a rigorous curriculum in every classroom, for every child.
The president commended Charbonneau for his efforts to ignite his students» interest in science, engineering, and technology and expose them to a rigorous curriculum in those subjects.
Program FocusLa Escuela Fratney provides a rigorous curriculum in English and Spanish that includes a focus on multiculturalism and collaboration with both parents and the community.
State Senator Ken LaValle is calling on education department commissioner John King to «hit the delay button» with rolling out new, more rigorous curriculum in public schools through the Common Core.
Great Minds Curriculum Tools Great Minds currently offers its popular Eureka Math program, as well as tools to build rigorous curricula in English and history.

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First, several small but notable Christian colleges (unmentioned by Epstein) still promote the liberal arts through their rigorous core curriculums: Thomas Aquinas College (which offers one degree: B.A. in the liberal arts), the University of Dallas, and Calvin College all deserve mentions.
The Church needs to find its way in a world where public school administrations are more preoccupied with transgender rights than restoring a rigorous academic curriculum.
By focusing on the day - to - day necessities of a healthy schedule; an engaging, personalized, and rigorous curriculum; and a caring climate, this book is an invaluable resource for school leaders, teachers, parents, and students to help them design learning communities where every student feels a sense of belonging, purpose, and motivation to learn the skills necessary to succeed now and in the future.
Our supportive community and rigorous curriculum prepares students to flourish in today's quickly changing world.
Embracing the Waldorf instructional method, Woodland Star addresses the whole child, framing rigorous academics in an artistic, creative and multi-sensory curriculum.
The math and science curriculum is rigorous, and students are taught to engage math and science in a way that is practical in the real world.
We set rigorous standards in our college preparatory curriculum.
A new, more rigorous curriculum was put in place in public schools in 2012 and the impacts of that exploded in classrooms across the state this past year.
«With no secondary national curriculum how will he ensure a rigorous approach to learning in all schools?»
The Republicans are tapping into an anger among many parents in New York state over the botched rollout of a more rigorous curriculum that relies more on standardized tests, and is tied to teacher evaluations.
Forty years of progress in RE, including last year's RE curriculum framework, make it clear that the systematic study of humanism contributes to making the subject both rigorous and relevant.
In a report released Thursday, Flanagan recommended that the state Education Department to allocate money from its existing budget to support teachers as they transition to curriculum aligned to the Common Core, a rigorous curriculum which promotes critical thinking and problem solving.
For example, despite massive investments in pre - and in - service teacher training and curriculum materials development, the roundtable assembly recommended more rigorous and attractive science and math training for high school students and their teachers.
First, the rigor of the science curriculum in medical schools has not kept pace with advances in the biological sciences; M.D. graduates lacking a rigorous science background find it difficult to develop research programs that can equal those of well - trained basic scientists.
The Animal Behavior, Ecology and Conservation Program at Canisius (ABEC) combines the rigorous scientific study of Animal Behavior with a values - focused curriculum in the liberal arts tradition.
Our rigorous, advanced level curriculum prepares you to be a leader in the health coaching field.
Based on these statements, we can categorize the schools roughly into five groups: those that have a child - centered or progressive educational philosophy and typically seek to develop students» love of learning, respect for others, and creativity (29 percent of students); those with a general or traditional educational mission and a focus on students» core skills (28 percent of students); those with a rigorous academic emphasis, which have mission statements that focus almost exclusively on academic goals such as excelling in school and going to college (25 percent of students); those that target a particular population of students, such as low - income students, special needs students, likely dropouts, male students, and female students (11 percent of students); and those in which a certain aspect of the curriculum, such as science or the arts, is paramount (7 percent of students).
While the word «accountability» never appears in Risk, its call for higher academic standards and its focus on student achievement as the main barometer of quality laid the intellectual groundwork for the rigorous curricula and tests envisioned by the promoters of standards - based -LSB-...]
«A rigorous curriculum, putting the right foundations in place, alongside high - quality assessments are the embodiment of that.
In every class, both core and elective curriculum, Trinidad Garza uses the six strategies from the Common Instructional Framework — collaborative group work, literacy groups, scaffolding, writing to learn, questioning, and classroom talk — to align their instruction, create a rigorous environment, and foster students who take ownership of their learning.
This was significant because computer science was not thought of as a rigorous subject discipline in the way that physics or chemistry were by DfE until the CAS curriculum appeared.
In order to take these tests and graduate with a diploma, students had to have access to a rigorous curriculum and be included in courses in which they may not have participated in beforIn order to take these tests and graduate with a diploma, students had to have access to a rigorous curriculum and be included in courses in which they may not have participated in beforin courses in which they may not have participated in beforin which they may not have participated in beforin before.
Like the pre-2004 Sox, many educators have long resisted the kind of rigorous research and scientific analysis that could identify the curricula and teaching strategies most likely to help children succeed in school.
But she was right: transforming tests in this way would be the best way to help lift curricula to a consistently rigorous and effective level.
In the absence of more rigorous scientific research, the decision to adopt a curriculum like Investigations is being made on what the Times sportswriters would call «instinct and whim.»
The PSP curriculum is rigorous but flexible, structured in a way that focuses on the healthy development of children and adolescents.
And so that's why in this age of common core, ensuring that the curriculum is rigorous and aligns to the common core standards is more important than ever.»
Those precious resources were spent developing the EngageNY curriculum materials that schools and teachers in other states have eagerly downloaded in enormous numbers; rigorous exams that reflect real - world standards of proficiency in math and reading; and teacher certification standards that are now among the highest in the nation.
I'd like to see class - size reduction, for instance, paired with an increase in qualified teachers, a greater utilization of technology, and rigorous and relevant curriculum.
How can we create a rigorous and engaging curriculum that focuses on understanding and leads to improved student performance in today's high - stakes, standards - based environment?
Finally, last year, there was hope: Balanced literacy was left for dead yet when the city Education Department recommended two reading programs for elementary schools as they prepare to meet the rigorous new Common Core State Standards in English: New York State's Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum and Pearson's ReadyGen.
Youngsters are showing up in huge numbers at high school, totally unprepared for the rigor of the current curriculum, not to mention the even more rigorous curriculum that must be put in place to meet our graduates» needs.
Why design education in schools needs to be sustained is powerfully articulated in the excellent Design and Technology curriculum Purpose of Study, which bears quoting in full: «Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject.
The value of a faculty's dividing into teams, for example, is to enable teachers to work effectively together to improve instruction and enable students to meet or exceed rigorous standards that are embodied in the curriculum.
Ms. Reed, a Republican, was first elected in 1992 and supervised the implementation of a more rigorous, college - preparatory curriculum and a controversial high school exit exam.
The State Scholars Initiative has been a pet project of President Bush's and could guide the Department of Education in defining a «rigorous» high school curriculum under a bill now pending in Congress.
Needless to say, they include a vastly more rigorous curriculum, higher expectations for all students, a knowledge - based rather than a methods - based emphasis in teacher education, and a more thoughtful system of assessment rather than the relatively mindless fill - in - the - blank approach of so many conventional standardized tests.
At least in areas where there is a critical mass of highly and exceptionally gifted math students, a better solution may be to group them together in a magnet school with unusually rigorous classes that go above and beyond the normal «honors» or «advanced» curriculum.
Not only does the law require that districts use curricula that rely on «scientifically - based reading research,» a phrase, defined at length that appears 25 times in the statute; it further instructs the Department of Education to assist and hold states accountable in meeting this rigorous requirement.
The result of that vision was the International Education Policy Program, a rigorous master's program that is built around a core curriculum, seminars, and ample opportunities for students to develop a personal vision of how they will lead in expanding educational opportunity globally.
As long as Christian schools in California are offering academically rigorous and substantive courses — which, from the looks of the curricula they submitted and my interviews with faculty, students, and parents, they are — there is no reason they should be subjected to a different standard.
Teachers» skills should be developed with a specified minimum level of continuing professional development (CPD) in order to ensure that schools can deliver a rigorous curriculum and engaging learning environment.
Curriculum designers have drawn on the training given to elite professionals in the worlds of sport and the armed forces and used those principles to create a rigorous suite of courses aimed at those wishing to become experts at what they do in the classroom.
And, here in the state of California, scores of high schools have restructured to offer career academies with rigorous curricula, enabling students to connect their learning to the «real world» and potential careers.
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