Sentences with phrase «rigorous drawing program»

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Also: «German finance officials said trying to persuade the Greek government to draw up a rigorous economic policy program is like riding a dead horse.»
The curricula of our higher education programs are rigorous and timely, with cases drawn from and learning applicable to the most pressing challenges the field faces today.
When access to rigorous programs is limited, or entry into them is handled simplistically (e.g., a child's score on a single test), plenty of kids who might benefit don't get drawn into the pipeline that leads to later success at the AP level and in schools like TJ — of which there aren't enough, either.
At the same time, the National Board submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Education on its proposed teacher preparation regulations, drawing from the example of the rigorous training and residency programs in the medical profession.
The founding group of KIPP New Orleans was drawn together by a shared commitment to education and a belief that students are best prepared for their futures through a rigorous educational program.
So I decided to go 180 degrees in the other direction: I enrolled at «Hatahana» master class program in Tel Aviv, a very rigorous two years course of drawing and painting from the model, in a realistic and somewhat academic tradition.
I majored in painting and metal - smithing at Miami (Ohio) where the art program was rigorous - lots of figure drawing and painting from life.
Our curriculum provides a spirited, rigorous course of study in drawing, painting and sculpture, and offers teen summer programs, resident and guest artist lectures and workshops, a certificate program competitive with a MFA, studio space in the Atelier for working artists and students, and a community home for artistic events in and around Dupont Circle.
In comparison, a similarly sized drawing, «Still Life (Bowl, Pitcher, and Jug)» (c. 1921), made while de Kooning was a student in the evening program at Rotterdam's Academie (where, by the way, no oil painting instruction was offered), is not only confirmation of de Kooning's abilities to fulfill the rigorous requirements of academic drawing (not to mention the stamina to work on something for what was likely a year), but also a powerful reminder that his respect for tradition would never waver.
Florida has a rigorous sea turtle protection program to help out its population, including «lights out» projects that discourage turtles, drawn to the light, from lumbering into traffic and beach efforts to ensure eggs can hatch.
Although scores of parenting programs for young children have been and are currently being used in communities throughout North America, in only a relatively few cases has their long - term efficacy been tested using comparison groups, much less with a randomized control trial (RCT).17, 18 Thus, drawing firm conclusions about their effectiveness in improving young children's social and emotional outcomes is limited to a few investigators who have used more rigorous methods.
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