Sentences with phrase «ring system formed»

At present, it's not clear how Chariklo's ring system formed.

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The photo is a first and revealed «a complex system of concentric rings surrounding the young star, forming a shape resembling a titanic version of the rings that encircle Saturn,» according to an ESO press release.
The solar system, we have come to see, is a dynamic marvel, and in their myriad and fluid forms, Saturn's rings are an object lesson in the universality, scalability and endless complexity of gravity.
«By studying those rings up close and personal, you could draw analogies to how solar systems might form and evolve,» says Scott G. Edgington, Cassini's deputy project scientist.
As the ring system spits out moonlet after moonlet, the small objects merge to form larger moons, which may merge in turn as they spiral outward from the planet.
«With a long, intricate dance around the Saturn system, Cassini aims to study the Saturn system from as many angles as possible,» said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. «Beyond showing us the beauty of the Ringed Planet, data like these also improve our understanding of the history of the faint rings around Saturn and the way disks around planets form — clues to how our own solar system formed around the sun.»
In their simulations using in part computer systems at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Hyodo and Ohtsuki revealed that the F ring and its shepherd satellites formed as these small satellites with a dense core collided and partially disintegrated.
Enough grist to form a massive ring could have only been supplied billions of years ago, when the early solar system was chock full of planetesimals.
While most of them are in a stable state, just like Saturn's rings, a handful are seen to change, and it is those systems that can tell us something about how these rings are formed
Many scientists believe a relatively massive ring system would indicate an age of billions of years, suggesting the rings formed with or shortly after Saturn itself.
«Asteroid ripped apart to form star's glowing ring system: Research includes first image of ring system orbiting a white dwarf.»
On September 13 and 14, Cassini took a last look around the Saturn system's greatest hits, taking a color mosaic image of Saturn and the rings, a movie sequence of Enceladus setting behind Saturn, Titan and tiny moonlets in the rings that pull the icy ring particles around themselves to form features called propellers.
If the rings had formed with Saturn some 4 billion years ago, a constant bombardment of debris from the more distant solar system should make the icy bands appear darker than they do.
Carolyn Porco, leader of the Cassini imaging team, says the ring pictures may even help us figure out how Earth formed: «If we understand how icy particles in the outer solar system behave, then we can refine our understanding of how the early solar system formed from that same material.»
The new hypothesis also explains how Saturn's moons that orbit just beyond the edge of today's ring system might have formed.
The fragments of that final doomed moon, each originally between 1 and 50 kilometers across, formed an icy ring system as much as 1000 times as massive as today's rings.
In the final step in bacterial cell division, constriction of the so - called Z - ring, an annular structure that forms on the plasma membrane near the midpoint of the cell, gives rise to the two daughter cells: A research team led by Erwin Frey, who holds the Chair of Statistical and Biological Physics at LMU, has now used mathematical modelling to understand the mechanism that drives formation of the Z - ring, and in so doing have uncovered a novel class of pattern - forming mechanism in biological systems.
Haem, for example, consists of four pyrrole - type rings joined by carbon bridges to form a larger ring system called a macrocycle which consists of 20 carbon atoms and 4 nitrogen atoms.
They looked like a system of nearly concentric ripples, as would be formed if the rings had somehow been knocked out of alignment and then twisted into a tight, corrugated spiral by Saturn's gravity.
The wavenumber - 5 pattern refers to a sequence of alternating high - and low - pressure systems (five of each) that form a ring circling the northern midlatitudes, several miles above the surface.
By drilling into a circular ridge inside the 180 - kilometer - wide crater rim, researchers also hope to nail down the processes that form «peak rings»: hallmarks of the largest impact craters, which planetary scientists have seen elsewhere in the solar system but which erosion has erased from other big craters on Earth.
Esposito thinks this was early in the solar system's history, and that the rings have gradually spread since then, perhaps forming moons in the process.
Consequently, the satellites that formed earlier when the rings were more massive are larger and located farther out, whereas multiple small satellites tend to form just outside of the main rings at the final stage of the satellite system formation.
Then she introduced a double bond into that amide ring system to create an unsaturated cyclic form.
MAUNAKEA, Hawaii — A team of astronomers discovered a Jupiter - like planet within a young system that could serve as a decoder ring for understanding how planets formed around our sun.
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