Sentences with phrase «rising food prices»

As the force of rising food prices increases, we are in danger of a widespread transition to disorder.
Rising food prices in early 2011 are approaching the 2007 - 08 price spike that led to a dramatic jump in the number of hungry people around the world.
Despite the effect on future investment, the central government is reluctant to raise electricity prices because inflation, driven by rising food prices, is already straining social harmony.
When talking about feeding our families and the challenges we face, 57 % of us say rising food prices and 47 % of us saying staying on a budget.
There are various phenomena at work but rising food prices act like a force on the system, increasing the tendency to disorder.
Today we found some great articles on getting out of debt, beating rising food prices, and facts on your social security statement.
Amid rising food prices, owners aren't inclined to sell.
Millions of poor people are going hungry because of rising food prices.
As rising food prices affect menus across the country, changing the makeup of dollar menus and value meals, Captain D's has been able to keep its $ 4.99 deal intact.
In Human Events, Deroy Murdock chronicled how rising food prices resulting from ethanol forced starving Haitians to literally eat dirt (dirt cookies made of vegetable oil, salt, and dirt), and fueled violent protests in unstable «powder kegs» like Pakistan and Egypt.
Source: IMF On the heels of an ominous report on rising food prices by the FAO
[As] concerns over rising food prices subsided [from the second quarter], political stability is now the second highest concern after recent high - profile demonstrations and as politics [dominates] the media headlines,» Richard Hall, country manager of Nielsen Malaysia, told CNBC in an e-mail interview.
Most famously, big data has been used to draw a connection between rising food prices in the Middle East and the Arab Awakening; theoretically, it might someday help you determine when people will move and what type of home they're likely to buy.
«You should be there for it fully - hedged by having access to those stocks that benefit from rising food prices
While the world's media is bemoaning rising food prices, the French government is sniffing around the food industry for signs of gleeful profiteering.
Once the province of tater tots, reheated burgers and chocolate milk, school lunches are increasingly featuring local produce and healthy foods as administrators battle rising food prices and expanding student waistlines.
There's something very wrong to me about giving dogs «human - quality» meat when rising food prices across the country will increasingly mean that many HUMANS won't be eating human - quality meat (whatever the heck that even means).
World Bank chief Robert Zoellick has warned rising food prices in the last three years put 100 million people at risk of being pushed into poverty and Oxfam believes the development of biofuels is contributing to the problem.
A high - ranking Indian official has recommended that citizens start eating rats to avoid rising food prices and safeguard the nation's stocks of grain, commonly eaten by the rodents.
35 Celebrate Fitness and Sports Month in May; rising food prices hurt more healthful - lunch initiatives; health experts express concerns about in - school coffee shops; network links community, classroom, and cafeteria to promote wellness.
The survey found rising food prices have led to Canadians making more affordable, but less healthy purchases.
Soybeans have some appeal as investable assets, though many prefer to employ other agricultural commodities to hedge against rising food prices.
While there may have been some merit to that primary intention, the secondary effects — increasing dead zones in the oceans due to fertilizer runoff, and rising food prices due to the use of food crops as fuel — eliminated the overall benefit of the effort, and even created a net negative outcome.
California's drought could bring rising food prices, water shortages and even influence energy markets.
With a nudge from our site director, Becky Striepe, and network founder / publisher, David Anderson, I've decided to cover the complicated but important topic of rising food prices today.
See also:: Thousands in Mexico City Protest Rising Food Prices, IRIN: Food Security Africa,:: Averting «Livestock Meltdown»: Biodiversity Key To Global Food Security,:: Agriculture for Development: World Development Report Gets It Half Right,:: Global Warming Could Cause World Crop Collapse,:: The True Price of Oil: Poverty and Death in Nigeria,:: Food Fight: Is Corn Food or Fuel?
No need to rehash how rising food prices are at least a strong background component of the ongoing uprisings in the Middle East, and have figured heavily in plenty of similar events historically, but the UN Food and Agriculture Organization has just released some new data showing that global food prices hit a new record high in January and that similarly high prices and upward pressure on them is likely to «persist for months to come.»
They are still going strong due to the latest revival of interest in gardening and the desire to grow one's own fresh and chemical - free food, combined with rising food prices.
Commenting on rising food prices, Nobel Prize - winning economist Paul Krugman wrote in The New York Times recently: «The evidence does, in fact, suggest that what we're getting now is a first taste of the disruption, economic and political, that we'll face in a warming world.
Examples include the Study on the impacts of rising food prices on the food security of the urban poor (in 5 cities / regions for IDRC and UN Habitat), Assistance to FAO for the Technical Consultation on Food, Agriculture and Cities and the Scoping paper on urban agriculture for UNEP and the Assistance to China - Europe on urban agriculture in face of the food crisis.
Given the losses in Russia and Australia in the past year that constricted global supply and generated conflicts over rising food prices, this insurance against climate uncertainty is critical.
Two in three Canadians (63 %) said rising food prices hadn't been receiving enough attention from Canada's elected leaders, and 53 % said the issue was «one of the most important» facing the country today.
Other countries experiencing social unrest — Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen — also suffered high impacts, highlighting the link between rising food prices and political instability.
There will be a direct to all «aussies» because there will be less usable land for agriculture as well as rising food prices.
«The world is entering a new food era, one marked by rising food prices, growing numbers of hungry people, and an emerging politics of food scarcity.
Just 16 % felt that the U.S. economy was the main cause, and costs in China and rising food prices weren't seen as significant factors.
What will surprise you is the number one worry among Canadians: rising food prices.
Any shortfall would lead to rising food prices that would hit the world's poor hardest, as has already occurred from price increases of recent years.
Rising food prices, crowded buses, and widespread shortages were evident throughout the country.
Abotorabi adds: «Rising food prices and shoppers trading up within private label play a part, however, underlying volumes are up (+0.7 % yoy) as consumers increasingly see frozen food as a way to reduce waste and save money.
«As the global availability of nutritional, high - quality food supplies becomes more critical — due to a growing worldwide population and rising food prices — consumers are becoming increasingly concerned with food freshness, shelf life and cost.
But 10 jars for $ 7.00 is still a good deal with today's rising food prices.
Rising food prices are all over the news these days.
Rising food prices are putting a strain on everyone's grocery budget.
In retrospect, fast - rising food prices, water wars and bread riots were inevitable.
But the issue of global food security is much broader than the supply of food — it also refers to the challenges of our dependence on globally imported food, rising food prices, food waste and the provision of a nutritious, balanced diet.
But what if buying Canadian - made luxuries is the answer to rising food prices?
But the doom - and - gloom rhetoric of rising food prices may also be spurring some customers to suspend or cancel their delivery services, said Rebick.
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