Sentences with phrase «rising public pension costs»

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Tax - funded public - pension costs for every level of state government rose from absolutely minimal levels in 2000 to a grand total of more than $ 16 billion last year, half of it in New York City alone.
The Mayor went on the say that what does threaten the city are rising pension and health care costs for public employees.
Negotiations with the public employee unions on contracts will have a dramatic impact on the budget as the county grapples with the rising cost of health insurance and rapidly escalating costs of paying into the public employee retirement and pension system.
As things now stand, rising pension costs threaten to starve public services at every level.
Between 2004 and 2012, data on fringe benefits from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that pension costs for public educators rose from 11.9 to 16.7 percent of salaries.
That's true for all public services, but higher education is uniquely harmed by rising pension costs.
Between 2004 and 2012, pension costs for public educators rose from 11.9 to 16.7 percent of salaries.
Public sector benefits have historically been excellent; however, health and pension costs have risen so dramatically since 2000 that public educators will be forced to pay or pay more for their benPublic sector benefits have historically been excellent; however, health and pension costs have risen so dramatically since 2000 that public educators will be forced to pay or pay more for their benpublic educators will be forced to pay or pay more for their benefits.
Rising costs of public employee pension plans are a source of fiscal stress in many cities and states and have led to calls for reform.
With pension and retiree healthcare costs rising, and tax revenues either falling, or not rising so rapidly, that squeezes out money from other public services.
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