Sentences with phrase «risk approach»

At a high level, the adaptive strategy employs a balanced risk approach when that makes sense, but we are not trying to balance risks evenly across assets at all times.
It was successful enough to create scoring opportunities, but this low - risk approach led to stalled drives and field goals.
Relationship risks in context: A cumulative risk approach to understanding relationship satisfaction.
«I believe in applying the outcomes of scientific research as a low risk approach to achieving your goals,» he says.
«The recognition of being named as Bank of the Year in your own country by the world's longest running international banking title is testament to the strong management, sound business model and prudent risk approach of your bank.»
I am very pleased that a sound scientific risk approach has been taken by the European Union in its decision not to suspend use of neonicotinoid insecticides, as proposed last year (7 April 2012, p 18).
It's hard asking us to trade our hope (however well founded) for a more practical, low - risk approach lol.
«Perhaps the single, most serious misunderstanding regarding the fetuses - at - risk approach relates to the issue of rising gestational age - specific perinatal mortality rates and the consequent implications for iatrogenic preterm delivery.
The low - risk approach for paying medical bills for credit card rewards entails charging your copayments, coinsurance, and annual deductible.
In Canada, regulations require that counterparty risk not exceed 10 % of the value of a fund; therefore, Canadian synthetic ETFs settle the amount of accumulated profits on the total - return swap whenever the amount at risk approaches this 10 % limit.
Indeed, one hallmark in the book is taking a lower - risk approach with client assets — most wealth managements clients are not looking for their manager to hit the cover off the ball, they just want him to reliably hit singles over time.
Learn about Swan Global Investments, our organization, investment philosophy and innovative Defined Risk approach to investment management.
At most, if the decision is affirmed, it'll be what amounts to England applying a version of the enterprise liability due to material increase in risk approach declared by the SCC in Bazley and Jacoby as the justification for vicarious liability.
Helping these entrepreneurs can put legal needs in perspective, as you have to focus on what they really need in practice, and when — rather than from a theoretical cover every legal risk approach.
But I think that both shooters would be held liable under the material contribution to risk approach set out in Clements.
By contrast, the material contribution to risk approach applies where «but for» causation can not be proven against any of multiple defendants, all negligent in a manner that might have in fact caused the plaintiff's injury, because each can use a «point the finger» strategy to preclude a finding of causation on a balance of probabilities
NCR's strategy was a slow, low risk approach that involved deep research and market observation, similar to other large brands and governments.
Vaccinating the wolves was plan B, after the lower - risk approach of vaccinating domestic dogs didn't cut it.
I am very pleased that a sound scientific risk approach has been taken by the European Union in its decision...
In many countries, we employ a lower - risk approach to investment overseas by identifying strong local partners to serve as the «franchisor» in their home markets.
It is an entertaining problem to think about, and Ben asks when, if ever, this type of high - risk approach would be sensible for an individual or institution.
The level of risk approaches the unacceptable because there is the very real possibility of irreversible damage to the biosphere itself; further, many of the social costs of such high - risk technologies are postponed to future generations while the benefits accrue to the present generation.
Setting the role to defend allows your keeper to play short passes or switch the play when the ball is on, but if there is no one freely available he will revert to a no risk approach.
It's sort of a low risk approach the let you break the ice.
It's a high - risk approach.
«Lots of schools currently use IT equipment until it falls over and dies — with GDPR it's a high - risk approach to continue using equipment that is out of warranty or doesn't have up - to - date software,» Orchison said.
[We even have a low risk approach that provides 4 % (plus inflation) for 40 years starting at today's valuations.]
Dutkiewicz believes there are many ways to slice and dice a risk approach to this asset class.
These low - risk approaches may be just what you need to your credit report on the right track.
If you are unwilling to take the risk of a possible poor outcome in return for the probability of a better outcome, and you are willing to increase your savings rate or lower your future living standard as necessary, then this low risk approach to investing may be right for you.
That being said, by suggesting a relatively high - risk approach to retirement investing he exposes his followers to more market risk than many advisors might deem appropriate, especially for those who are just about to retire or have already retired.
A lot of people say I'm gonna take a low - risk approach and invest in index funds.
We've recommended a low - risk approach to investing in stocks, but how exactly do you measure risk?
I say that it is a high - risk approach, not suitable for the typical middle - class investor.
i.e. lowest risk approach is to flat out have cash in a savings account... higher risk approach is to say screw it, I have a large line of credit that I can tap into if needed, I'll invest my cash in real estate instead and come out ahead over the long run.
However, with their no - risk approaches to index investing, MITTS can serve investors extremely well, especially when they don't know how uncertainty in the market will pan out.
Whether you use Cabot Benjamin Graham Value Investor as a primary source for your stock purchases and sales, or you use the Investor as a backup to double - check your decisions, you too can benefit from my tried and true low - risk approach.
Falcon takes a relatively low - risk approach to exploration, preferring to partner with companies like Hess (in Australia) & NIS (a Gazprom sub., in Hungary) who will fund the majority of any planned exploration spend in return for an increasing share of the assets.
Well, the risk approach I describe above has some important implications.
This can sometimes offer substantial additional gains, as long as you're monitoring price risk closely, but overall I'll admit my risk approach can limit / reduce the gains I can extract from successful stock picks.
Going Beyond Cost - Benefit and Risk Approaches to Assessing Solar Radiation Management.»
Clean Coalition's Doug Karpa and Craig Lewis argue that combining regional integration with a system of DSOs is a lower - risk approach to save ratepayers money and integrate renewables.
From an environmental perspective, that is probably the lowest risk approach
The CoolEarth System «started as a comprehensive scientific search for a low - risk approach to reach global carbon neutrality by 2050,» according to the firm.
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