Sentences with phrase «risk coastal areas»

Here are examples of associations offering windstorm coverage — and often coverage for hail damage — for homeowners who live in high - risk coastal areas and are unable to buy it elsewhere:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The world's most destructive storms are on the move — putting at risk coastal areas that would not expect to be hit by violent hurricanes or typhoons.
However, this is because the number of people living in at - risk coastal areas has substantially increased, as has the value of property and infrastructure in those regions.
In the wake of the last two hurricane seasons, including the 2004 season when four hurricanes crossed Florida, reconstruction is still ongoing, insurance costs are climbing, and private insurance companies are withdrawing from high - risk coastal areas.
Texas floods are often associated with high - risk coastal areas like Galveston Island, Corpus Christie, and Padre Island.
Dale Jamieson, who directs the New York University Environmental Studies program and was not affiliated with the study, says Hallegatte's findings should be a wake - up call for wealthier nations with at - risk coastal areas who have not taken precautions to prepare for the results of climate change.
TWIA is a state funded high risk pool that provides windstorm coverage in high - risk coastal area.
But if you own a home in a high - risk coastal area, this coverage may be excluded from your policy.
TWIA is a state funded high risk pool that provides windstorm coverage in high - risk coastal area.

Not exact matches

In addition to the snow, coastal areas are at risk for flooding, the weather service said.
As sea levels rise and disaster risks to coastal communities grow, some planners are broaching the idea of a «strategic retreat» from areas that face persistent floods and fires.
Most of the coastal areas at risk are in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex, although there are also warnings for north Wales and Kent.
Flooding risks could remain for coastal areas for several days, the Environment Agency has warned, as it urged people not to attempt «storm selfies».
The enemy, therefore must by now be painfully aware that a decision of the United Nations to depart from its tolerant effort to contain the war to the area of Korea, through an expansion of our military operations to its coastal areas and interior bases, would doom Red China to the risk of imminent military collapse.
Homeowners in certain areas of the UK are at increased risk of coastal, river or groundwater flooding, and many homeowners have already experienced the devastation that flooding brings.
The researcher team agreed that including extreme sea levels into coastal impact studies is imperative in helping vulnerable parts of the world effectively protect themselves by adapting through new or upgraded infrastructure such as dikes, pumping systems, barriers, or other tools like new building codes or flood zoning that prevents new infrastructure from being built in high - risk areas.
In India, for instance, 5700 square kilometres of coastal area are at risk of inundation, and 7.1 million people could be displaced (see Diagram).
Yet, as of 2010, 39 percent of the U.S. population lived in coastal areas that feature greater risks of hurricane, floods and earthquakes.
For example, coastal areas or areas in the flood plain of a river are more likely to experience a natural disaster, whereas areas at higher elevation are at lower risk.
The risk to coastal areas is high because of the high population density in the area — some 130 million people live along the sea's coastline.
The fact that the number of residential buildings in coastal areas has increased significantly combined with the increasing risks of impacts of due climate change means that the cost of damage to coastal developments are likely to continue to rise.
This trend is likely to continue, the researchers said, adding that major coastal disasters such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Superstorm Sandy in 2012 already have indicated the possibly increasing risks associated with settling in the country's low - lying coastal areas.
Besides that, the researchers found that Africa is expected to experience the highest rate of population growth in at - risk areas, driven by its rapid coastal development.
Making coastal development less attractive «Governments can make development in coastal areas less attractive by requiring development projects to internalize the risks of sea level rise and storms in coastal development planning and decision making,» the task force argues.
Iodine Source: Seaweed, milk from cows grazed on iodine - rich coastal soil Effects of deficiency: Blindness, mental impairment, goiter Who's at risk: People living in mountainous areas (the Rockies, the Alps, and the Andes), where iodine has been washed away by glaciation and flooding, or in lowland regions far from the oceans (Central Africa and Eastern Europe) Fortification options: Salt Estimated millions of people affected: 740
«Having a better understanding of the chances of local flood damage from rising seas in coastal areas is a key factor in being able to assess vulnerability, risk and adaptation options.»
«In any coastal area there's extra value in property, [but] climate change, insofar as it increases risks for those properties from any specific set of hazards — like flooding and storm surge — will decrease value.»
Lead researcher Prof Paul Hunter, from UEA's Norwich Medical School, said: «Our study has shown that the risk of dengue fever is likely to increase in Europe under climate change, but that almost all of the excess risk will fall on the coastal areas of the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas and the North Eastern part of Italy, particularly the Po Valley.»
Do you live in a coastal risk area?
Even if you think you're in an area that's impossible to insure because of the coastal risk or for other reasons, Effective Coverage has deep working relationships with top underwriters who can make surprising things happen.
This is valuable coverage in coastal risk areas, but adding the coverage to policies that did not previously offer it caused a significant jump in premiums for those policyholders.
All our conservation programs and activities work toward the following goals: Protected high conservation value marine and coastal areas, low - impact sustainable fisheries, reduced negative impacts and risks of shipping, doubling of the wild tiger populations of Nepal, responsible development solutions that conserve wildlife, community - level habitat - friendly renewable energy, land - use management to support a low - carbon economy, and one in 10 Canadians caring for nature.
The president and Congress should cut federal subsidies that keep the price of insurance in some high - risk zones (flood plains, coastal areas threatened by rising seas, and regions prone to wildfires) artificially — and disastrously — low.
Under the worst case scenario, as to this blowout, is there a risk that certain coastal areas will become uninhabitable or that certain aspects of the food and wildlife chains will be seriously impaired or pose a danger to the human population?
To support this vision, a national coastal risk assessment is needed to identify coastal areas that face the greatest threats and are high priorities for risk - reduction efforts.
Alarmed at the pace of change to our Earth caused by human - induced climate change, including accelerating melting and loss of ice from Greenland, the Himalayas and Antarctica, acidification of the world's oceans due to rising CO2 concentrations, increasingly intense tropical cyclones, more damaging and intense drought and floods, including glacial lakes outburst loods, in many regions and higher levels of sea - level rise than estimated just a few years ago, risks changing the face of the planet and threatening coastal cities, low lying areas, mountainous regions and vulnerable countries the world over,
In coastal areas, state and municipal risk managers and civil engineering types are seeking advice.
It would also raise the risk of tidal flooding, and in areas that are expected to see an increase in rainfall, flash flooding and river flooding would compound the flood risk associated with coastal waters.
Many coasts are at risk from storm surges and these include the Atlantic side of the United States, the Bay of Bengal area around India, Thailand and Indonesia, the coastal areas of the Netherlands and eastern England coastline.
But popular visitor destinations were at risk, with major cities in coastal areas expected to face more frequent flooding in coming years, while Australia's «Red Centre» region could experience more than 100 days annually above 35 °C by 2030, it found.
When people build on these coastal areas, there is a substantial risk of coastal flooding as waves will continue to pass over the beach into developed areas.
Nor is it merely that Maria, probably the most destructive hurricane in the island's history, is the kind of event that climate change experts have long warned would be among the risks facing coastal areas as the planet warms.
But popular visitor destinations were at risk, with major cities in coastal areas expected to face more frequent flooding in coming years, while Australia's «Red Centre» region could experience more than 100 days annually above 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2030, it found.
The vulnerable nations declared that they are, «Alarmed at the pace of change to our Earth caused by human - induced climate change, including accelerating melting and loss of ice from Greenland, the Himalayas and Antarctica, acidification of the world's oceans due to rising CO2 concentrations, increasingly intense tropical cyclones, more damaging and intense drought and floods, including Glacial Lakes Outburst Floods, in many regions and higher levels of sea - level rise than estimated just a few years ago, risks changing the face of the planet and threatening coastal cities, low lying areas, mountainous regions and vulnerable countries the world over...»
It argues that investments should start with low - regret options, with measures that tackle the weather risks that countries already face, such as increased investment in water storage in drought - prone basins or protection against storms and flooding in coastal zones and / or urban areas.
Worldwide, from 1980 to 2009, floods caused more than 500,000 deaths and affected more than 2.8 billion people.18 In the United States, floods caused 4,586 deaths from 1959 to 200519 while property and crop damage averaged nearly 8 billion dollars per year (in 2011 dollars) over 1981 through 2011.17 The risks from future floods are significant, given expanded development in coastal areas and floodplains, unabated urbanization, land - use changes, and human - induced climate change.18
Florida chapters successfully worked on insurance reform to reduce state subsidies for coastal development in high - risk areas.
Because much of humanity, including many residents of the world's major cities like Kolkata (Calcutta), London, Shanghai, and Washington, DC, are located in vulnerable coastal areas, hundreds of millions of people are directly at risk.
Heavily populated coastal areas will be at greatest risk due to increased flooding.
The risk to property owners at the «wildland - urban interface» in California (more than 5 million homes in southern coastal California, the Bay Area, and north of Sacramento) is projected to increase with the increase in wildfires near these areas.
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