Sentences with phrase «risk communication»

Does research suggest best practices in risk communication, public engagement, and advocacy when it comes to decision - making about nuclear energy?
An informative review of basic research findings on risk communication as applied to climate change.
An effective risk communication strategy should rather attempt to pick up on existing convictions.
One of the things that became clear in the project was that effective risk communication needs to pick up on the existing convictions of vegans.
Better understanding of these factors can help mitigate future societal harm, for instance, by improving risk communication campaigns that encourage preparation for hazardous weather events.
Heat and cold waves affect people with certain health conditions differently, highlighting the need for tailored public service risk communication.
In this study, risk communication protocols will be developed and implemented for communicating amyloid PET brain imaging results.
Other areas of interest include subjects connected with behavior change, environmental journalism, and health and environmental risk communication.
A collection of research into the social dimensions of risk communication.
Finally, for a thorough look at the film's potential value in breaking through the emotion - laden reactions many of us bring to discussions of radiation risk, read the laudatory Scientific American post by David Ropeik, a longtime risk analyst and risk communication consultant.
Risks fall into different dimensions depending on how much control we feel we have over them and how well we think we know them, says Lisa Schwartz, who studies risk communication at Dartmouth College.
They transformed their goal from being focused solely on probabilistic modelling to actively forming strong partnerships with a diverse range of experts, including risk communication experts.
«It's something you can't see — the person next to you could be infected and you don't know,» says Steven Woloshin, who also studies risk communication at Dartmouth.
David Ropeik, a consultant in risk communication who has worked for industry in the past (along with other clients), has posted a provocative call for big food and agriculture companies to end their aggressive fight against labeling requirements for foods containing genetically modified ingredients.
The paper, «Assessment of Risk Communication about Undercooked Hamburgers by Restaurant Servers,» is published in the Journal of Food Protection.
and a Scientific American post on Monday noting that «Poor risk communication in Japan is making the risk much worse,» offered the first reaction:
«Vegan diet as lifestyle choice and the need for risk communication
I encourage you to watch the entire video below, which includes measured, substantive thoughts on the state of climate science, on the unauthorized release of University of East Anglia climate e-mails and on risk communication from Peter Huybers, a Harvard University specialist in past climates, and Mohan Munasinghe, a Sri Lankan physicist and economist who was vice chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
A study of risk communication as it relates to altruistic behavior has found that portraying an event as a distant risk, despite highlighting its importance and potential progression, fails to prompt altruistic behavior intention among the U.S. public.
The BfR decided to focus on this topic in order to develop suitable risk communication strategies.
«We believe that fish consumption is an environmental justice issue that stems from inadequate risk communication through fish consumption advisories,» wrote Michelle Martinez and Alexandria Teague of the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and the Environment in a 2008 study.
The expanded community of practice that emerged as a result of the [L'Aquila] risk communication failure, which now includes communication social science experts, can serve as a model for other scientific communities that also may need to translate their knowledge effectively to disparate non-scientific publics.»
«Appropriate risk communication on contaminants should take this subjective risk perception into account.»
When she was wrapping up her fellowship last fall, the Senate Commerce Committee was searching for subject matter experts in weather risk communication.
«Risk communications concerning commercial crew activities by the Director of Commercial Spaceflight Development has been less than forthcoming.
Constant, honest, humble risk communication is a vital part of establishing trust, which is especially crucial for managing public concern during crises.
Postscript: Jeannine Cahill at Pace also interviewed me about the strange case in Italy in which scientists and public officials have been charged with manslaughter for the way they handled pubic risk communication in the months before a deadly earthquake.
Arvai, J., Gregory, R. & McDaniels, T. Testing a structured decision - aiding approach: value - focused thinking for deliberative risk communication.
Morgan, M. G., Fischhoff, B., Bostrom, A. & Atman, C. J. Risk Communication: A Mental Models Approach (Cambridge Univ..
Tags for this Online Resume: Teaching, teacher, technical editing, editing, writing instructor, tutor, instructor, rhetoric, college instructor, Environmental rhetoric, Risk Communication Instruction, collaboration, Bibliography, library research
Update, Feb. 9, 2:23 p.m. Barry Welliver, a structural engineer in Utah working on a new Guide for Improving School Natural Hazard Safety, sent a useful note describing how lessons in environmental - risk communication apply well beyond the world of floods, droughts and the like:
In a guest post, risk communication expert and author David Ropeik reflects on the the role of ideology in shaping views of nuclear power and climate change.
In this world of new occupations, David Ropeik, a former television reporter, is the director of risk communication at the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis.
By involving a range of interdisciplinary partners, the OEF CoP developed a clear, evidence - based, practical approach to improve risk communication and protect public safety during earthquakes and other natural disasters.
Poor risk communication about the tremors that preceded the deadly quake led to widespread misunderstanding and confusion among the general public.
Today's installment, «The Wages of Eco-Angst,» comes from David Ropeik, an occasional guest on Dot Earth who is a consultant on risk communication and author of the invaluable «How Risky is It, Really?
This morning, David Ropeik, a masterful analyst of risk communication, nicely captured the way this has played out: Read more...
David Ropeik, a consultant in risk communication and the author of How Risky Is It, Really?
The post-market surveillance includes attention to monitoring programs, certification programs, risk communications to the consumers and investigation of outbreaks.
«Joan Gerhardt, who heads Behan's environmental and risk communications practice, joined our team in mid-December.
When it comes to diseases such as MERS, risk communication is not just about handing around the numbers of infected and quarantined.
«Risk communication can't totally close the perception gap, the difference between our fears and the facts.»
It is this type of policy that Ropeik is trying to get the administration to think about, and that is the next step in risk perception and risk communication.
Invitees include governors and state health officials, and the draft agenda includes discussion of vaccine distribution, the role of schools, community mitigation, and risk communications.
They then describe the key factors of the response plan, public health surveillance and contact management, building laboratory capacity, infection prevention and control, case management, and risk communication.
The person doesn't necessarily have to be a clinical physician but I think public health training and training in epidemiology, statistics and risk communication are all really important qualities,» he says.
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