Sentences with phrase «risk for these conditions»

Some of these at - home tests may suggest users are at risk for a condition they're not actually at risk for.
Could you be one of the approximately two - thirds of American adults who are either overweight or obese, with an increased risk for conditions like diabetes and heart disease?
The study also found evening types also had higher risks for conditions such as diabetes or psychological disorders.
You may be at increased risk for the condition based on this result.
A growing body of research suggests that having lower, or acidic, pH levels is associated with greater risk for conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
The baseline risks for some conditions are very low, and some say that just knowing someone has an elevated risk isn't that useful.
Our reports can not tell you about your overall risk for these conditions, and they can not determine if you will or will not develop a condition.
If you have a family history of one of these conditions you may be at an additional risk for the condition.
Dogs who are fed diets high in fat or those who are fed greasy «people food» are at high risk for the condition.
Finally, neutering in females presented a generally greater risk for the conditions than that detected in males.
A mom's weight at the time of birth can also influence her little one's risks for conditions like diabetes and obesity later in life.
Breastfed babies are hospitalized less frequently than babies who are formula - fed, and are at reduced risk for conditions such as otitis media, necrotising entercolitis, and jaundice.
Premature babies are at increased risk for conditions such as:
Bernhardt's findings, also revealed at the ASHG meeting, suggest that people tend to focus mainly on whether their genetic risks for each condition are higher or lower than average, rather than paying close attention to the size of those risks.
Those with sickle - cell anemia or congenital heart defects are at greater risk for a condition called brain ischemia or cerebral ischemia.
Exercise - related variables aren't typically used to calculate risk for conditions like heart disease — even though poor physical fitness is a known risk factor.
people who are at risk for the condition need to be that much more aware than the average person about their sugars and how it affects them.
At Advocate, the first hospital in the area to feed low birth weight babies and others at risk for the condition exclusively with breast milk, NEC is down by more than half, said Jeffrey George, hospital director of neonatology.
People in the «Goiter Belt» of the Great Lakes, Appalachian, and Northwestern regions of the country were at special risk for this condition because the soil in these locations contain very little iodine and the people had limited access to seafood.
«But it's something to think about,» observes Dr. de Lahunta, «since there appears to be an increased risk for this condition in certain breeds — Siamese cats, for example.»
Labored breathing stemming from heart failure, for example, will tend to affect older cats, since they are at elevated risk for that condition.
HMOs help B. infantis to flourish and crowd out the bad bacteria that have been linked to a higher risk for conditions like colic, eczema, asthma, allergies, obesity, and diabetes.
But a June paper in Nature Genetics identified, for the first time, a genetic risk for the condition.
The 2017 Youth Sports Safety Summit, «Less Risk, More Reward: Emphasizing Safety and Encouraging Success» will help attendees learn from medical experts about the pre-existing conditions and practice habits that a can put your athletes at greater risks for conditions such as sudden cardiac arrest, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), or heat stroke.
Adults with diabetes experience greater risk for these conditions as reported by the American Diabetes Association using data from 2008 to 2012: 2
to flourish and crowd out the bad bacteria that have been linked to a higher risk for conditions like colic, eczema, asthma, allergies, obesity, and diabetes.
«We found convincing results that close relatives are also at risk for these conditions, but more surprisingly, we found that spouses may also be at risk.»
Heart disease and stroke are significant causes of death in women, but there are steps that can be taken to help reduce the risk for these conditions.
Older men are more likely than younger ones to have children with autism or schizophrenia, and a new genetic study points to why: compared with younger dads, older fathers pass on significantly more random genetic mutations to their offspring that increase the risk for these conditions.
Parents can have NIPT as early as 10 weeks in pregnancy, allowing for plenty of time to plan for emotional or medical needs if a risk for a condition is detected.
Otherwise, every Rh - positive baby you carry after the first pregnancy could be at risk for this condition.
If new moms have celiac disease or other forms of gluten intolerance, their babies are at higher risk for the condition as well.
Three, you put yourself at risk for conditions like thrush, mastitis and fungal infections if you are not vigilant.
Only breastfeeding has been shown to provide infants with immunological protection from serious diseases and infections, and lower infants» risk for conditions such as asthma, allergy, respiratory disease, childhood cancers, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Women who have diabetes or kidney problems may also be at a higher risk for the condition.
They partnered with seven medical institutions to examine the eyes of 281 infants who were at risk for the condition.
In humans, too much fructose puts the liver at risk for conditions such as fatty liver disease, and raises the overall risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes (SN: 10/5/13, p. 18).
Reducing obesity rates — through changing diets and increasing physical activity — is a key target for public health policy as it places individuals at greater risk for conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
It is possible that medical advances over the past few decades in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol levels have had a greater impact on people who are overweight — which increases the risk for these conditions — whereas the effect was much smaller in those of normal weight.
«If we can determine that certain bacteria cause OAB symptoms, we may be able to better identify those at risk for this condition and more effectively treat them,» said Alan Wolfe, PhD, co-investigator and professor of Microbiology and Immunology, SSOM.
Plus, going from obese to an appropriate weight reduces not only blood pressure but also the risk for conditions such as cancer, depression and type 2 diabetes.
Thousands of years after the last interbreeding, Neanderthal DNA still influences height and risks for conditions like schizophrenia and lupus by affecting how genes are turned on and off.
In an April 6 statement announcing the decision, the Food and Drug Administration said that the tests only assess the genetic risks for the conditions.
Although there is no medication that can prevent dementia, a person's lifestyle is believed to influence the risk for the condition.
These tests compare the DNA of thousands of people with and without a disease to identify genes linked to a higher risk for the condition.
Risk for both conditions was higher among those who received two courses of antibiotics than among those who received one course of antibiotics, according to the study.
Excess weight only makes me more at risk for these conditions and for complications related to disease.
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