Sentences with phrase «risk of a stroke if»

The brain may continue to hemorrhage or form blood clots, putting the patient at risk of a stroke if surgical action is not taken.
Stroke survivors and those who have experienced transient ischemic attacks — also known as TIAs or mini-strokes — are at high risk of stroke if they have peripheral artery disease according to the scientists.

Not exact matches

If your body is dehydrated, this can result in an increase in body temperature, increased risk for heat stroke and heat exhaustion, and decreased strength, speed and stamina «'' none of which an athlete wants to experience.
Since our launch in August 2000, MomsTEAM has been educating parents, coaches, athletic trainers and players on the dangers of heat illness, how to prevent exertional heat stroke - particularly among football players who are most at risk during pre-season practice - and how heat stroke should be treated if and when it occurs.
And if your child gets enough calcium from the get - go, there's evidence that he'll have a lower risk of high blood pressure, stroke, colon cancer, and hip fractures later in life.
The investigators looked at the different risk factors, and determined the proportion of strokes which would be cut if the risk factor disappeared.
If the technique can be used routinely, it would cut the risk of stroke and heart disease for hundreds of thousands of people.
If we can prevent their blood pressure from increasing earlier in life we can reduce their risk of future heart attacks and stroke
To identify patients at risk for DCI, Powers is studying the quantities of micro-RNAs that are created in the hours and days after a hemorrhage to see if he can identify biomarkers that could help predict the delayed stroke.
If this increases the risk of stroke remains to be elucidated, as the number of strokes that occur on days with major matches is not significantly higher than on days when no football is played.
The authors and editorialist express grave concerns that there will be many needless premature deaths as well as preventable heart attacks and strokes if patients who would clearly benefit from statins are not prescribed the drug, refuse to take the drug, or stop using the drug because of ill - advised adverse publicity about benefits and risks, which may include misplaced concerns about the possible but unproven small risk of diabetes.
If you are black, your risk of having a stroke is twice that of a white person, and your relative risk of dying from that stroke is even higher.
A higher risk was also seen for both ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke if the treatment was initiated later than five years after the onset of menopause and contained conjugated equine oestrogens.
«The risk of stroke seems virtually eradicable if treatment commences early, but it's naturally important to take account of the increase in risk that exists under certain circumstances,» says Dr Leander.
«It's important that clinicians educate runners on the ways to minimize their risk of heat stroke, including allowing 10 - 14 days to adjust to a warm climate, discouraging running if a person is ill or was recently ill because a pre-existing fever impairs the body's ability to dissipate additional heat stress, and developing better methods of monitoring body core temperature during physical activity..»
«We don't know specifically how frequently they have to occur to really create a significant risk for stroke, but in general, if these migraines with visual auras are very frequent, the risk of stroke is higher.»
People over 65 years old may be increasing their stroke risk by taking anticoagulants for an irregular heartbeat if they also have chronic kidney disease, finds a new study led by UCL, St George's, University of London and the University of Surrey.
«If there were more biomarkers available to identify people at risk of stroke, this would invariably lead to prevention therapies, to lower the number of stroke victims,» Rogove said.
There is a slightly elevated chance of blood clots, and if you smoke, have high blood pressure or migraines with aura, taking the Pill may hike your risks of heart attacks or stroke.
People who have excess body fat — especially if a lot of it is at the waist — are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke even if they have no other risk factors.
According to Ruuskanen, there is one way to prove whether daylight saving time truly contributes to strokes: «If we, in our country, abandoned daylight saving time and, in a follow - up of several years, saw that the small increase in stroke incidence disappears, it would make a strong argument that it actually is the clock change that raises stroke risk,» he said.
The results of this study suggest that if consumed over time, hibiscus tea can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, which is another huge benefit of hibiscus tea.
Smoking will increase your risk of cancer, emphysema, heart disease, stroke, and dying young, but if you manage to dodge all those bullets, it may actually reduce your need for joint - replacement surgery later in life.
Studies show that's true even if they have the same level of blood pressure, cholesterol, and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke as other people without the disease.
TUESDAY, November 22, 2011 ( People with heart disease may increase their risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and dying from heart - related causes even more if they consume a diet high in sodium, according to a new study that followed nearly 30,000 people for more than four years.
Sitting for hours on end increases your risk of heart attack and stroke, even if you exercise regularly.
People with heart disease may increase their risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and dying from heart - related causes even more if they consume a diet high in sodium, according to a new study that followed nearly 30,000 people for more than four years.
If you don't treat it, your blood vessels will become clogged, which greatly increases your risk of getting a stroke or a heart attack.
«We wanted to see if infections could possibly trigger a stroke in a woman who doesn't have a lot of risk factors, in the peripartum period.»
«We recommend statins after diet and exercise if the 10 - year risk of an event [such as a heart attack or stroke] is greater than 7.5 %,» Dr. Gotto adds, citing a metric developed by the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association.
These are rare, and while the diabetes risk is the most concerning, doctors need to balance these side effects with the real dangers of heart attack, stroke and other heart - related problems if people don't take statins and their cholesterol levels remain high.
If we don't get enough sleep, we might be at risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and a long list of other problems.
Now, if you have a large, big, light type of cholesterol molecule, like a basketball, these things don't get into those cracks very much and that actually lowers the risk of developing plaques, and strokes, and potentials like that.
This means that the person consuming such a meal, if done on a regular basis, would be increasing their risk of suffering from a stroke or heart attack.
If you're not among these 158 million, you might want to consider swapping dark roast for loose leaf, and here's why: Tea is rich in one of the best - known flavonoids called catechins, a type of disease - fighting antioxidant that has shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and dental caries (i.e., tooth decay and cavities), as well as aid weight loss.
However heavy drinking is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, particularly if the person smokes.
It is not yet clear if this increases the risk of stroke or transient ischemic attack [189,190].
If you want to decrease your risk of stroke, along with ditching diet soda one of the best things you can do is get some sunshine.
If potentially lowering your risk of heart attack and stroke doesn't spur you to ditch this dangerous habit, maybe the fact that diet soda will make you fat will.
If you don't lower your omega - 6 fats to acceptable levels, your omega 6:3 ratio will not be low enough, and you will not be likely receive the full benefits of omega - 3 fats such as reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's, arthritis and many other degenerative illnesses.
If you look at the MRFIT study [Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial] where they looked at 180,000 men over a period of... 13 years (1973 - 80); men with cholesterol of 330 had less hemorrhagic stroke than men with cholesterol less than 180.
If you've been reading the news, you probably know that eating delicious foods like butter and eggs is no longer thought to increase risk of heart attack or stroke.
If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of stroke or heart attack.
A study published in August 2010 in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that if saturated fat in the diet is too low, it can lead to an increased risk of death from stroke.
Pre-diabetes raises the risk of heart disease and stroke even if you are not yet diabetic.
If you have high blood pressure, you are at increased risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke.
If high cholesterol were the most important cause of cardiovascular disease, it should be a risk factor in all populations, in both sexes, at all ages, in all disease categories, and for both heart disease and stroke.
If you are injured and want to use Vitamin C, do not use synthetic Vitamin C capsules (which can actually increase risk of brain stroke), but instead supplement with a whole foods Vitamin C source.
If your vitamin D levels are too low, studies show this can increase the risk of myriad disease, including heart disease, type 1 diabetes, stroke, some cancers, multiple sclerosis and even the flu.
If you have a kid that is sensitive to sugar, he's probably also experiencing more inflammation when he has it, therefore slightly increasing risks of stroke as an adult.
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