Sentences with phrase «risk of an allergic reaction»

The reason for this is, because there is a much lower risk of allergic reactions.
Also, there is a small risk of allergic reaction to citrus in babies under one year of age.
There is, however, a small risk of allergic reaction and allergic contact dermatitis, and the reaction can be severe.
Our dermatologist - developed, non-irritating and hypoallergenic formula was developed to minimize risk of allergic reactions.
Because of the increased risk of allergic reaction, some sources suggest waiting until AT LEAST 12 months before including strawberries in the infant diet.
But Justin isn't alone: About 5 % of school - aged kids have some kind of food allergy, putting them at risk of an allergic reaction at home or, even more dangerously, away from home.
There is some evidence that giving children nuts earlier can help them avoid allergy, but it's important to talk to your doctor about when to introduce foods that have a higher risk of allergic reaction.
Partially - hydrolyzed formulae (pHF) are contra - indicated in the treatment of CMA because of the high content of residual allergen (only 12 - 26 % of cow's milk protein is hydrolyzed in the currently available pHFs) and a definite risk of allergic reactions to these products.
Allergies to soy are fairly common and can result in vomiting, skin irritation and abdominal cramps — people who suffer from hayfever are at a greater risk of an allergic reaction to soy husks.
«Not only are annual boosters for parvo and distemper unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of allergic reactions and immune - mediated hemolytic anemia.
In order to ensure you are getting the most pure and natural product with the lowest risk of allergic reaction, try out any of the above mentioned herbs that work just as well, if not better than brand - name astringents you can find in the store.
None of the patients experienced adverse reactions to the iron nanoparticles, though the FDA has previously noted a small risk of allergic reaction to the nanoparticles» coating.
Since the mom's own fat is used, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal.
This is because by this point his immune system should be developed enough to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
It contains everything you need to keep baby's skin feeling soft and fresh from head to toe, with products that are hypoallergenic and made to minimize the risk of any allergic reaction.
One common concern about using almond milk instead of cow's milk is the risk of an allergic reaction.
By reducing the amount of chemicals your family is exposed to, it will reduce the risk of allergic reactions.
Since this type of filler is biosynthetically produced, the risks of an allergic reaction are minimized.
This makes it a popular choice for babies younger than 6 months of age, for whom the risk of an allergic reaction to foods is deemed higher.
Given that the risk of allergic reaction is low, you may — with your doctor's consent — include well cooked mushrooms in your baby food recipes once your little one is already enjoying a variety of the more usual «first foods» — typically, from around 7 - 8 months of age.
Donor milk offers all the benefits of human milk for these babies who need this valuable source of nutrition to allow them to grow and develop without the risk of allergic reactions to formula proteins that their already compromised gut can't handle.
Donor milk offers all the benefits of human milk for babies who were born prematurely, who need this valuable source of nutrition to allow them to grow and develop without the risk of allergic reactions to formula proteins that their already compromised gut can't handle.
Thankfully, there are formulas that are soy based, or are created for sensitive tummies to help alleviate the risk of allergic reactions.
Traditional teething gels carry the risk of allergic reaction, decreased gag reflex.
It is often recommended that these ingredients are avoided during baby's first year due to the risk of allergic reaction.
Hypoallergenic formulas are specially formulated to reduce an infant's risk of allergic reactions to cow's milk protein.
Currently, the NIAID - supported Immune Tolerance Network is conducting a randomized trial called IMPACT to determine whether peanut OIT can lower the risk of allergic reactions, induce tolerance and change the immune responses of peanut - allergic children aged 12 to 48 months.
The gold standard of prophylactic medication for AMS is acetazolamide, a prescription medication with distressing side effects like tingling and burning sensation (paresthesia), especially in the fingers and toes, and the risk of an allergic reaction.
Essential oils can be so powerful that this is often all that is needed to get the benefits and it reduces the risk of allergic reaction and other problems that can happen when essential oils are used undiluted or taken internally.
I wouldn't put it in the same league as raw honey since the 24.8 % reduction in oily skin took 3 months, and the risk of an allergic reaction is higher than other topical treatments judging by the many testimonials.
There is also a risk of allergic reactions from wasp and bee stings.
All vaccines carry a risk of allergic reaction, so talk to your vet about your pet's lifestyle to determine the benefit - risk ratio.
The Prescription Diet z / d food features hydrolyzed protein and a single carbohydrate source to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
Hypoallergenic dog foods contain far fewer ingredients than traditional dog foods, which reduces the risk of allergic reaction.
Antihistamines are often used when administering antivenin to reduce the risk of allergic reaction but are otherwise of no benefit.
If you do decide to introduce bee pollen into your pet's diet, start with a small amount of pollen to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
Animal blood can be typed and cross matched if repeated transfusions are needed to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
Winter can leave a dog or cat's skin intensely dry, and certain environmental factors may increase the risk of an allergic reaction.
We suggest if you want your dog fully vaccinate give each illness's vaccination one at a time, not in a combo vaccine to reduce the risk of allergic reaction.
Limited Ingredient Diet - Designed to minimize exposure to multiple ingredients to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.
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