Sentences with phrase «risk of burns»

If you don't adhere to the safety guidelines, you may be putting you and your baby at risks of burns.
This duty includes the duty to manufacture and design products that do not pose an unreasonable risk of burn injury to a child.
The plastic container is especially practical because the opening has a little wider plastic ring, allowing you to take it out without effort and without risk of burning your fingers.
A wireless power receiver that exceed these limits will disable the detection of metal objects, potentially making these objects hot with risk of burns.
Focus on strength training When you are in a caloric deficit, which is a must if you want to lose fat, you are at greater risk of burning muscle when training.
These reserves are also the basis to understanding the potential climate risks of burning these fuels.
With lighter materials, there's also less risk of burning the engine out of the machine, as the heat from the engine can more easily escape.
• Use back burners on stove first to reduce risk of burns.
Certain work environments in Massachusetts that are predisposed to a higher risk of burn injuries.
A communications kit found on the group's website disputes the science on the climate risks of burning coal for energy, and proclaims that «CO2 is plant food.»
A 350 °F oven will help make toast for a crowd without much risk of burning (as long as you use a timer and stand by vigilantly!).
«Taking care of the planet is need of the hour,» writes Rashmi Kathuria (@rashkath), who shares tips to tackle climate change such as setting up a school club with activities related to habitat protection, celebrating «Earth Week,» promoting «Earth Hour» (the time to turn off that undesirable power), and an «Anti-Cracker Campaign» (to create awareness for the environmental risks of burning crackers).
This is cold laser therapy, so there is no burning involved, and according to the veterinarian at the rehab center, though risk of burn does exist, one would need to place the laser on the skin for a longer period of time.
Smaller scoop sizes (as suggested in Deb's recipe) might also bake a bit better — since this would allow the inside of the cookie to cook with less risk of burning the bottoms.
The big reason why vaporizers aren't generally recommended for baby nurseries is that they post a high risk of burns.
found on the group's website disputes the science on the climate risks of burning coal for energy, and proclaims that «CO2 is plant food.»
Regina Stewman, who leads a Title I school in Springdale, Arkansas, offers four strategies to retain high - quality teachers in high - needs schools, who are especially at risk of burning out.
Some say an exit interview is the ideal opportunity to be completely honest about your experiences with your employer and offer them critical and constructive feedback, while others argue it's awkward and not worth the risk of burning bridges, as your criticism probably won't inspire any significant changes, anyway.
As an entrepreneur, six hours of great work is better than eight hours of okay work, and you definitely don't want to run the risk of burning out.
While Musk has delayed this goal twice before, it's imperative for Tesla to meet this target or, as the Wall Street Journal reported, it runs the risk of burning through its cash by the end of the year.
Work life balance is not something that startup founders often get and so the risk of burning out is high.
If you're working another full - time job with nobody fully invested, you are running the risk of burning out, acting with less urgency and just not having enough hours in the day to get what you need done.
The complication that arises from any toasting of buns, of course, is that it increases the risk of burning them, even if the equipment is set on a timer.
Second, you need to grind them for like 10 — 15 minutes, which I feel like runs the risk of burning out the motor on you machine.
Higher the milk content, greater the risk of burning, so keep an eye on your chocolate as it melts.
This recipe is pretty easy and goes fast so have everything ready before beginning otherwise you run the risk of burning the spices.
Similar to the sweet potato fries, I bake these chicken fingers on a wire baking rack to ensure they become crispy on all sides without the risk of burning.
And by just I mean like two minutes out of the oven when the risk of burning your fingers is still very real but it's worth it for that very - warm - bordering - on - hot ultra soft cookie experience.
Cakes especially lose moisture when cooked hard and fast, and you also run the risk of burning more delicate ingredients, like an almond - meal crust.
Earlier in the week it was discussed amongst Arsenal fans just how Alexis Sanchez was at risk of burning out ahead of the upcoming season or even worse picking up an injury.
We may all call Alexis Sanchez the «Duracell Bunny», but the fact is that the Arsenal hitman is still human and has the risk of burning out as much as any other Arsenal player.
Sandro can be effective moving up into the attack, but that can't be the only way you can change a game, and you run the risk of burning out the healthy forwards, much the way it looked last year.
Cool - mist humidifiers are usually the recommended solution for baby nurseries, especially because there is no risk of burns when using them.
Steam does kill the bacteria in the water, but there is a risk of burns.
Mama's unique gel - free construction was designed with extra care to help reduce the risk of burns.
The biggest disadvantage with warm - mist models is that there is the risk of burning thanks to the hot water.
Learn how to make granola with this super easy Homemade Granola that relies on a lower baking temperature to avoid the risk of burning — and increases the chances of a completely delicious batch!
Hot water vaporizers are not recommended because of the risk of burns.
Earth Mama's unique gel - free construction was designed with extra care to help reduce the risk of burns.
Despite the risk of burns, many pediatricians prefer old - fashioned, warm - mist vaporizers to the new cool - mist models.
Due to risk of burns, some pediatricians caution against using warm mist units near children.
Using a smaller - model bottle warmer with a wider - than - average bottle could make the bottle more difficult to remove, increasing the risk of burns.
In practice, however, this has not proven to reduce croup severity or the need for additional medical care, according to Zoorob and the hot water brings the risks of burns if your toddler touches it.
House Speaker John Boehner warned President Barack Obama against sweeping action on immigration without congressional approval, saying: «When you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself.»
Instructors or students with jewelry (earrings, nose rings, lip, etc.) in place are prohibited from participating in live fire evolutions to prevent the risk of burns due to heated metals.
As it doesn't emit heat, there's no risk of burning.
And inside or out, if you notice youâ $ ™ ve spilled, wash the area with soap and water immediately to avoid the risk of a burn.
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