Sentences with phrase «risk of cognitive decline»

The results showed that those who drank tea regularly had a lower risk of cognitive decline by 50 percent.
That finding is consistent with other research linking positive relationships to a reduced risk of cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment and dementia.
One study involved women older than age 65 who had cardiovascular disease (and thus a higher risk of cognitive decline related to vascular dementia).
High consumption of omega - 3 fatty acids whether it is through our diet or fish oil supplements, is associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline and dementia in old age.
New data analyses found no association between anthracycline chemotherapy and greater risk of cognitive decline in breast cancer survivors, according to an article published online by JAMA Oncology.
«In conclusion, in this study we could not find evidence to support the claim that anthracycline treatment confers greater risk of cognitive decline for breast cancer survivors,» the study concludes.
There was a decreased risk of cognitive decline among the people who used PPIs regularly, as well as among people who used them occasionally, said the researchers.
Relatively low in sugar and high in fiber, studies have linked regular consumption of blueberries to a reduced risk of cognitive decline as well as better short - term memory.
A 2010 meta - analysis which included nine studies which looked at the effects of coffee / caffeine on different measures of cognitive impairment and / or decline (four studies on Alzheimer's disease; two on dementia or cognitive impairment; three on cognitive decline), found a reduced risk of cognitive decline across different measures of cognitive impairment (mean risk ratio 0.84) with caffeine intake, with moderate heterogeneity14.
Likewise, in a cohort of 648 adults aged 65 years old and living in Portugal, caffeine exposure of more than 62 mg / day (the equivalent of 1 regular cup or more) compared to less than 22 mg / day was associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline in women only18.
In addition, those adults with APOE e4 gene, in which it is linked to a greater risk of Alzheimer's disease, and who also drank tea regularly, had an 86 percent lower risk of cognitive decline.
The researchers found that the participants who practiced more than two languages had a reduced risk of cognitive decline — in fact, up to seven times the protection against cognitive decline as did those who used only two languages.
«Our research shows that brain training can maintain or even improve cognitive skills among older people at very high risk of cognitive decline — and it's an inexpensive and safe treatment,» Dr Lampit said.
Additionally, there have been a few observational studies that discussed an association with diets high in omega - 3's and a decreased risk of cognitive decline, developing Alzheimer's, and dementia.
The researchers cautioned that clinical trials would be needed to confirm whether PPIs were linked to a greater risk of cognitive decline.
The right diet can contribute to lowering your risk of cognitive decline — in particular a diet called the MIND diet, short for «Mediterranean - DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay»
Staying social can be a great way to lower your risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's.
Cases are more prevalent but the risk of cognitive decline shows a surprising drop in some countries
«If we address hearing loss and we treat it well with things like hearing aids and counseling strategies, can we actually reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia?»
Assuming replication of our findings in future studies, adequate communication of the risk of cognitive decline (especially beyond the immediate period after ICH) will represent a critical issue for physicians, their patients who have experienced ICH, and patients» family and caregivers,» the authors conclude.
Also, although this study does show a correlation (note that it does not prove that one causes the other) between blood type and risk of cognitive decline, research has demonstrated that there are many other factors that have shown to be associated with a reduced risk of dementia.
Scientist discovered that drinking tea every day could lower the risk of cognitive decline by 50 percent.
A 2012 study from Harvard University found that at least one serving of blueberries or two servings of strawberries each week may reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.
Research suggests that mental stimulation can improve brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline and related diseases.
While it's important to recognize that diet is frequently associated with other factors that may impact cognition in aging, Fargo says — such as smoking, education levels, and socioeconomic status — he does believe that there is «sufficiently strong evidence to conclude that a healthy diet may reduce the risk of cognitive decline
Previous research has found that having close friendship is associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline and that friendship builds resilience — so keep a close eye out for those people who share not just your interest but your brain chemistry.
Physical activity has been proven to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline, especially cardiovascular exercise which elevates the heart rate and increases oxygenated blood flow to the brain and body.
Having strong social support may cut your risk of cognitive decline, according to several studies.
It also reduces the risk of cognitive decline.
Serum estrogen levels, cognitive performance, and risk of cognitive decline in older community women.
Like blackberries, blueberries may lower the risk of cognitive decline and diseases like Parkinson's.
The results of this and many prior studies confirm that drastically limiting or eliminating refined carbohydrates and sugars significantly lower the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.
Potassium increases the blood flow to the brain, thus reducing the risk of cognitive decline.
Sedentary behavior adversely affects glycemic control in the brain and increases the risk of cognitive decline.
To reduce the risk of cognitive decline later in life, you should avoid heavy drinking, smoking and high caloric diet of saturated fats and simple carbohydrates.
Besides, it can contribute to memory impairment, lower the risk of cognitive decline and help boost overall immunity.
Our own Cognitive Function Test is a valuable tool for individuals to assess their own cognitive function against others of a similar age and provides a personalised nutrition and lifestyle report, identifying areas, such as low levels of B vitamins or low levels of Omega 3 fats that can increase someone's risk of cognitive decline.
The longitudinal study involving 957 Chinese seniors aged 55 years or older has found that regular consumption of tea lowers the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly by 50 per cent, while APOE e4 gene carriers who are genetically at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease may experience a reduction in cognitive impairment risk by as much as 86 per cent.
NUS researchers found that regular consumption of tea brewed from tea leaves reduces elderly persons» risk of cognitive decline.
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