Sentences with phrase «risk of contagion»

He correctly pointed out the systemic nature of the crisis and the serious risk of contagion not just for Europe, but also for the world economy.
While the road may be bumpy for a while longer, we do not believe that global markets are on the cusp of a crisis or at risk of contagion leading to prolonged negative growth.
There is only one form of Valley Fever that carries a very tiny risk of contagion and thankfully it is very rare (your veterinarian can discuss this form with you).
Clarifying whether there's a real risk of contagion starts with a diagnosis of the nature of the steps CalPERS is taking to get healthy, as well as recognition that CalPERS is likely to remain quite active in real estate even following these steps.
Earlier this year it appeared that economic and financial policy officials were finally coming together with an effective approach to addressing the critical debt crisis in the smaller «peripheral» economies of the Eurozone — Greece, Ireland, Portugal — and ring - fencing the other Eurozone economies, particularly Spain, Italy, and Belgium, from the risks of contagion.
Robert C. Merton, the Nobel laureate economist at Harvard and a co-writer of the paper on derivatives with Mr. Draghi, says that in addition to exploring how countries might use derivatives to mitigate their risks, their study examined how markets habitually underestimate the risk of contagion.
In addition, it is likely that lenders did not account for the risk of contagion in housing markets — that weak house price growth would significantly increase the likelihood that borrowers would default.
The risk of contagion from Cyprus to other peripheral countries is contained because of the threat of the ECB's policy response and a better - capitalized banking sector, Barclays says.
Must keep distance for the risk of contagion.
Not only will this delay the child's recovery, it's inconsiderate to other children, parents and teachers in that it needlessly exposes them to the risk of contagion.
Nerves across Europe have been heightened by the chaos in Greece, with analysts trying to assess the risk of contagion if it were to fall out the eurozone.
Such an intertwining of traditional finance with crypto increases the risks of contagion from cryptocurrencies to other assets like stocks and commodities.
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