Sentences with phrase «risk of exploitation»

And with the legal and language barriers, social isolation and employment challenges that immigrants often face, many are also at risk of exploitation and human trafficking.
Human trafficking, particularly sex trafficking, has become a particular point of emphasis in the child welfare field due to the high risk of exploitation for children and youth involved in child welfare.
Where a wireless service provider may not have then provided the software updates to all customers, this policy is intended to protect those customers from increased risk of exploitation.
It is a sad fact of life that vulnerable adults living in the community are at risk of exploitation.
There is a real risk of exploitation or of giving advice the person wants to hear, not advice that they do not want to hear.»
In eight London boroughs, at least 5 % of workers earn at or below the minimum wage, leaving one in 20 workers at risk of exploitation, the report from Centre for London and Trust for London said.
They are at very high risk of exploitation and abuse...»
It's failing prostitutes, particularly wanting to come out of prostitution who're at risk of exploitation... and also failing the general public.
Three years later and a report by the chief inspector of borders and immigration has detailed concerns from a number of migrant organisations about the policy leading to increased homelessness and the risk of exploitation.
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has warned that falling numbers of school nurses may be putting vulnerable children at risk of exploitation and abuse.
Good quality PSHE can provide them with the information they need to stay safe and build resilience against the risks of exploitation or radicalisation.
Children in developing countries are at risk of exploitation, and in my experience sex offenders think they are less likely to be caught, hence the attraction.
They're classified as optional, however, because «differences in AMD architecture mean there is a near zero risk of exploitation» of the Spectre variant that requires firmware updates.
«The configuration of cloud - based storage by enterprises to allow public or semi-public access is by now an all - too - common story, a move that needlessly exposes sensitive customer data to the risk of exploitation,» UpGuard said in a blog post this week.
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