Sentences with phrase «risk of losing lean»

When you hit 40, you are at a high - level risk of losing lean muscle mass and the decreasing of metabolism.
Protein helps to burn more fat without risk of losing lean muscle mass.
This is when you are at risk of losing lean body mass during dieting (commonly referred to as «starvation mode»).

Not exact matches

The LibDem leader knows that he can't rule out a coalition with Labour or he'll risk losing a large number of his left - leaning voters.
If you're cutting the number of calories you take in, you're at risk of using that lean muscle tissue and losing some of the gains you've made.
There is another issue that isn't often discussed and that is if you only do cardio exercise and no resistance training then you are at risk of not only burning off fat but also losing lean muscle.
Similarly, people who are leaner or just have less weight to lose are at a higher risk of losing muscle.
So perhaps it's worried it might risk losing this chunk of elite business in the US if American Facebook users have to give explicit consent to their political leanings being fair game for ad targeting purposes.
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