Sentences with phrase «risk of skin cancer»

But this treatment does come with a modest increased risk of skin cancer.
There is ongoing debate surrounding allergic diseases and their impact on the likelihood of developing cancer, with some studies suggesting that eczema is associated with a reduced risk of skin cancer.
People with blue or green eyes or blonde or red hair also have a higher risk of skin cancer than people with darker eyes and hair.
There's a dangerous myth that people of color are not at risk of skin cancer.
It doesn't take much sun to get the vitamin D the body needs, however, and too much sun still poses a dangerous risk of skin cancer, the authors note.
The strength of the association between smoking and lung cancer is even stronger, with smokers being 35 percent more likely than non-smokers to get lung cancer, but in terms of epidemiology, the 16 percent increased risk of skin cancer in ever - users of UV tanning remains strong.
It can be painful and dangerous to expose your new baby to too much sun with dangers of sunburn, overheating or even increased risk of skin cancer later on in life.
But the raised risk of skin cancers from the extra ultraviolet radiation streaming through the thinned ozone layer is real enough, particularly for reckless white - skinned sunbathers.
For example, light - skinned people are at a significantly greater risk of skin cancer, sunburn and other concerns when exposed to high ultraviolet rays, as opposed to longtime residents whose skin has adapted appropriately through evolution.
Babies can get sunburned after just a few minutes in the sun and studies have shown that sun exposure during childhood is related to future risk of skin cancer, so it's important to protect your baby when playing outside.
«Newborns» delicate skin burns easily, and that kind of early skin damage can increase their lifelong risk of skin cancer,» says Hansen says.
«Exposure to UV radiation can be extremely harmful, particularly for younger people, and this new law will help protect teenagers from the heightened risk of skin cancer that can come from using indoor tanning devices,» Governor Cuomo said.
«Young indoor tanning increases early risk of skin cancer
People with the movement disorder Parkinson's disease have a much higher risk of the skin cancer melanoma, and vice versa, a Mayo Clinic study finds.
Experts have long wondered why many people tan regularly despite the known risk of skin cancer.
Those warnings will state tanners face an amplified risk of skin cancer that increases with repeated sunlamp use, and the devices should not be used by individuals with open wounds or a family history of skin cancer.
Progressively increase your time in the sun so that in a few weeks, you will be able to have normal sun exposure with little risk of skin cancer.
Exposure to the sun is a pertinent issue for schools as 40 % of UK school children have arrived home with sunburn; increasing a child's risk of skin cancer later in life.
He built an app that allows people at risk of skin cancer to track their moles and share data with researchers and clinicians.
SUN SHIELD Although sunburn is uncommon in most hounds, and there's no conclusive evidence to suggest that dogs frequently exposed to the sun are at higher risk of skin cancer than those that aren't, it never hurts to take precautions such as applying sunscreen on Fido.
It not only darkens the skin, but also increases risk of skin cancer.
Sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher may claim to protect against sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer and early aging from sun exposure.
To minimize your risk of skin cancer, the Academy recommends that everyone Be Sun Smart ®:
«Tanning is never good for you — it increases the risk of skin cancer and early aging.
With an abundance of conflicting information out it's easy to be confused about the best way to prevent sunburn - and the risk of skin cancer - some sunscreen facts to help you make sense of it all:
Exposure to UV rays during an infant's first 6 months (when their skin is most vulnerable), increases the risk of skin cancer later in life.
Doctors think that sun exposure early in life increases the risk of skin cancers, and less protective skin of babies may be part of the reason.
Babies» skin is extra thin and delicate, and every minute of sun contributes to the risk of skin cancer and wrinkling later in life — even if the skin doesn't burn.
But be careful not to let your baby burn as it will increase their risk of skin cancer in later life.
Babies under 6 months have a greater risk of skin irritation when using sunscreen, but the risk of skin cancer later in life outweighs potential irritation.
Spending time in the sun increases your risk of skin cancer and early skin aging.
If used as directed with other sun protection measures (see Directions), decreases the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging caused by the sun.
State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker said using indoor tanning raises the risk of skin cancer and can prematurely age skin as well as potentially burn skin and injure customers» eyes.
«Regular use of sunscreen can cut the risk of skin cancer in half,» Stringer said.
Just a few nail drying sessions under the highest output UV bulbs used in some salons could age the skin and bump up the risk of skin cancer.
Indoor tanning increases the risk of skin cancer, especially among frequent users who started tanning at a young age, according to the study background.
«Our bodies will naturally produce vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight, however, we don't recommend excessive exposure to sun due to the risk of skin cancer,» Dr. Thacher added.
Soldiers who served in the glaring desert sunlight of Iraq and Afghanistan returned home with an increased risk of skin cancer, due not only to the desert climate, but also a lack of sun protection, Vanderbilt dermatologist Jennifer Powers, M.D., reports in a study published recently in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
Moreover, only 23 percent of veterans indicated the military had made them very aware of the risks of skin cancer.
Certain other drugs contain «hydrochlor,» which is not chemically related to hydrochlorothiazide and does not increase the risk of skin cancer.
«We knew that hydrochlorothiazide made the skin more vulnerable to damage from the sun's UV rays, but what is new and also surprising is that long - term use of this blood pressure medicine leads to such a significant increase in the risk of skin cancer,» says Anton Pottegård, Associate Professor, PhD, from the University of Southern Denmark, who is the initiator of the study.
The risk of skin cancer increases the more hydrochlorothiazide you have taken throughout your lifetime, and the risk of squamous cell carcinoma was up to seven times greater for people who had taken hydrochlorothiazide in an amount corresponding to > 10 years» use.
«The risk of skin cancer must, of course, be weighed against the fact that hydrochlorothiazide is an effective and otherwise safe treatment for most patients.
This means that hydrochlorothiazide enhances the harmful effects of sunlight in the skin and lips, and this can increase the risk of skin cancer.

Phrases with «risk of skin cancer»

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