Sentences with phrase «risk of tumbling»

These higher forecasted returns are due partly to higher current dividend yields, but also to less risk of a tumbling CAPE ratio in the years ahead, paired with expectations of currency appreciation in countries with recently depressed currencies.
But lots of historic villages along the coast are at risk of tumbling into the sea.

Not exact matches

Finally, Trump does not want to risk a war, Kapchan highlighted, where markets would tumble and the risk of terrorism would rise.
Each leg of Wednesday's transaction, which sent Canadian bond futures tumbling, represented about $ 820,000 of risk per basis point.
Murray Goulburn risks losing its mantle as the nation's biggest milk processor this year, forcing it to slash costs as its revenue tumbles amid an exodus of farmers.
This cute smaller - sized dome climber is just the right height for toddlers to scramble up without running the risk of taking too much of a tumble if they happen to lose their footing.
Wear low - heeled shoes to reduce your risk of taking a tumble; trauma to your abdomen could be dangerous for you and your baby.
Likewise, their risk of disease progression tumbles by 50 to 60 per cent.
Educators must also provide proper instruction in the use of equipment and supervision whenever students engage in activities with heightened risks of injuries such as tumbling exercises and contact sports.
I have a long way to go in retirement (God willing) but I am worried about sequence of return risk, especially now that the market is taking a tumble.
USD JPY Tumbles as Return of Risk Aversion Rocks the Markets The USD JPY reversed its four day rally as traders sought safety in lower yielding assets following an announcement by President Obama to curb trading at financial institutions.
It means that however inspired or skilled a given creative work, if it contains obvious symmetries or patterns it risks tumbling into that lesser category of mere decoration — a perception which, in light of the many radical changes that Art has undergone in the past century or so, is beginning to look patently absurd.»
So That's What Happened to UARS An old stalwart of NASA's Earth - observing fleet, the six - ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), came tumbling through the atmosphere in an uncontrolled reentry in late - September that generated a slew of headlines about the risks of being struck by falling space junk.
Combined with a portfolio of stocks and bonds, real estate can help boost returns and cash flow while spreading risk over another asset class so your nest egg doesn't tumble with the next stock market crash.
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