Sentences with phrase «risk of vaccines»

And limiting vaccines will go a long way to limiting your dog's risk of vaccine damage.
These groups have evaluated the benefits versus risks of the vaccines currently available on the market.
Dog owners should discuss the benefits and risks of vaccines with their dog's veterinarian.
Vaccination programs should consider both the benefits and the inherent risks of each vaccine given to companion animals.
«In the same way, detecting these early warning signals in social media data and Google search data can tell us whether a population is at increased risk of a vaccine scare, potentially years ahead of when it might actually happen.
Other risks of vaccines are mainly mild adverse reactions such as mild fever, dimished appetite, discomfort at vaccination site, or more serious, an allergic reaction.
The benefits of vaccination are usually considered to far outweigh the relatively small risk of vaccine - related adverse effects.
At the present time, the best approach to deciding how frequently to vaccinate is to evaluate the potential risks to the patient of the virus and then the potential risks of the vaccine and then to balance those against the need for protection.
These provide information about the benefits and risks of each vaccine and are a great resource.
«Physicians should help educate patients and parents about the risks of vaccine preventable diseases and the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
As the number of exemptions increases, the risk of vaccine - preventable disease has been found to increase.
Once finding this out, I also wanted to determine the risks of the vaccine in comparison to the risks of simply contracting the flu.
With ruthless precision, Dr. Offit unpacks the science (or apparent lack thereof) behind the supplement industry, the vitamin craze, chiropractors, the risks of vaccines (apparently none), the treatment of Chronic Lyme (a disease he says doesn't exist), the madness of alternative cancer cures (which don't work), and the tragedy of treatments aimed at desperate parents whose kids are autistic (which also don't work).
In more recent years, there has been various pet articles and opinions questioning the need for vaccinations as well as the risk of vaccines.
Rabies vaccines are safe and there is no risk of the vaccine causing rabies.
We use the top of the line vaccine brands that offer the best protection while decreasing the risk of a vaccine reaction.
Why expose pets to the risks of a vaccine — however small those risks might be — if the pet is already immune to the diseases the vaccine is intended to prevent?
«Most pet owners are ill informed about the risk of disease in their pets versus the risk of the vaccine.
A pet guardian must make a well - informed decision on the benefits and risks of any vaccine.
It is imperative that veterinarians educate their clients concerning the associated risks of vaccines.
Our logic is that most studies show that cats have a strong natural resistance to feline leukemia after they are about 18 months old, so vaccination doesn't seem warranted given the risk of vaccine associated sarcoma (cancer) in cats and the low risk of acquiring the infection as an adult.
Not all vaccines have adjuvants in them, and by choosing to use non-adjuvanted vaccines, the risk of vaccine - associated sarcomas is greatly reduced.
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