Sentences with phrase «risk potential»

Many insurance companies use blood and urine tests to determine the level of risk a potential life insurance policyholder might pose.
According to the regulator's findings, loot boxes have moderate to high risk potential for addiction.
Be prepared with enhanced knowledge of the legal and business risk your potential client faces.
For those who are more interested in maximizing their returns and do not mind risking potential losses, taxable investments can be very appropriate for their IRAs.
A One is that having too much credit available to you puts you at a higher risk potential than someone who has less credit available to them.
Many insurance companies use blood and urine tests to determine the level of risk a potential life insurance policyholder might pose.
Are you looking for a safe way to get the younger members of your family involved with your new baby without risking any potential harm to any of them?
Each factor is analyzed through a statistically based risk potential.
As I plan to invest for the next twenty to thirty years I'm willing to risk potential short term issues for long term slow growth and yield.
Babies who spend a day or longer in one diaper risk potential health problems, such as skin rashes and infections.
They often don't want to come right out about it on their dating profile or even on the first date, risking potential rejection.
As a new author, risking the potential reward is what entrepreneurship is all about.
So what can you do if you don't want to risk the potential negative effects that might result from accepting your student loan refund?
Thinking now about what you can / should be doing about those possible outcomes, is an excellent way to communicate risk potential to management.
The classification of companies into different caps also allows investors to gauge the growth versus risk potential.
However, though I enjoy the generous sign - up bonuses some cards offer, I'm not willing to risk the potential consequences of quickly opening and closing accounts.
Experts will teach you how to appeal to the real risks your potential clients are facing.
For the Romanian deadlifts, performing repetitions to failure makes no sense and would risk a potential injury.
Known as a «hard inquiry,» the process empowers credit issuers to review details about a potential customer's other credit accounts, the balances on them, and payment history, to determine how much risk a potential customer presents if they are offered a line of credit.
For example, during the first flare - up of the European sovereign crisis back in 2011 (when Greece really did hold systemic risk potential) and when U.S. political discord led to significant fiscal tightening, the Fed offset both of these with even greater policy accommodation.
It would kill me to risk the potential gap on the Monday open, and I would be happy to go with a profit on (or just before) the market close.
More on Geoengineering Geoengineering to Stop Climate Change: The Effective, the Risky and the Useless Outlined in New Research Paper Geoengineering Risk Potential Not An Excuse for Inaction, Scientist Says Does Geoengineering Need a Dose of Geo - Ethics?
Anti-Science Environmentalism: Iron Seeding Experiment Protested... Again Geoengineering Risk Potential Not An Excuse for Inaction, Scientist Says Does Morality Matter in Saving the Planet?
«The scientific data currently known to us does not give a clear picture of the effect of nitrogen oxide in environmental concentrations on people and no completely validated statements can be made about the actual risk potential.»)
«The fire risk potential is quite high, particularly in Central and Southern California, where either the hope for El Nino rains didn't really come but there were enough rains to cause more brush to grow and chaparral to grow,» said Mark Bove, a senior research meteorologist for Munich Reinsurance America.
The kids are missing out on important lessons learned by their parents, while the parents are risking potential confusion over family wealth and elder - care issues that arise as they age.»
With just nine days to go before the first leg at the Pirates Beach in Mombasa, the team risks potential elimination without even kicking a ball.
Furthermore, curtailing the autonomy of SGOs risks potential support for tax - credit scholarships by undermining many donors» motivation to give: a shared mission.
There are some things I'll never be able to do for him, or we'll risk potential fans connecting with me, and not really getting to know the person behind the stories.
Of course, there's risk involved in all business, and they're likely to not find the exact sweet spot — but to not even consider the impact of pricing and net readership would not be good business, and it would be functional risk as well, risking potential profits.
The risk reward ratio for Equity Strategies can be quite good in business development investing, but most of the investments seem to involve a high «beta», that is big risk potential, big reward potential.
Currency trading offers large profit potential, but includes also large risk potential.
This would, in most cases, include not breeding too closely so as to risk potential concentration of genes that might predispose to disease of any sort.
I personally would rather treat my dog for Lyme disease rather than risking the potential side effects of the vaccine.
But with the failure of the PSPGo, it's hard to tell if Sony is willing to risk another potential handheld failure.
The report examines the cases of individual MEPs who risk potential conflicts of interest.
«In highly vulnerable areas, such as the Mission Creek watershed, pre-fire analysis of post-fire risk is warranted,» the team wrote in the final report of their study, titled Post-fire Sedimentation and Flood Risk Potential in the Mission Creek Watershed of Santa Barbara.
New eDOCS integration with Aderant CompuLaw abates risk potential and streamlines workflow for docketing teams.
Motorcyclists must drive defensively, or risk a potential crash.
In the real world, trying to «fake it to make it» in an unfamiliar area of law is unfair to the client, dangerous to the lawyer's reputation, and risks a potential legal malpractice claim.
Construction workers, electricians, chefs, and other workers risk the potential for burn injuries on a regular ⏤ if not daily ⏤ basis.
Without it, you're risking potential financial losses if your personal belongings are damaged in a fire or stolen in a burglary.
It will not just help them maximize the potential of every worthy player on the team, but also save a great deal of money from being lost on injured or heavy risk potential players.
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