Sentences with phrase «risk road users»

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Within these vulnerable road user groups Britain has a higher level of deaths per head — at 13 per million people — than Sweden and the Netherlands, despite no evidence of higher activity or exposure to risk.
«The risk of complacency also extends to other road users who will interact with CAVs, such as pedestrians and cyclists,» the report says.
The problem is Mike if autonmous cars reach acceptance by the majority and are seen as safer mode of transport, then we «drivers» could be seen as a risk factor that needs to be removed for the general good of all road users.
In addition, innovative solutions in the area of pedestrian protection are also being developed for future MINI models, helping to reduce the risk of injury for other road users.
This helps occupants to locate road users approaching the car from behind before they open the door, reducing the risk of collision.
If you're a heavy credit card user, or thinking about applying for a new card, it's important to make sure you aren't putting yourself at risk for credit problems down the road.
Young drivers are less experienced than older road users, bringing them into a higher risk category with insurers.
«We assessed the additional benefits from physical activity and additional risks due to incremental inhalation of air pollution and increased exposure of new cyclists to road traffic incidents compared with previous exposures as car users,» according to the study research document at BMJ.
Again in the example of seatbelts, much of the new risk was not borne by the drivers concerned, but by back seat passengers and other road users including pedestrians.
This ordinance will implement safety protections allowing drivers of large trucks to see in the areas in front of them where children and cyclists are invisible to the driver, and also to be able to see the sides better reducing the risk of incident involving cyclists, making Boston a safer place for all road users.
When large truck accidents occur due to unnecessary or known risks, other involved road users may have legal recourse.
An exhausted driver who chooses to hit the road is not only putting his / her own life at risk but also the lives of other road users.
This is generally quite easy to satisfy in the context of road accidents as all road users are expected not to put others at risk of injury.
Cyclists are vulnerable when using Scotland's roads: while you may wear a helmet and the requisite protective gear, the risk of suffering injury is as a matter of fact significantly higher for you if you come into contact with another road user.
Riding within your legal limits both reduces your risk of injury and promotes a culture of trust and respect between road users.
The risks to road users caused by distracted driving have been tragically highlighted in a recent case reported in the media.
We feel that HGV's by their very size present a higher risk to other road users and are especially unsuitable vehicles to allow around schools.
As noted above, for a road to be in a state of non-repair, it must present a hazard that poses an unreasonable risk of harm to ordinary, non-negligent users of the road in the circumstances.
Rather, a municipality will only be held liable for failing to clear the road of snow or ice where it had «actual or constructive knowledge that road conditions created an unreasonable risk of harm to users of the highway».9
This can be possible by practicing defensive driving skills and by being completely aware of the possible risks of incompetent and irresponsible driving to road users.
These driving activities will pose a greater risk of meeting an accident with the other road users.
This not only puts the driver at risk but it also endangers their passengers and other road users.
Learning safe driving principles reduces the risk to yourself and to other road users.
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