Sentences with phrase «risks for pets»

Increased temperatures associated with summer create a variety of health risks for pets.
Leaving the dog outside all day, whether at work or away overnight, eliminates one risk for the pet while introducing others.
But, higher temperatures mean higher risks for your pet!
Along with gardening come plant pests and certain risks for pets.
While these are all fun things for us, each of these can pose dangerous risks for your pets.
However, many pet owners don't realize that when the temperatures drop, the unexpected risks for pets rise.
Even rib bones pose a choking risk for your pet.
If you're not all on the same page, clients are more likely to receive mixed messages — a paramount risk for pets.
Remember: All pets are at risk for pet flipping even though dogs may be popular among criminals looking to make a quick buck.
Not only are parasites such as fleas and ticks a nuisance, they can pose a real health risk for pets and their owners.
Rising temperatures mean rising health and safety risks for our pets.
These specialists are experts in anesthetic management and can minimize risk for your pet because of extensive experience and education in anesthesiology.
«In addition, limited - ingredient diets can sometimes offer less risk for pets with food allergies or food sensitivity.
The combination of pre-anesthetic assessment of your pet (including blood work), use of modern anesthetic agents, and the latest anesthetic monitoring equipment means that anesthesia is generally considered to be a very low risk for your pet.
Our veterinarians have a special interest in Superior Charter Township, MI pet care and can help you mitigate health risks for your pet by ensuring that preventative health care is a part of your pet's regular veterinary care.
This way we can assure the lowest possible anesthetic risk for your pet.
As with many parasitic worms, blood loss is a serious risk for pets infected with heartworm.
The study «identified a potential health risk for the pets eating the raw food and for the owners handling the product,» said Dr. Renate Reimschuessel, a veterinarian at CVM's office of research and one of the study's principal investigators.
There are some that claim anesthesia is an unnecessary risk for pets and the dental procedures can be performed effectively with light sedation (anesthesia - free dentistry).
April showers bring May flowers — and a host of warm - weather risks for pets.
Here, we'll give you the info you need to know about dog cataract surgery, the associated costs and how you may proactively reduce your financial risk for pet vet procedures.
In it, a pair of experts in the field of diseases transmitted between animals and human say there are some but small risks for pet owners who let their dogs sleep in bed with them.
You acknowledge and agree that you are not relying, and will at no time rely, on any Released Party to provide you with medical advice of any kind (including advice pertaining to your use of the holistic pet health information), or to advise you of the medical risks for your pet associated with your use of the holistic pet health information.
Tinsel can pose a serious health risk for your pet if eaten.
Pain relief and stress reduction prior to anesthesia mean that lower doses of all anesthetic drugs are used, and this minimizes risk for your pet.
The combination of pre-anesthetic assessment of your pet (including blood work), use of modern anesthetic agents plus the latest anesthetic monitoring equipment means that anesthesia is generally considered to be a very low risk for your pet.
Our Ypsilanti veterinarians have a special interest in Pittsfield Charter Township, MI pet care and can help you mitigate health risks for your pet by ensuring that preventative health care is a part of your pet's regular veterinary care.
On Solid Ground No matter what you choose for containment while pets are in your care, spend time selecting the footing, as this is an area of high risk for pets.
Pre-surgical blood work can reveal hidden disease processes that could pose an anesthetic risk for your pet.
While they're sure signs that Easter is on its way, fresh flowers and baskets full of pastel - colored candy also represent potential health risks for your pets!
Although fall can bring beautiful scenery, holiday fun, and tons of good food it can also bring some risks for pets.
In addition to the risks for pets, humans with certain health conditions may be subjected to mold allergy symptoms by handling the contaminated product.
In addition to the risks for pets, humans may also be subjected to Salmonella poisoning by handling the contaminated pet product.
A risk for pet parents is the potential to be knocked down by a running dog, and since dogs are off leash, there is also risk of fights.
We make every effort to reduce the risk for your pet.
Meats, bones, fat (cheese, animal skin, desserts, nuts, etc), fruit (grapes, raisins, etc), vegetables (onion, chives, etc), salt, sugar, spices, chocolate, alcohol, and other ingredients all harbor health risks for pets.
Summertime heat increases the risk for pet hyperthermia (elevation in body temperature above the normal 100 - 102.5 ºF range).
Aspiration is also a risk for pets during seizures.
Any pet that is put under anesthesia in our hospital is thoroughly examined first, and we will talk to you about anything we find that could cause a risk for your pet while under anesthesia.
Sodium in excess also can be a risk for pets, often leading to frequent urination and dehydration.
Anesthesia is always considered a risk, but at Quail Creek Veterinary Clinic we do everything we can to minimize the risk for your pet:
The best way to reduce the risk for your pets is to simply keep your bird inside of the cage while the dog is around.
However, the potential for complications still exists, and the best way to minimize the risk for your pet is to have a complete pre-surgical evaluation performed before the procedure.
Of course if something is seen as a cancer risk in humans you can use common sense and assume that that may also be a risk for your pets.
Heartworms can be extremely contagious and present a variety of health risks for all pets, especially dogs.
In addition to the risks for pet, humans can also be subject to Salmonella by handling the contaminated pet product.
In addition to the risks for pets, humans can also be subject to Salmonella poisoning by handling the contaminated pet product.
Anesthesia occurs in several steps, with opportunities at each step to minimize risks for your pet.
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