Sentences with phrase «risks ridicule»

Does he defeat that ancient movie curse which risks ridicule when giant fantasy creatures start talking?
When we speak publicly on «the larger issues of life» simply because of the feeling of power such action provides, we risk ridicule.
Why did he feel compelled to look silly and risk ridicule?
Sharing your interests with another person means risking ridicule or disinterest, both of which are hard to deal with.
They will learn to divest themselves of such lines as «The loss of liberty is the price we pay for freedom» while defending Stalinism, for to criticize Stalin would be just boring, while defending him without the tools of rhetorical paradox would risk ridicule.
Hopefully this educator is taking this stance and willingly risking ridicule and derision in order to serve as an example of the very type of authority young people should question.
It seems that RIM has also risked the ridicule of anyone who carries a soldering gun.

Not exact matches

Bottom line: He didn't want to risk losing to a woman because his teammates and friends would ridicule him incessantly.
Later, as I went on to be ordained and serve in pastorates, I was faithful in teaching youth and especially confirmands the risks of faith, and the possibilities of facing ridicule or wen death for their faith.
or do you try and make excuses (risk social isolation or ridicule).
If a compromising image of your teen goes public or gets sent to others, your teen could be at risk of humiliation, embarrassment, and public ridicule.
«Heaping ridicule on health and safety misses the point and sends out the dangerous message that regulations are all about petty bureaucracy rather than ensuring real risks are addressed.
But the unpaid role risks opening Mr Hughes to ridicule, coming less than three weeks after he threatened to vote against the policy he will now be promoting.
If Folkman is a prototype of the multidisciplinary, problem - finding mind, his example suggests the personality traits that promote creative clinical investigation: curiosity and exposure to areas of medicine outside his own specialty, radical thinking, an ability to take a risk, the capacity to persevere despite ridicule and failure, exceptionally high energy, and the ability to inspire and collaborate with colleagues.
But underneath the calm exterior lurk unruly instincts and urges that are struggling to escape, putting you at risk of embarrassment or ridicule.
Honestly, though I like to take risks sometimes, I prefer not to give myself or some friends more reason to ridicule my choices when it comes to styling.
Not willing to take the risk of getting ridiculed by someone without my condition, I joined positivesingles (review) I eventually found someone that really could relate with my situation.
A striking attempt to tell an exotic story in a down - to - earth environment that deserves praise for its singularity of vision, even as it runs the risk of ridicule.
At their arraignment they denied that they had put the firefighters at risk, demanded to be set free, and ridiculed the conditions of their release on bail.
How will students take a risk to read out loud, try a new skill, or volunteer to try something they have never done before if they feel they will be ridiculed, or lose face by taking the risk
Reflecting back on the change - maker expedition, ASCEND fifth grader Iris says she learned a lot about the importance of taking risks and persevering despite ridicule and setbacks.
Adults, as well as students, are reluctant to take risks or make mistakes for fear of ridicule or censure.
«There's a concern that if it turns out that CO2 is not a major cause of climate change, NASA will have put the reputation of NASA, NASA's current and former employees, and even the very reputation of science itself at risk of public ridicule and distrust.»
In April 2012, Minchin ridiculed the notion that human - caused climate change was a risk, writing in a column that «despite the hype» the ice at the world's poles was not melting and that «our cities aren't being submerged.»
Ok, you've caricatured my point to ridicule it by conflating risk assessment and production.
At the risk of further ridicule in kooky blogs in England, where global warming alarmism is now a religion, that sounds pretty good to me.
As a member of the millennial generation so often ridiculed for our peculiar naiveté, doe - eyed innocence, and seemingly constant need for feedback and (gasp) upward mobility, I found myself pondering the risks of making a career change only one year out from school.
I think the appeal of censorship befits you, being that you snipe from the safety of the sidelines of anonymity from well behind mommy's skirt, attacking the credibilty of a known other by simply attacking that others» views / person without the risk of exposing yourself to personal ridicule.
While many locals ridiculed the decision, the risk paid off.
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