Sentences with phrase «risks someone assume»

Most automobile loans for individuals with bad credit will range from 12 % to 24 % due to the higher level of risk assumed by the lender.
Our bet focused on returns, casting aside the degree of risk assumed in earning those returns.
This difference, which is called the «equity premium», reflects the higher amount of risk assumed when owning stocks.
In general, the more risk you assume with your policy, the lower your premiums shall be.
Interest rates on home loans are based on risk assumed by the bank to finance the loan.
As a general rule, the more risk you assume, the more you stand to gain.
Auto insurance companies consider a broad range of factors to determine how much risk they assume by insuring a driver.
Typically, you will have to pay higher interest rates because of the higher risks assumed by the creditor although you need not present any personal and / or real property as collateral.
This means there is very little long - term principal risk assuming you are actually holding the instrument across its average effective maturity.
Thus, the business risks you assume are big ones, although most investors think a cheap valuation makes up for it.
Vehicle make and model and the address where it is parked at night give the insurer a picture of what is being insured and the inherent theft risk it assumes based on its location.
This only serves to increase the level of risk assumed.
Interest rates on home loans are based on risk assumed by the bank to finance the loan.
The difference between active and passive activities has to do with how much risk you assume and the level of personal involvement you have, he said.
The higher your deductible, the more risk you assume, the lower your monthly premium should be.
Reasonableness would be determined by looking at contributions to the business, as well as risks assumed and previous returns and remuneration paid to the individual.
Rates are based on the inherit risk assumed by the lender to finance the loan.
To compensate convertible note holders for the additional risk assumed with investing at an early stage, most convertible notes feature a conversion price below that of the subsequent financing round through the use of a valuation cap or a discount on the purchase price.
While Chinese policy has gradually shifted since its late recognition of the National Transitional Council of Libya, China still prefers to support incumbent regimes rather than risk assuming responsibility in the case of chaotic political transitions.
Given the ability to explain 95 % of a portfolio's return versus the market as a whole, investors can construct a portfolio in which they receive an average expected return according to the relative risks they assume in their portfolios.
Regardless of the potential risks assumed by motorcyclists by their choice of vehicle alone, motorcyclists who choose to operate a motorcycle after drinking cause the risk of injury to skyrocket.
This analysis requires courts to consider the following factors: (a) control, (b) ownership of the tools, and (c) opportunities for profit from performance of the tasks and degree of financial risk assumed.
Other factors that can influence a bank's decision include the liability risk it assumes by owning the property after foreclosures, the money tied up during the holding period for a foreclosure and REO resale, additional costs associated with an REO such as attorneys» fees, and the additional reserves it will need if REOs rise in the bank's portfolio.
Reasonableness would be determined by looking at contributions to the business, as well as risks assumed and previous returns and remuneration paid to the individual.
The amount of risk you assume should have nothing to do with your age.
A bond rating is a grade applied to a bond issuance clearly specifying the quality and level of risk assumed by a bond purchaser.
While the proposed rule encourages financial institutions to measure their businesses based on the risks they assume and use those measurements in their compensation, they should mandate it instead.
So in addition to the risk you assume with the fund's primary custodian, you're now exposed to even more risk because it has added another counterparty.
A fee included in some annuity contracts that compensates the insurer for the risks it assumes in issuing the contract, such as the cost of death benefits, expenses of other insured income guarantees, and administrative costs.
The bank has previously stressed that its fees were commensurate with the risk it assumed and that it did proper due diligence on 1MDB.
The bank has previously said that the fees for the bond deals were commensurate with the risk it assumed and that it did proper due diligence on 1MDB.
Also, the reward to the entrepreneur for the risks he assumed in the establishment, operation, and management of a given enterprise or undertaking.
This engagement, this risk assumed by the witness, reflects on testimony itself which, in turn, signifies something other than a simple narration of things seen.
The commitment or risk assumed by the witness makes testimony more than and other than a simple narration of what was seen.
It turns out that the longer you hold your stocks, the more you can reduce the risk you assume from investing in common stocks.
Many lending companies may argue that because no collateral is offered to secure a loan, they are justified to charge high interest to cover the risk they assume.
We only invest when we are compensated for the risk assumed.
Finally, if one measure of skill is, as we believe, whether the manager delivered returns that were greater than the risks assumed to produce those returns, then it would be paramount to examine the risks of the manager's portfolio as compared to the risks inherent in the index.
A fee included in some annuity contracts that compensates the insurer for the risks it assumes in issuing the contract, such as the cost of death benefits, expenses of other insured income guarantees, and administrative costs.
The Secret Society is the domain of investors that have figured out how to make returns in excess of the risks they assume and includes the realm of hedge funds, private equity funds and actively managed investments.
Not much, but you do need to be aware that interest rates do tend to be slightly higher, primarily due to the risk assumed by the lender.
We ensure that credit risk is priced appropriately and that our client portfolios are compensated for the risks they assume.
Each individual entity contributes monetarily (premiums) to cover the risk assumed by the insurance company.
The real yield is comprised of the compensation that an investor requires for the risk assumed in lending his money, the investor's estimate of prospective inflation and some compensation for the risk of being wrong.
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