Sentences with phrase «risky clients»

As a rule, loan providers are unwilling to deal with risky clients with no credit or financial record.
Credit reference bureaus gather information to help them reach the score, which can help lenders avoid risky clients.
And given the rickety state of some of Palmdale's highways — some people have even taken to calling State Route 138 «Blood Alley» — insurers could view Palmdale drivers as riskier clients than average Californians.
She says this may somehow help the cleaner avoid injury from risky clients.
Stiller (Duplex, Zoolander) plays Reuben Feffer, working for a life insurance agency whose primary job is to address how much risky their clients are to insure.
Private lenders, on the other hand, choose to work with very risky clients who could easily default the mortgage.
A lender whose loan portfolio has a high concentration of risky clients may require you to have a higher score to qualify for a prime interest rate than a lender with relatively lower risk in its portfolio.
At his LawMarketing Blog, Larry Bodine reports that a new study by Redwood Analytics sheds light on how to identify risky clients — not the clients who pose risks when they first walk in your door but the clients who are at risk of walking out the door.
Some card companies are steadily analyzing customer accounts and dropping credit limits for the riskier clients, those who have been late with payments or have other debt.
Lenders of bad credit mortgages also require much higher down payment because they're dealing with a risky client.
You again become a riskier client, and your auto insurer will adjust your policy rates to reduce the risk they are taking in insuring you.
Your FICO score of 756 means lenders don't consider you to be a risky client.
As we mentioned earlier, not all life insurance companies use the same height to weight ratios to determine premiums, therefore, if one life insurance company considers you as a risky client and offers you high rates, it does not necessarily mean that the other company will also see you the same way.
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